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Dr. Azad Rahman

PhD (CQU), GDEC (UNE), M.Phil (BUET), MSc & BSc(DU)
Lecturer, Mathematics
School of Engineering and Technology
Centre for Regional Economies and Supply Chains
(07) 4930 9313
0749309313 Alternative Phone
0422438437 Mobile Phone
Rockhampton North
30 - 1.10
About Me

I am a Lecturer in Mathematics at the School of Engineering and Technology, CQUniversity, Australia. Prior to this, I served as a Senior Post Doctoral Researcher at the School of Business and Law. During my academic career, I have been involved in various research projects where I applied my expertise in mathematics and statistics. I completed my PhD in 2016 from the School of Engineering and Technology at CQUniversity. My research interests lie in the fields of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Techniques and Sustainable Energy. I have published over 30 refereed Journal articles and conference papers throughout my academic career. Additionally, I have demonstrated my social engagement and leadership capabilities by collaborating with industry partners in research projects and linking local, state and federal governments and relevant stakeholders through focus group workshops and panel discussions.

Universities Studied At

  • University of New England, NSW (GDEC).
  • Central Queensland University, Queensland, Australia (PhD).
  • Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (M.Phil)
  • University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (BSc and MSc)

Universities Worked At

Central Queensland University (Lecturer, Senior Post-doctoral Research Officer)

Stamford University Bangladesh ( Associate Professor, Lecturer) 


Highly commended paper award 2019 - ANZRSAI Conference, Cairns

PhD Scholarship: Strategic Research scholarship from CQ University

Previous teaching

Higher Education at CQUniversity

MGMT19126: Operation Management

MGMT19105: Quality Management

PROP13002: Property Management

MRKT19037: International Marketing

MRKT19038: Marketing Research

BUSN20016: Research in Business

BUSN20021: Business Research Project




Professional Experience

  • Lecturer, Mathematics, CQUniversity Australia, Current
  • Post Doctoral Research Fellow/Lecturer, CQUniversity Australia, 2019 to 2024.
  • Casual Research Officer and Sessional Lecturer, School of Business and Law, CQUniversity 2016-19
  • Learning Advisor, Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS), CQUniversity, 2013-14
  • Associate Professor, Stamford University Bangladesh, Bangladesh, 2006-11
  • Lecturer, Stamford University Bangladesh, Bangladesh, 2002-06

Professional Memberships

  • Member of Australian Mathematical Society
  • Member of ANZRSAI
  • Member of Bangladesh Mathematical Society

Computer Software


Recent Research Projects
Scoping opportunities and research gaps for developing groundnut in VanuatuĀ (CROP/2023/186)
From: 01/11/2023 to 31/10/2024
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 1: Aust Competitive Grant)
Funding Schemes: ACIAR Small Research and Development Activity (SRA): Scoping opportunities and research gaps for developing peanuts in Vanuatu (CROP/2023/186)
Total Funding: N/A
Water Security for Northern Australia - Implementation Phase (A.7.223014)
From: 30/01/2023 to 30/06/2026
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
Funding Schemes: CRC for Developing Northerm Australia (CRCNA) Water Security for Northern Australia (WSNA)
Total Funding: N/A
Horticulture Sector Action Plan (SAP) (FFW project 2.4.3)
From: 25/11/2022 to 31/03/2024
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
Funding Schemes: Fight Food Waste CRC Horticulture Sector Action Plan
Total Funding: N/A
Making Water Work - Defining a Supply Chain for Lower Fitzroy (A.7.2122006)
From: 06/10/2022 to 30/10/2023
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
Funding Schemes: CRC Developing Northern Australia EOI A.7.2122006 Defining a supply chain and development precincts vision
Total Funding: N/A
Central Queensland regional agricultural supply chain baseline study (A.1.2021029)
From: 13/12/2021 to 30/03/2023
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
Funding Schemes: CRCNA Research Program 1 Grant
Total Funding: N/A
Economic Impact of not dredging the Port of Bundaberg and the Port of Rockhampton for sustainable sediment management - Task 3 & 4
From: 25/06/2021 to 20/09/2021
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Contract Research - Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) Sustainable Sediment Management - 2021
Total Funding: N/A
Choice Experiment of the Economic Benefits from Improved Fish Passage and Diversion Screening in Inland NSW Rivers
From: 28/05/2021 to 29/11/2021
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Dept of Regional NSW RFQ Choice Experiment of the Economic Benefits from Improved Fish Passage and Diversion Screening in Inland NSW Rivers
Total Funding: N/A
Situational analysis of the horticultural sector across northern Australia (A.1.2021063)
From: 31/03/2021 to 30/06/2022
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
Funding Schemes: CRC Developing Northern Australia 2020/21 Funding Call
Total Funding: N/A
TMR04720 - Mobility as a Service Regional Research
From: 21/12/2020 to 28/05/2021
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Contract Research - Dept of Transport and Main Roads - QLD Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Regional Research TMR04720 - through Griffith University
Total Funding: N/A
Evaluating Project Pioneer
From: 12/10/2020 to 28/02/2021
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Resource Consulting Services
Total Funding: $35,000.00
Economic drivers of Central and Western QLD and Inland Rail to Gladstone
From: 21/05/2020 to 30/06/2020
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Regional Development Australia Central West Queensland (RDACWQ)
Total Funding: $15,000.00
Economic Impact of not dredging the Port of Bundaberg and the Port of Rockhampton for sustainable sediment management
From: 19/05/2020 to 04/12/2020
Grant: Non-Gov Tender (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited (GPCL) - Tenders
Total Funding: $56,200.00
Cost benefit analysis for adoption of technologies that improves quality of life for elderly people living in their own home within the RDA-FCW region
From: 01/04/2018 to 05/10/2018
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
Funding Schemes: Regional Development Australia Fitzroy and Central West Inc
Total Funding: $24,200.00
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3801 Applied Economics
  • 4902 Mathematical Physics
  • 4017 Mechanical Engineering
  • 4901 Applied Mathematics

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
The oil palm value chain analysis, from a Resource-based View Perspective
Associate Supervisor
Master of Business
Developing an innovative Business Model for the Sustainability of Small-Scale Dairy Farmers in Queensland and New South Wales, Australia
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Sustainable valuation of pastoral zone grazing land: A new method: value, price, and the premium (Queensland: 1966-2016)
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests

Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering - Computational methods in fluid flow, heat and mass transfer (incl. computational fluid dynamics)

Mathematical Sciences

Applied Mathematics - Applied Mathematics not elsewhere classified

Mathematical Sciences

Numerical and Computational Mathematics - Numerical Solution of Differential and Integral Equations

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