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Dr. Roland Dodd

PhD (Information Systems Engineering) RMIT, BIT (First Class Honours) CQU
Senior Lecturer
School of Engineering and Technology
Centre for Intelligent Systems
Rockhampton North
Room 1.18 - Building 30
About Me

As the Discipline Leader (Mathematics and Statistics) I am proud to be leading learning and teaching efforts for university mathematics because it allows me to make a meaningful impact on the education and success of our students. Mathematics is a critical subject that not only underpins many academic and professional fields, but also plays an important role in shaping the way we think and problem solve. As a leader in this area, I am committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment, where all students have the opportunity to succeed. I support student learning by providing clear and engaging instruction, developing innovative teaching strategies, and actively working to address the diverse needs and learning styles of our students. I also collaborate with other educators and academic leaders to ensure that our curriculum and resources align with the latest research and best practices in the field. Overall, I am proud to be leading the charge in providing high-quality and effective mathematics education for our students, and in fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in our teaching and learning practices.


I received my PhD in Engineering (Information Systems) from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in 2009, and have been a university academic at Central Queensland University (CQU) since 2001. I am currently the Discipline Leader (Mathematics and Statistics) and have also been the STEM Leader in the School of Engineering and Technology at CQU.


In 2016 I was recognised as the CQU Educator of the Year and I have also been the recipient of multiple CQU Student Voice Commendation Awards in Foundation Mathematics and Applied Calculus since 2015.

My teaching over the past 23 years has covered teaching mathematics, statistics and information technology units for engineering, education, business and ICT students at postgraduate, undergraduate and pre-undergraduate levels. I have taught Foundation Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Calculus, Bridging Mathematics, Statistics, Object Oriented Programming, Software Fundamentals, Networks, Data Communications, Database Use and Design, Database Application Development, Dynamic Web Interfaces and Professional Issues in Computing units during my career.

My research interests include artificial intelligence, information systems engineering, industrial decision support systems, industrial process modelling and supervisory control systems in expert environments. I have more than 35 referred journal publications, referred conference papers, technical reports, government milestone reports, and prototyped intelligent systems, in his disciplinary areas.

As Chief Investigator leader I have secured grants, worth in excess of $700,000, in collaboration with industry partners. I am an editorial board member for the International Academy, Research and Industry Association, and reviewing for the International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems and the International Journal on Advances in Software. I have also been a technical program committee member for 8 major international conferences and a special session track organiser for the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.


Awards, Honours and Prestige

  • CQUniversity, Educator of the Year (2019) - Commendation;
  • CQUniversity, Educator of the Year (2017) - Commendation;
  • CQUniversity, On-campus Educator of the Year (2017) - Commendation
  • CQUniversity, Educator of the Year (2016) - Winner
  • CQUniversity, Distance Educator of the Year (2015) - Commendation;
  • CQUniversity, Vice-Chancellors Award for Emerging Researchers - Joint Nominee (2011);
  • CQUniversity, Vice-Chancellors Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching – Nominee (2010);
  • CQUniversity, Faculty Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (2010);
  • CQUniversity, Directors Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (2010);
  • Australian Government, Young Tall Poppy Nominee (2010);
  • CQUniversity, OPALS Engagement Award (Research and Innovation) - Joint Nominee (2010);
  • Australia Government, Australian Postgraduate Award for Industry (APAI);
  • CQUniversity, Faculty of Informatics and Communications Honours Degree Scholarship;
  • CQUniversity, Faculty of Informatics and Communications Vacational Research Scholarship;
  • Commonwealth Government, Merit Based Equity Scholarship;
  • North Rockhampton State High School, Runner Up Dux; and
  • The Caves State School, Dux.

Media Citations

Sugar mill process crystal clear thanks to artificial intelligence, 23 June, 2011,
Recognising those who inspire our students, 08 March, 2011,

Professional Experience


  • PhD (Information Systems Engineering), RMIT University, July 2009. Doctoral Dissertation: "A Knowledge Based Supervisory Support System for Pan Stage Operations in a Sugar Mill", which was commended as "strongly competitive at international levels".
  • Bachelor of Information Technology Honours (First Class), CQUniversity, November 2007. Honours Dissertation: "Improving the Learning Capacity of Fuzzy Neural Networks", which was commended as "excellent".
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Engineering), CQUniversity, June 2001.

Academic and Research Employment History

  • Discipline Leader - Mathematics and Statistics, School of Engineering and Technology, CQUniversity. March 2016 - present.
  • STEM Leader, School of Engineering and Technology, CQUniversity. September 2018 to February 2021.
  • Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering and Technology, CQUniversity. October 2013 to present.
  • Senior Lecturer, School of Access Education, CQUniversity. January 2013 - October 2013.
  • Lecturer, School of Access Education, CQUniversity. January 2010 - December 2012.
  • Associate Lecturer, School of Access Education, CQUniversity. February 2009 - December 2009.
  • Casual Academic, Faculty of Informatics and Communications, CQUniversity. March 2001 - November 2007.

