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Dr. Miriam Ham

B.Ed., M.Ed., M.IRCD., PhD, JP (Qual)
Senior Lecturer Postgraduate Research Coordinator
School of Education and the Arts
Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching & Education (CREATE)
Cairns - Level 3
About Me

I enjoy teaching and seeing other's develop. Learning, inside and outside the classroom, impacts the way we view the world and how we aim to be in it.  For me, teaching then is about not only providing opportunities to learn new skills and knowledge, but also encouraging the learner to use and want to continue to apply new capacities in a way that is most meaningful to their life. It is connected with transformation and empowerment. I have a diverse range of interests in research, but some examples include; teacher beliefs, teacher agency, teacher identity and global education.

Universities Studied At

B. Ed at Griffith University

M. Ed Deakin Unversity

M. International Relations and Community Development Deakin University

PhD CQUniversity

Universities Worked At

CQUniversity - Sessional Lecturer Noosa Campus 2012-1015

CQUniversity - Lecturer Education on the Cairns campus 2016 - ongoing


Cairns Campus Star Award 2016

Cairns Campus Most Collegial Award 2019

2020 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Exemplary Practice in Learning and Teaching

2022 Australian College of Educators FNQ Tertiary Educator Excellence in Education Award


Media Citations

VC's Blog

Previous teaching

Pine Rivers High - Teacher designing programs for students on the ASD spectrum and other identified learning needs.

Caloundra Christian College - Teacher of English, Drama, Art and SOSE

                                                HOD Humanities and English

Professional Memberships



Postgraduate Research Coordinator - SEDUA

Senior Lecturer on Cairns campus for B.Ed - Primary and Early Childhood

Senior Lecturer in the Masters of Teaching

Supporting students of Education in the Cairns footprint

Supervision of RhD students


Professional Interests


Cross cultural International Teacher Professional Development

Key Achievements

The growth and development of three children to successful adults

Research with the Department of Education international to design a framework of Global Competence for teacher implementation in Queensland schools.

International collaboration



Editorial team member for the International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives

Consultancy Work

Consultant on the Department of Education International's Pilot Global Competence program 2020-2023.

Recent Research Projects
Global Competence Framework - implementation and measures of success
From: 06/03/2023 to 25/01/2024
Grant: Government Tender (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Education Queensland International - DEi Strategy, Global Engagement funding
Total Funding: $74,787.00
Global Competence Pilot Program (GCPP) - Phase 3 (2022)
From: 27/04/2022 to 15/12/2023
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Education Queensland International - DEi Strategy, Global Engagement funding
Total Funding: $139,994.00
Trauma-informed post-secondary teaching practice: Phoenixing from the ashes of COVID-19
From: 12/08/2021 to 12/02/2023
Grant: Scholarly project (Internal L&T Grant)
Funding Schemes: CQU Learning and Teaching Research and Development Grants 2020
Total Funding: N/A
Vice-Chancellor's Award for Exemplary Practice in Learning and Teaching 2020
From: 20/08/2020 to 31/08/2022
Grant: Scholarly activity (Ineligible)
Funding Schemes: CQU Internal Learning and Teaching Awards 2020
Total Funding: N/A
Global Competence Pilot Program (GCPP) - Addition to Phase 2
From: 27/08/2021 to 16/12/2022
Grant: Government Tender (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Education Queensland International - DEi Strategy, Global Engagement funding
Total Funding: $39,995.00
Global Citizen Education - A Passport to Social Cohesion: including the Global Leaders Development Program
From: 25/01/2021 to 30/11/2021
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Global Learning Centre
Total Funding: $8,351.00
Global Competence Pilot Program (GCPP) - Phase 2
From: 25/01/2021 to 16/12/2022
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Education Queensland International - DEi Strategy, Global Engagement funding
Total Funding: $42,528.00
Global Competence Pilot Program (Phase 1)
From: 12/05/2020 to 17/12/2021
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Education Queensland International - DEi Strategy, Global Engagement funding
Total Funding: $40,998.00
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3999 Other Education
  • 3901 Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • 3904 Specialist Studies in Education

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
A Study on How Teachers Incorporate the 4Cs Skills to Meet Student Learning Needs
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
How do secondary school teachers develop critical thinking skills among students by using digital technology?
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Education
Improving Wellbeing in Senior Leadership in Catholic Schools
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
<p>What do the lived experiences and perceptions of Australian secondary school teachers regarding Virtual Exchange (VE) reveal about VE’s potential to support global competence?</p>
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Education
Collaboratively designing a multilingual approach to support reading in a superdiverse primary school
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy (Industry)
Strategies that positively impact well-being and retention of teachers of junior secondary students in Catholic schools.
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Education
Generation Next - identifying and developing the next generation of Principals in Christian Schools.
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Education
Conceptualising and implementing education for global competence: a study of graduating teachers’ perceptions, beliefs and understandings.
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Developing global competence in classrooms and exploration of the teachers’ approaches in primary schools of Punjab, Pakistan
Principal Supervisor
Complete Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
Enhancing Job-readiness of Project Management Graduates through Effective Group-based Assessments
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Listening at the cultural interface: A co-produced story of a learner-centred alternate model of education for remote aboriginal adolescents.
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests

Specialist Studies in Education - Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education
Teachers' interpretation of Global Competence


Specialist Studies in Education - Teacher and student wellbeing
Teacher identity and agency development


Specialist Studies in Education - Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators
Teacher's response to educational reform

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