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Professor Trudy Dwyer

RN, NrCert(QLD), ICUCert(TAS), BHlth(WA), GCFlexLrn(QLD), MClinEd(NSW), PhD(QLD)
Deputy Dean Research
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences
Rockhampton North
Building 18 - Room 1.36
Rockhampton, QLD
About Me

Professor Trudy Dwyer is the Deputy Dean Research and research academic in the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences and Fellow of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (FACCCN). Based in Rockhampton, her program of research is Safety and Quality in Healthcare; with a focus on recognising and responding to the deteriorating person, evaluating hospital avoidance initiatives in acute and aged care settings, workforce and nursing education. Her track record demonstrates strong clinical partnerships, responding to local research needs and a diversity of research skills and knowledge translation strategies. Professor Dwyer has over $4 million in competitive research funds, extensive journal publications (h-index 18 Scopus, 26 Google Scholar), seven texts and six book chapters. She is principal author of five books in the Student Survival Guide series published by Pearson Education, one has sold over 75,000 copies.

Universities Studied At

2009 Graduate Certificate in Flexible Learning. CQUniversity Australia

2005 PhD. CQUniversity Australia

2003 Certificate in Advanced Resuscitation. Rockhampton Health Service District

1997 Masters of Clinical Education. University of New South Wales.

1988 Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing). Western Australian CAE.

1986 Intensive Care Certificate. Royal Hobart Hospital, Tasmania.

1982 General Nursing Certificate. Rockhampton Base Hospital, Queensland.


2018 Fellow Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (FACCCN)

2018 Reid-Searl, K., Dwyer, T., Flenady, T., Heaton, L., Levette-Jones, T., & Anderson, P. (2018). Tag Team Patient Safety by Kerry Reid-Searl, Trudy Dwyer, Tracy Flenady, Leeanne Heaton, Tracy Levett-Jones and Judith Applegarth. Winner of CQUniversity 2018 OPAL Awards: Engaged research and Innovation.

2017 Dwyer, T., O'Neill, B., Reid-Searl, K., Parkinson, L., Tickner, R., & Doran, C. (2017). Early Detection of Deterioration in Elderly residents (EDDIE): Implementing a hospital avoidance initiative: Winner of CQUniversity 2017 OPAL Award for Engaged Research and Innovation

2017 Visiting Nurse Research Fellow Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service

2017 CQUniversity’s nomination for the Australian Council for Graduate Research (ACGR) for Excellence in HDR supervision.

2016 CQUniversity Australia Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research Higher Degree Supervision

2016 HESTA National aged care awards: Team Innovation Award. Sub-Acute Care Program Pres-Care Alexandra Gardens North Rockhampton: HESTA Aged Care Awards.

2015 OPAL Awards CQUinversity: Excellence in Engagement winner: Engaged Research and Innovation: PupEd (KRS Simulation) From little things, big things grow URL: Central Queensland University: URL:

2015 OPAL Awards CQUinversity: Excellence in Engagement winner: Engaged Service: Nepal Outward Bound URL: Central Queensland University: URL:

2015 Kozier and Erb's Fundamental of Nursing Best Tertiary Education (Adaption) Student Resource Award (2015): Educational Publishing Awards Australia (or EPAA) recognise excellence in print and digital educational publishing.

2014 Invited Visiting Scholar, Nagoya City University School of Nursing Nagoya City University, Japan: March 2014

2013 The HEALTH CRN Short-term Exchange Program. School of Public Health. Queensland University of Technology: HEALTH Collaboration 2013

2011 Winner of the Australian Publishing Association for the Australian Educational Publishing Awards 2011 in the category of Tertiary (Adaptation) Teaching and Learning for my text Medical-Surgical Nursing: Critical Thinking in Client Care, First Australian Edition and MyNursingKit.

2010 Best Nursing Paper, Winner of the Exchange Award for Nurses, Applegarth, J., Dwyer, T., & Moxham, L. (2010). European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology (ESHRE) Rome, June 2010.

2010 Runner Best Nursing Paper, 'The factors that influence the interactions between mental health triage nurses and emergency department triage nurses'. 35th Annual International Conference of the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses. 29th September - 3rd October, Sydney, New South Wales.

2010 Kosier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing. Winner Highly commended in the Adaptation Tertiary Teaching and Learning Category for the Australian Awards for Educational Publishing, Australian Publishing Association.

2010 Selected for inclusion in the 2009-2010 Edition of Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare.

2004 Best Nursing Paper, sponsored by Oxley nursing Service. Dwyer, T., Mosel Williams, L., & Mummery, K. (2004). Rural nurses defibrillation intentions: An application and extension of the theory of planned behaviour. 11th Queensland Combined Critical Care Meeting, Novotel Twin Waters Resort, Queensland, Australia, 19-21st November.

2000 Winner Women’s Equal Opportunity Postgraduate Research Award sponsored by Central Queensland University 

2000 Best Conference paper, Greenshill S, Dwyer T: Peripheral intravenous cannula: Nurses adherence to established protocol. Australian Infection Control Association. First Biennial Conference: Infection Control Beyond 2000, Adelaide, South Australia, May.