Professional Interests

Professional Service

  • Editorial Board Member, International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA), International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2012 to present.
  • Editorial Board Member, International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA), International Journal on Advances in Software, 2012 to present.
  • Technical Program Committee Member, UBICOMM 2011 to UBICOMM 2023, International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies Technology.
  • Special Session Organiser, 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 7th - 10th November 2011, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
  • Invited Session Chair, 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 7th - 10th November 2011, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
  • Member, Technical Program Committee, 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 7th - 10th November 2011, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
  • Member, Technical Program Committee, Computation Tools 2011, The Second International Conference on Computational Logics, Algebras, Programming, Tools, and Benchmarking, 25th - 30th September 2011, Rome, Italy.
  • Member, Technical Program Committee, 23rd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: AI 2010, 7th - 10th December 2010, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
  • Member, Technical Program Committee, 22nd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1st - 4th December 2009, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
  • Member, Technical Program Committee, 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 3rd - 5th November 2009, Porto, Portugal.
  • Member, Technical Program Committee, International Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems and Applications in Networked and Distributed Systems 2009, 19th - 21st October 2009, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
  • Invited Session Chair, International Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems and Applications in Networked and Distributed Systems 2009, 19th - 21st October 2009, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 

Key Achievements

·   Investigator for a CQU Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) Grant, worth $130,000, and titled “Transitioning students of low-SES into higher education mathematics” for the 2018-2019 period.

·   Chief Investigator for a Category 1 Australian Government Sugar Research and Development Corporation national competitive research grant (QUT038), worth $671,002 ($326,116 SRDC funding; $344,886 in-kind support), and titled “Implement Supervisory/Advisory Control of Pan and Fugal Stations” for the July 2011 to December 2015 period.

·   Chief Investigator for a CQU Seed Grant (RDIS1111), worth $39,608 ($9,963 CQU funding; $29,645 in-kind support), and titled “Scheduling of Batch/Continuous Sugar Mill Crystallisation Stage Operations for Quality, Productivity and Performance Enhancement” for the January 2011 to December 2011 period.

Computer Software

Bachelor of Information Technology Honours (First Class), CQ University

Honours degree research led to the development of a fuzzy neural network for intelligent adaptive learning control of an inverted pendulum system. The research focused on examining outcomes for improving the learning capabilities of a fuzzy neural network system. The research proposed a modified adaptive rule importance learning algorithm based upon a fuzzy hierarchical error approach. A modified network structure that is more intuitive, powerful and melds directly into the fuzzy neural network system was developed. This system allows for fast online adaptive control while simultaneously performing system learning with the considerable feature of no offline training required. Furthermore, genetic algorithm optimisation of fuzzy rule neural network rule base and learning parameters was also undertaken.

Industry Reports

Dodd, R. and Broadfoot, R., (2015). Milestone Report 7: Implement supervisory/advisory control of pan and fugal stations, Australian Government Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Project Number QUT038.

Dodd, R. and Broadfoot, R., (2014). Milestone Report 7: Implement supervisory/advisory control of pan and fugal stations, Australian Government Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Project Number QUT038.

Dodd, R. and Broadfoot, R., (2013). Milestone Report 6: Implement supervisory/advisory control of pan and fugal stations, Australian Government Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Project Number QUT038.

Dodd, R. and Broadfoot, R., (2012). Milestone Report 5: Implement supervisory/advisory control of pan and fugal stations, Australian Government Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Project Number QUT038.

Dodd, R. and Broadfoot, R., (2012). Milestone Report 4: Implement supervisory/advisory control of pan and fugal stations, Australian Government Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Project Number QUT038.

Dodd, R. (2011). Pan Stage Sucrose and Impurity Loadings: Macknade Sugar Mill 2006-2009 Seasons, internal report, CQUniversity.

Dodd, R. and Broadfoot, R., (2011). Milestone Report 3: Implement supervisory/advisory control of pan and fugal stations, Australian Government Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Project Number QUT038.

Dodd, R. and Broadfoot, R., (2010). Milestone Report 2: Implement supervisory/advisory control of pan and fugal stations, Australian Government Sugar Research and Development Corporation, Project Number QUT038.

Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing
  • 4014 Manufacturing Engineering
  • 4609 Information Systems

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Master of Research
Incorporating Socioeconomic Factors into the Facility Location Optimisation Problem in a Mixed Urban-Rural Population with Application to Queensland Fire Stations
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests

Curriculum and Pedagogy - Mathematics and Numeracy Curriculum and Pedagogy

Information And Computing Sciences

Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing - Expert Systems

Information And Computing Sciences

Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing - Neural, Evolutionary and Fuzzy Computation

Information And Computing Sciences

Computer Software - Software Engineering

Information And Computing Sciences

Information Systems - Decision Support and Group Support Systems

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