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Dr. Ramadas Narayanan

PhD Mechanical Engineering (UniSA), Grad Cert Tertiary Teaching (Curtin), Grad Cert Research Commercialisation (UniSA)
Senior Lecturer - Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology
Institute for Future Farming Systems, Clean Energy Academy
(07) 4150 7107
07 41507107 Alternative Phone
Building 13 - G-14
About Me

Dr Ramadas Narayanan is a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the School of Engineering and Technology. He is an acclaimed researcher and educator and has won several awards, including the Australian Award for University Teaching – Citation for 2021. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy of the UK. Dr Narayanan has over 25 years of diverse experience in Mechanical Engineering, including industrial experience as a Mechanical Engineer, innovative research pursuits and several academic endeavours in various roles over different universities and programs. He leads several joint research projects with industries, valued over 4.5 million dollars.

He has expertise in sustainable energy engineering. Over these years, he has forged a strong alliance with the Institute of Future Farming Systems (IFFS) and expanded his research to the interdisciplinary area of sustainable mechanisation. He is a member of the Centre for Hydrogen and Renewable Energy and an associate member of IFFS. He has completed several research projects with internal and external partners, including international collaborators.

He completed PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of South Australia in 2012 on a CSIRO solar flagship project. His thesis was on the development of solid desiccant systems for dehumidification and cooling in a solar air conditioning system. During this period, he also completed a Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation.

He was featured in several media articles, such as Courier Mail, Bundaberg Now, EQUILIBRIUM and CQUniNEWS.


Dr Narayanan's area of expertise is low-carbon air conditioning, particularly solar thermal cooling, which incorporates the desiccant evaporative cooling system. He also has expertise in the mechanisation of processes, particularly in the Ag Tech Industry. Additionally, he has carried out several theoretical and experimental investigations on the dehumidification process, developed innovative desiccant drying systems and invented the non-adiabatic desiccant wheel, which has high effectiveness in moisture removal. Furthermore, he has successfully carried out several joint projects with internal and external partners, including international collaborators. Dr Narayanan obtained several recognitions, including an award from the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Airconditioning and Heating (AIRAH) for his outstanding scholarship in the industry.

He has received external research grants of more than 4.5 million Australian dollars in the past five years, which belong to different categories, including Cat 1 funding. Details regarding these projects are provided below on the research page. He has supervised many research students for PhD and Research master courses.

Currently, he is working on many projects, such as the heating and cooling of a greenhouse, sustainable mechanisation of planting, harvesting and post-harvest operations of sesame cropping and integrated green hydrogen production facility with a desalination unit powered by low-cost solar photovoltaic thermal (PVT) systems.

He is a committee member of Engineers Australia's Bundaberg Regional Committee. In the past, he was the Chair of this committee for 2018-2020. He is a member of the editorial board and reviewer of a few international journals such as Energies, Applied Thermal Engineering, Solar Energy Engineering etc.

He also serves as a committee member of the Scholarship advisory committee for the School of Engineering and Technology.

Universities Studied At

University of Kerala -Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)

University of Kerala -Master of Technology (Mechanical Engineering)

Curtin University, Australia- Graduate Cert in Tertiary teaching

University of South Australia - PhD( Mechanical Engineering)

University of South Australia - Grad Certificate in Research Commercilaisation

Universities Worked At

Tafe College Seremban, Malaysia and affiliated program of Charles Darwin University, Northumbria University , UK. and Robert Gordon University, UK.

