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Dr. Amy Johnson

PhD, GCArts (Sociology), GCTert.Ed, B.ProfComm
Senior Lecturer in Strategic Communication | Head of Course - Arts and Professional Communication
School of Education and the Arts
Rockhampton North
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About Me

Dr Amy Johnson is a military families sociologist, researcher and senior lecturer at Central Queensland University. Her research focus is military-connected communities including veterans, families and children. Her research seeks to understand and navigate the impacts of service on the Defence community. Amy has lived experience of military service as an officer in the Royal Australian Navy (Reserve) and the partner of an ADF veteran. She regularly provides advice about military family support to government advisory bodies and military command teams.

A passionate educator, Amy is the Head of Course for the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Professional Communication as well as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 

Universities Studied At

Central Queensland University [PhD; Bachelor of Professional Communication]

University of New England [Graduate Certificate in Arts (Sociology)]

University of Canberra [Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education]

Universities Worked At

Central Queensland University

University of Canberra

Australian National University 



2024 - Vice- Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Researchers (Early Career) 

2024 - Dean's Award for Outstanding Researcher (Early Career)

2023 - Finalist, Prime Minister's National Veterans' Employment Awards (Partner Employee)

2022 - CHASS Prize for Distinctive Work in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

2021- Student Voice Award- Commended- Educator and Distance Educator of the Year for COMM11112


Media Citations

Stephen, A. (Host). (2024, December 3). Interview with Dr Amy Johnson, Lecturer [Radio broadcast]. In Queensland Northern Drive. ABC Far North. 

Adair, M. (2024, November 19). A Mackay ex-serviceman has started a charity, to provide financial relief to veterans and their families in their time of need. WIN News.

Figueiredo, A. (2024, April 25). Today veterans are also reflecting on how community reintegration and health support has changed for the better over the past century. WIN News.

Jones, J. (Host). (2024, March 25). Interview with Dr Amy Johnson, Lecturer [Radio broadcast]. In Breakfast. ABC Capricornia. 

Stephen, A. (Host). (2024, March 21). Interview with Dr Amy Johnson, Lecturer [Radio broadcast]. In Queensland Northern Drive. ABC Far North. 



Recent Research Projects
Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Outstanding Researchers - Early Career Research Category
From: 19/11/2024 to 31/12/2025
Grant: Award - Internal (Internal Grant)
Funding Schemes: VC's Award - CQUniversity Awards for Outstanding Researchers 2024
Total Funding: N/A
Dean's Awards for Outstanding Researchers - Early Career Research Category
From: 02/08/2024 to 01/09/2024
Grant: Award - Internal (Internal Grant)
Funding Schemes: 2024 School of Education & the Arts Dean's Award
Total Funding: N/A
STRIVE (Self-regulated Tertiary Research Initiative for Vibrant Education): Hyperflexible learning approaches in undergraduate courses
From: 02/01/2021 to 29/07/2022
Grant: Scholarly project (Internal L&T Grant)
Funding Schemes: CQU Learning and Teaching Research and Development Grants 2020
Total Funding: N/A
Oasis Townsville - Audit and Program Evaluation
From: 06/12/2021 to 30/11/2022
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Contract Research - The Oasis Townsville - Audit and Program Evaluation 2021/22
Total Funding: N/A
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4701 Communication and Media Studies
  • 4799 Other language, communication and culture

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
Trip-wiring the light fantastic: How might virtual reality (VR) be used as a creative storytelling tool to bring military history to life?
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
What are the considerations for designing a targeted healthcare model for management of female ADF veterans at risk of, or diagnosed with, PTSD?
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
Maelstrom at Sea: hybrid fiction as a resource to transform attitudes and create change.
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
The emergence of high-threat medicine as a response to the threat of intentional mass violence, lone wolf and extremist terrorism in Australia.
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
A Comparative Framing Analysis of Pashtuns in Australian and Pakistani Media: Spillover effects of war in Afghanistan on Pakistans Pashtuns.
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Enabling environmental change in Australia, a practitioner’s reflective assessment of adaptive management case examples in coastal and catchment regions (1970-2022)
Associate Supervisor
Master of Education
Creating equivalence in the student experience – a study of teaching methodologies in a digital media course
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
The digital flak-jacket: Enabling Journalists to Safely Navigate Digital Spaces
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests
Human Society

Other human society - Other human society not elsewhere classified

Languages, Communication And Culture

Communication and Media Studies - Communication and Media Studies not elsewhere classified

Languages, Communication And Culture

Communication and Media Studies - Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies

Languages, Communication And Culture

Cultural Studies - Consumption and Everyday Life

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