1987 Kingston Auxiliary Award for the highest mark in the Intensive Care Course Royal Hobart Hospital Tasmania

Industry Reports

Cameron, R., Dwyer, T., Richardson, S., Ahmed, E., & Sukumaran, A. (2012). Skilled migrants and their families in regional Australia : AGladstone case study. Final Report. Retrieved from

Dwyer, T., Craswell, A., Rossi, D., Holzberger, D., & Gardner, M. (2016). Strengthening health services through optimising nursing: Evaluation of nursing led services with Nurse Practitioners in regional Queensland, Research Report prepared for Department of Health, Queensland. Retrieved from e-book, Rockhampton, CQUniversity Australia:

Dwyer, T., & Flenady, T. (2019). Research Ready Grant Program (RRGP) project report. CQUniversity Australia:

Dwyer, T., Flenady, T., & Kahl, J. (2017). Report to CQHHS Executive : Findings from audit of 24 months Ryan's Rule activations. 

Dwyer, T., Flenady, T., Signal, T., Browne, M., Le Lagadec, D., Kahl, J., . . . Stitz, L. (2019). Summary of findings: Validating the Queensland Adult Deterioration Detection System (Q-ADDS). Retrieved from CQUniversity Australia:

Jefrey, D., & Thompson, S. (2013). Recognising and Responding to the Deteriorating Aged Care Client: The PresCare SubAcute Care Project. Retrieved from Final report for the Australian Government Department of Social Services under the Better Health Care Connections: Building a more skilled and flexible aged care sector initiative - Models for Short Term, More Intensive Health Care for Aged Care Recipients:

Kahl, J., Reid-Searl, K., Moxham, L., Dwyer, T., Happpell, B., Wheatland, N., & Morris, J. (2007). Promoting Mental Health Care in a Rural Paediatric Unit: Final Report. Royal Children's Hospital Foundation 2006-2008 Working Wonders/Golden Casket Regional Research Project (018-011). Retrieved from Rockhampton:

Levett-Jones, T., Dwyer, T., Reid-Searl, K., Guinea, S., Anderson, P., Heaton, L., . . . Applegarth, J. (2017). The patient safety competency framework (PSCF) for nursing students. Retrieved from Sydney, NSW:

Levett-Jones, T., Dwyer, T., Reid-Searl, K., Heaton, L., Flenady, T., Applegarth, J., . . . Andersen, P. (2017). Preparing undergraduate students for the workforce in the context of patient safety through innovative simulation – Facilitator Guide. . Retrieved from Rockhampton, CQUniversity Available from:

Marks, P., Kahl, J., Reid-Searl, K., Moxham, L., Dwyer, T., Happell, B., . . . Wheatland, N. (2008). Mental Health Orientation for Paediatric Nursing: Rockhampton Hospital, Central Queensland Health Service District. Retrieved from Rockhampton:

O'Neill, B., Craswell, A., Dwyer, T., & Parkinson, L. (2016). Evaluation of the PresCare Palliative Care Connect Fitzroy project: Expanding the community palliative care model using a Link Nurse role:report submitted to PresCare Alexander Gardens Rockhampton. Retrieved from Rockhampton:

Parkinson, L., O'Neill, B., Dwyer, T., & Reid-Searl, K. (2015). Recognising and responding to the deteriorating aged care client: Evaluation of PresCare Sub Acute Care Project (Final Report to PresCare) Retrieved from Central Queensland University,:

Parkinson, L., Dwyer, T., Reid-Searl, K., & O’Neill, B. (2017). Reducing Hospitalisation in residential aged care. Retrieved from CQUniversity Australia:

Parkinson, L., O'Neill, B., Dwyer, T., & Reid Searl, K. (2014). Recognising and responding to the deteriorating aged care client: Evaluation of PresCare SubAcute Care (PCSAC) Project. Report July 2014 

Parry, J., Dwyer, T., Ballie, F., & Reid-Searl, K. (1997). Critical Thinking: Integrating multidisciplinary learning in the clinical situation. Report: Action Learning Program 1996/7. Retrieved from Educational Services and Learning support unit: Central Queensland University, Rockhampton:

Reid-Searl, K., & Dwyer, T. (2013). Nepal Report Group R 2014. Retrieved from Submitted to Dean SN&M

Reid-Searl, K., Flenady, T., & Dwyer, T. (2019). Multifaceted Innovative Simulation Training (MIST) to respond to cognition changes in the elderly. Report prepared for Central Queensland Hospital and Health Services. Retrieved from

Reid-Searl, K., Levett-Jones, T., Anderson, P., Guinea, S., Heaton, L., Dwyer, T., . . . Flenady, T. (2019). Preparing undergraduate nurses for the workplace in the context of patient safety through innovative simulation. Final report. A project completed on behalf of the Commonwealth Office of Learning and Teaching Department of Education.

Research Interests
Medical And Health Sciences

Nursing - Aged Care Nursing
Aged care Nurse Practitioner, Deteriorating patient in residential aged care facilities, hospital avoidance

Medical And Health Sciences

Nursing - Clinical Nursing: Secondary (Acute Care)
Deteriorating patient, resuscitation, Patient safety, critical care,

Medical And Health Sciences

Public Health and Health Services - Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified
Smoking, population based studies

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