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Dr. Nur Hassan

BEng (Mechanical), BSc(Computer Scince), PhD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), MIEAust, CPEng, NER
Head of Course (Undergraduate Engineering)
School of Engineering and Technology
Centre for Intelligent Systems, Centre for Railway Engineering
(07) 4037 4746
+ 61 421897634 Alternative Phone
Cairns Square, Cairns City Campus - 3.12
Cairns,QLD 4870
About Me

I am Head of Course (Undergraduate Engineering) and Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at CQUniversity, located in Cairns. 

Interested in research and management, optimization, design, and modeling of process engineering and future technologies which include:

o Energy efficiency and Hybrid Renewable Technologies.

o Thermo-Fluid Flow Systems and Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Modelling.

o, Heat and mass transfer design and optimization.

o Renewable and solar thermal energy technology

o Supply chain management





Dr. Nur Hassan is a Discipline leader and a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at CQUniversity. He has wide experience in the experimental study and numerical simulation of engineering problems, particularly in fluid flow systems, heat transfer, renewable energy, especially Green Hydrogen energy production, storage, fuel cell, and transportation. He has supervised 3 Ph.D. students to completion and currently, he has been supervising 4 RHD students in these areas. Dr. Hassan has published 70 scientific articles in reputed journals (among 29 of them in journals) and conferences including 3 edited books and 9 book chapters. He is a recipient of a Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Exemplary Practice in L & and T, in 2021and a Vice-Chancellor’s Publication Recognition Award in 2016, and an associate vice-chancellor’s (Cairns) Quiet Achiever Award in 2016 and 2017. He is a member of the Engineers of Australia and has a Chartered Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering and a professional member of RPEQ. He has been serving as an Editorial Manager and a member of the Editorial Board, Energy Journal, Elsevier (IF:7.147). He is a member of the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, the Australian Society of Rheology, and the Australasian Association of Engineering Education. He is a member of the Cairns Academic Leadership committee and the School of Engineering and Technology Indigenisation Committee and actively participates in Indigenising the Curriculum Community of Practice at CQUniversity.

Universities Studied At

PhD - Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia.

BSc in Computer Science - The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

BSc in Mechnical Engineering - Chittagong University of  Engineering and Technology,  Chattogram, Bangladesh.

Universities Worked At

Central Queensland University, Cairns Campus, Queensland, Australia.


CQUniversity, Educator of the year (2018) - Commendation;

CQUniversity, On-Campus Educator of the year (2018) - Commendation;

CQUniversity, AVC’s (Cairns) Quiet Achiever Award ( 2017);

CQUniversity, VC's Publication Recognition Award (2016) ;

CQUniversity, AVC’s (Cairns) Quiet Achiever Award ( 2016);


Professional Memberships

Member,  Engineers of Australia

A Chartered Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering 

A professional member of RPEQ

A member of NER

Member, Australian Fluid and Thermal Engineering Society (AFTES)

Member, Australian Society of Rheology (ASR)

Member, Engineering Professionals Queensland

Member, Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society (AFMS)

Member, Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE)

Life member, Institute of Engineers of Bangladesh (MIEB)


Computer Software

C, Java programming, Visual Basic, MatLab, ANSYS-Fluent, Design Modeller.


A member of Editorial board and Editorial Manager,  Energy - International Journal, Elsevier (IF:7.147), SNIP: 2.014; SJR: 1.961

Recent Research Projects
Vice-Chancellor's Award for Exemplary Practice in Learning and Teaching 2021
From: 20/08/2021 to 31/12/2023
Grant: Scholarly activity (Ineligible)
Funding Schemes: CQU Internal Learning and Teaching Awards 2021
Total Funding: N/A
Destination Australia Scholarship, commencing 2020
From: 07/12/2020 to 06/12/2023
Grant: Scholarship (Not Specified )
Funding Schemes: Destination Australia Scholarship - Commonwealth/CQU Funded, commencing 2020
Total Funding: N/A
Research Infrastructure Block Grant Application 2013 - Funding for ANSYS Fluent Software
From: 01/12/2013 to 31/03/2017
Grant: Competitive Grant (Internal)
Funding Schemes: Research Infrastructure Block Grant Applications 2013
Total Funding: N/A
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4017 Mechanical Engineering
  • 4099 Other Engineering
  • 4012 Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
Design and Development of a Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Far North Queensland, Australia
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
Microgrid Economics and Risk Assessment: An Australian Perspective
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Sustainable Energy Innovation barriers and failures. Outcomes, learning and coping strategies
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Seamless recoupling of islanded microgrid with main utility grid using active machine learning.
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Modelling and forecasting the renewable energy technology development in the Far North Queensland.
Principal Supervisor
Master of Engineering
An experimental and theoretical study of an efficient cooling methods for large/modern Data Centres
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Sustainable Energy Innovation barriers and failures. Outcomes, learning and coping strategies
Associate Supervisor
Complete Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
Experimental and Numerical Study of Earth Pipe Cooling Performance in a Subtropical Climate
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests

Mechanical Engineering - Energy generation, conversion and storage (excl. chemical and electrical)


Mechanical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering not elsewhere classified
Renewable Energy i.e., Smart Green Hydrogen and Geothermal energy

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