Curtin University, Australia

University of South Australia -


  • December 2022, Senior Fellow for Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), UK
  • February 2021: Australian Award for University Teaching-AAUT- Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning.
  • November 2017, Vice Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning, CQ University.
  • November 2017, Student Voice Award for On-campus Educator of the year, 2017, CQ University.
  • June 2016, Vice Chancellor’s Award for Good Practice in Teaching and Learning, CQ University.
  • January 2015, Honorary Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of South Australia.
  • May 2013, Nominated for the South Australian State Government’s Science Excellence Award for the category of PhD Research Excellence.
  • March 2013, Received an invitation to join as a Full Member of Barbara Hardy Institute, UniSA
  • November 2012, Winner of the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) Award for the outstanding scholarship at any level Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Industry- the research work carried out in the PhD study.
  • August 2011, Winner of 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Presentation Competition of the Division of Information Technology, Engineering and Environment, University of South Australia.
  • October 2010, "Advanced Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (AME) Research Presentation Award", Winner in the research presentation competition in "2010 AME Research Presentation Seminar", University of South Australia, Australia.
  • October 2010, "AME Research Poster Presentation Award", Merit Certificate in the research poster competition in "2010 AME Research Presentation Seminar", University of South Australia, Australia.
  • August 2010, Commercialisation Training Scheme, Scholarship, UniSA
  • January 2008, “CSIRO Postgraduate Research Flagship Scholarship", a prestigious award for conducting research in the Desiccant Evaporative Cooling System, CSIRO Energy Centre at Newcastle, Australia.
  • July 2008, “The University of South Australia President’s Scholarship” to undertake PhD research, University of South Australia, Australia.
  • January 1998, “Certificate of Achievement from a Federal Minister of Malaysia”, for contributing towards obtaining ISO 9002 for TAFE College Seremban in Malaysia
  • August 1991, “GATE Postgraduate Scholarship”, a prestigious scholarship to undertake Master’s study in Engineering, Government of India.

Media Citations

Featured in the liAIRAH magazine ‘ECOLOBRIUM’ December 2012 edition, for the achievement in the PhD research

Professional Memberships

Member - Australia Institute of Refrigeration,Air conditioning and Heating (AIRAH)

Committee Member , Special Technical Group- Renewable Heating and Cooling -AIRAH

Member, Engineers Australia

Chair, Engineers Australia Bundaberg Regional Committee


· Member, the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education (IJQAETE).

· Reviewer, International Journal for Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier.· Member, the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education (IJQAETE).

Recent Research Projects
Australian Sesame Program of Research (PRO-016365)
From: 31/03/2023 to 28/02/2028
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 1: Aust Competitive Grant)
Funding Schemes: AgriFutures Australia - Request for Quote - Australian sesame industry five-year program of research
Total Funding: $2,000,000.00
Great Northern Spices (A.2.2122016)
From: 08/11/2022 to 15/12/2026
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
Funding Schemes: CRC Developing Northern Australia
Total Funding: $2,525,000.00
Adapting grain crop seed threshing and cleaning equipment for sesame and emerging spices (PRO-015763)
From: 08/04/2022 to 11/07/2023
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 1: Aust Competitive Grant)
Funding Schemes: AgriFutures Emerging Industries Program Grant 2021 THROUGH Agriventis Technologies
Total Funding: $55,000.00
AAUT Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning 2020
From: 01/03/2021 to 31/03/2023
Grant: Scholarly project (Ineligible)
Funding Schemes: CQU Internal Learning and Teaching Awards 2021
Total Funding: N/A
Improving institutional pathways between vocational and higher education in science and engineering disciplines
From: 10/12/1815 to 03/07/2023
Grant: Scholarly project (Not Specified )
Funding Schemes: CQU Learning and Teaching Research and Development Grants 2021
Total Funding: N/A
Design optimization of solar cooling systems for the Climatic condition of Kuwait
From: 01/03/2021 to 30/06/2022
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences
Total Funding: $9,582.17
Performance evaluation of solid desiccant based solar assisted hybrid cooling system in various climates
From: 03/08/2020 to 31/03/2021
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Total Funding: $3,000.00
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4903 Numerical and Computational Mathematics
  • 4017 Mechanical Engineering
  • 4099 Other Engineering
  • 4012 Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering
  • 4010 Engineering practice and education

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Master of Research
Evaluation of hydronic heating and cooling system with heat pump and smart management in the Australian residential sector as a solution to improve energy stability of the electrical grid and energy efficiency.
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
Enhancement of Electrical and Thermal Performance of a Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) System
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Experimental and Computational Investigation of Performance of Solar-Assisted Biogas Production in Australian Subtropical Climate
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests

Mechanical Engineering - Energy generation, conversion and storage (excl. chemical and electrical)
Solar Thermal Engineering PVT system, Dehumidification Greenhouse Heating and Cooling Mechanisation of processes Green Hydrogen Solar cooling Heat and Mass transfer


Mechanical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering not elsewhere classified
Mechanisation of Agricultural processes, Harvest and post-harvest operations, Drying

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