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Dr. Vicki Pascoe

BArts,(UNE) Grad. Cert. Organisational Development & Training,(SCU) Grad. Dip. Adult Ed. & Training,(UNE) MEd (Hons) Aboriginal Education, (UNE) PhD (Flinders)
Lecturer - Indigenous Studies - Arts-700034
School of Education and the Arts
Rockhampton North
32 - 1.24
About Me




Dr. Vicki Pascoe has over twenty years’ experience in tertiary education, teaching in the fields of Indigenous Australian studies, Education, Sociology, Cultural Studies and Communications. Dr. Pascoe has received two awards for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, a Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence and the International Award for Excellence for the top-ranked article, 2008 from the International Journal of Learning. Dr. Pascoe is a Social Justice researcher and her interests are varied. Most recently, Medical Education, Medical Dominance, and Bullying are of interest as well as decolonising curriculum in Higher Education. Another area of interest is disengaged youth at risk.
In 2023 Dr. Pascoe joined the Manna Institute as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. The institute's focus is regional, rural and remote mental health. Manna conduct research to address the complex mental health needs of regional Australia as an urgent, national social justice issue.


I am an Arrernte woman. My Grandfather was born on the old Hermannsburg Mission out from Alice Springs in the Northern Territory.

Universities Studied At

University of New England

Southern Cross University

Flinders University

Universities Worked At

Southern Cross University  1998 - 2000

Charles Darwin University 2001 - 2003

CQUniversity 2004 - 2010

Flinders University 2011 - 2017

CQUniversity 2020 - current


2006 Vice-chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence: Indigenous Education Teacher of the year.

2006 Pro-Vice Chancellor's Teaching Excellence Award: Tertiary Entry Program Teaching Team.

2007 Carrick Australian Awards for University Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning: Nulloo Yumbah centre for Indigenous Learning Spirituality and Research, CQU teaching team: "For creating and teaching a successful, culturally appropriate Tertiary entry Program for Indigenous Australians aspiring to tertiary education, particularly to students in correctional centres".

International Award for Excellence in Literacy and Education. Top ranked article. The International Journal of Learning for the paper: Pascoe, V.A & Radel, K. (2008) "What are Nice Guys Like them Doing in a Place Like that?" Education Journeys from Australian Indigenous students in Custody. Awarded at the 16th International Learning Conference, University of Barcelona, Spain.

2012 Awarded the Professor Lowitja O'Donoghue Scholarship, Flinders University, South Australia.

2012 Australian Awards for University Teaching Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning: Yunggorendi First Nations centre for Higher Education and Research, Flinders University, teaching team: "For sustained, dedicated, inspirational and far-reaching contribution to the education of pre-service teachers of Indigenous students in compulsory topics in the school of Education".


Previous teaching

Previous teaching Includes: Adult Education and extensive experience in Tertiary Education Preparatory Programs.

Professional Memberships

Queensland College of Teachers - Full Registration 808498

Consultancy Work

Impaired Decision - Making Capacity and Indigenous Queenslanders 2011

Funded by the Office of the Public Advocate Queensland.

Jayne Clapton, Lesley Chenoweth and Natalie Clements - Griffith University

Vicki Pascoe and Kylie Radel - CQUniversity

Yvonne Cadet-James, Val Wallace and Diane Cadet-James - James Cook University

Recent Research Projects
No research projects to display.
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3999 Other Education
  • 4504 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing
  • 4501 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, language and history
  • 3901 Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • 4702 Cultural Studies
  • 4410 Sociology
  • 4502 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education
  • 4505 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community
  • 4203 Health services and systems

At the level of Principal Supervisor

Current Capacity
I am currently unavailable to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
Wounded Hearts - Healing Hands: The relationality of grief and loss counselling by Social Workers with Aboriginal healing practices in the communities of Woorabinda and Palm Island
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Becomes the field: the researching and writing of an historical fiction narrative dealing with white settlement in the upper-North Burnett region in the mid nineteenth century, and the impact of this settlement on the local indigenous people of the area.
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests
Health Sciences

Health services and systems - Health services and systems not elsewhere classified

Indigenous Studies

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander higher education

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