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Dr. Lisa Bricknell

PhD Qld; M.App.Sc (EnvHlth) UWSH; B.App.Sc.(EnvHlth) QUT; B.Sc. (Australian Environmental Studies) Griffith
Snr Lect - Environmental Hlth/ Head of Course (Undergrad Public Hlth)
School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
Rockhampton North
6 - 2.17
About Me
Universities Studied At

University of Queensland (School of Medicine)

University of Western Sydney (Hawkesbury)

Queensland University of Technology (School of Public Health)

Griffith University (School of Australian Environmental Studies)

Universities Worked At

Griffith University

University of Queensland

Queensland University of Technology

Central Queensland University


Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning 2011

CQUniversity Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence in Learning & Teaching 2011

Faculty of Sciences Engineering & Health Award for Excellence in Learning & Teaching 2010

Dean's Award for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (School of Health & Human Services) 2010

Grains Research & Development Corporation Scholarship

Australian Institute of Environmental Health (NQ Group) Award

Media Citations

"Sanitising the city: does spraying the streets work against coronavirus?" — The Conversation, May 5, 2020

"How to stay safe in restaurants and cafes" — The Conversation, May 28, 2020

"Heading back to the office? Here's how to protect yourself and your colleagues from coronavirus" — The Conversation, June 29, 2020

"Dine in or walk away? How to tell if a venue is COVID safe in NSW" — The Conversation, July 29 2020

Professional Experience

Senior Environmental Health Officer (Qld Health) 1997-2001

Environmental Health Officer (Qld Health) 1993-1996

Environmental Health Officer (Duaringa Shire Council) 1993

Market Research 1987-1990

Professional Memberships

Member, Environmental Health Australia

Member of Environmental Health Faculty Forum

Member of International Environmental Health Faculty Forum 


Professional Interests

Environmental toxicology


Risk management of environmental health hazards

Disaster risk reduction

Key Achievements

Australian Learning & Teaching Council Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning 2011

CQUniversity Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence in Learning & Teaching 2011

 Faculty of Sciences Engineering & Health Award for Excellence in Learning & Teaching 2010

Dean's Award for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (School of Health & Human Services) 2010

Top Ten Moodle Site Award 2010 

Industry Reports

Bricknell, LK & Taylor, ER (2001) Reported Health Effects Relating to the Stuart Shale Oil Project Stage 1: interim report Queensland Health

Bricknell, LK (2000) Environmental Health Management in Government Premises- final project report Queensland Health & Queensland Department of Public Works.

Sloan, DSG, Taylor, ER & Bricknell, LK (2000) Notifiable Diseases 1999 in the Central, Central West and Wide Bay Areas, Central Public Health Unit Network, Queensland Health

Bricknell, Lisa (1996) Evaluation of the personal health record : the perspective of service providers , Central Queensland Public Health Unit, Rockhampton, QLD


Associate Editor, International Journal on Technology, Knowledge and Society 2012

Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3006 Food Sciences
  • 3214 Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • 4101 Climate change impacts and adaptation
  • 4199 Other Environmental Sciences

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
Composting Domestic Canine Faeces for Sustainability and Urban Agriculture Soil Remediation
Associate Supervisor
Master of Health Science
How can a community respond to the challenges and opportunities of cumulative disaster events and climate change?
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Advancing Health Adaptation Capacity to Climate Change: A review of environmental health profession in Australia 
Principal Supervisor
Research Interests
Health Sciences

Public health - Public health not elsewhere classified
Environmental Health risk assessment; environmental toxicology

Health Sciences

Public health - Public health not elsewhere classified
Disaster risk reduction; building adaptive capacity to climate change; complex adaptive systems surrounding climate change and disaster resilience

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