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Dr. Rolf Schlagloth

Cert.IV (Ecotourism); B.Appl.Sci.; Grad.Dip.Edu.; M.Ed.St.; PhD
School of Access Education
Rockhampton North
32 - 42
About Me

Rolf has a background in Natural Resource Management focusing on Koala ecology, conservation, education, ethics and history through his work with Koala Research - CQ (School of Health, Medical and Applied Science at CQUniversity). His PhD research modelled koala roadkill blackspots and involved radio-tracking and handling of koalas, disease and diet studies. Rolf has more than 25 years’ experience in wildlife and vegetation studies, in Victoria (Vic) and Queensland (Qld). He has also been a high school teacher of senior mathematics and science in both states and is now pursuing his combined passions of research and teaching by working in CQU’s STEPS program within the School of Access Education.



Graduate Certificate in Research (Associate supervisor) - J. Maier (2022/23). Comparative analysis of the impact of conservation status on planning and environment regulations in Queensland and Victoria.

Honours (Supervisor) - C. Geddes (2022/23). Can utilising a citizen science approach add valuable scientific data, and make a meaningful impact, to scientific research and environmental decision making? A koala monitoring case study.

PhD (Associate supervisor) - P. Bwye (2022 - ). distribution and health status of koalas in Central Queensland.

Universities Studied At

University of Bonn (Germany)

University of Ballarat (Victoria) now Federation University

Central Queensland University

Universities Worked At

Central Queensland University



Professional Memberships


Central Queensland University (Qld) Research Committee of Academic Board 2013

Local Marine Advisory Committee for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 2015 – 2018

Department of Primary Industries (Vic) Wildlife & Small Institutions Animal Ethics Committee 2005 – 2014

Federation University (fmr University of Ballarat) Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee 2002 – current Mt Buninyong Reserve Advisory Committee 2002 – 2011

Department of Human Services (Vic) Victorian Biotechnology Advisory Committee 2006 – 2008

Ballarat Region Conservation Strategy Implementation Committee 2001 – 2004



Australasian Wildlife Management Society 1998 – current Koori Heritage Trust 2002 – current

Australian Association for Environmental Education 2002 – current

Science Teachers Association of Australia 2008 – 2016

Capricornia Landcare Group 2012 – current

Australian Historical Association 2015 – 2018

Native Plants Qld 2016 – current

Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 2018 – current

Australasian Animal Studies Association 2021 - current

Industry Reports

Schlagloth, R.; Hewson, M. & Santamaria, F. (2022). Koala Survey at Adair cattle property (near Sarina) Report to the Fitzroy Basin Association & CSIRO. Koala Research – CQ, Central Queensland University.

Schlagloth, R.; Hewson, M. & Santamaria, F. (2022). CLARKE-CONNORS RANGE KOALA PROTECTION PROJECT Koala Survey for Landholders Final project report February 2022. Koala Research – CQ, Central Queensland University.

Schlagloth, R.; Hewson, M. & Santamaria, F. (2021). CLARKE-CONNORS RANGE KOALA PROTECTION PROJECT Koala Survey for Landholders Draft project report December 2021. Koala Research – CQ, Central Queensland University.

Schlagloth, R. (2018). Managing Central Queensland’s Clarke Connors Range koala population. Predicting future koala-road kill hotspots. Koala Research Project – Eton Range Realignment. Koala Research – CQ, Central Queensland University.

Schlagloth, R., Mitchell, D. and Rhodes, J. (2008). Use of Blue Gum Plantations by Koalas. A report to stakeholders in the plantation industry.

Schlagloth, R., Thomson, H. and Mitchell, (2006). Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management for Ballarat City Council (Part 1- The Plan, part 2 – resource document)

Schlagloth, R., Callaghan, J., Thomson, H. and Mitchell, (2006). Draft Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management for Ballarat City Council (Part 1- The Plan, part 2 – resource document)

Schlagloth, R. and Santamaria, F. (2001). Koala Survey for Ballarat. Report on an extensive survey of ratepayers’ attitude to, and experiences with, koala conservation. City of Ballarat / Australian Koala Foundation.

Prevett, P. T., Pope, R., Smithyman, S., & Schlagloth, R. (1995). Interaction between Koalas and Roads on the Midland Highway and Western Freeway in Victoria: University of Ballarat.

Recent Research Projects
National Koala Monitoring Program (NKMP) 2023-2026 (2023092308)
From: 10/11/2023 to 30/06/2026
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Total Funding: N/A
Desktop Study of Coal Mining Impact on Koala Habitat in the Bowen Basin
From: 22/05/2023 to 15/09/2023
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Lock the Gate Alliance Ltd (LTG) and Environmental Advocacy in Central Queensland (EnvA-CQ) - Impacts of coal mining on koalas and koala habit in the Bowen Basin
Total Funding: N/A
Monitoring the effectiveness of recent fauna sensitive infrastructure along the Peak Downs Highway (CN-19261)
From: 01/07/2022 to 30/06/2023
Grant: Government Tender (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) (QLD) - Request for Quote CN-19261 Monitoring the Effectiveness of Fauna Sensitive Infrastructure along the Peak Downs Highway
Total Funding: N/A
Pilot Survey for Koalas in the Clarke-Connors Range Project Area
From: 01/03/2022 to 01/07/2022
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Fitzroy Basin Association
Total Funding: N/A
Dean's Award for Outstanding Researchers - Early Career Research category
From: 30/11/2021 to 31/12/2022
Grant: Award - Internal (Internal Grant)
Funding Schemes: Research Division (on behalf of SAE) Dean's Award - CQUniversity Awards for Outstanding Researchers 2021
Total Funding: N/A
Boreelum Offset Habitat Assessment
From: 23/09/2021 to 20/04/2022
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: RFQ 20212372A: Invitation to submit a Scope and Quote for habitat quality, Koala and Squatter Pigeon surveys circa 2,000ha, Miriam Vale
Total Funding: N/A
Developing and Implementing Koala Surveys for Landholders in the Clarke-Connors Range
From: 09/09/2021 to 30/09/2022
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Clarke-Connors Range Koala Climate Change Refugia Project
Total Funding: N/A
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3103 Ecology
  • 4104 Environmental management

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
Evaluation of the health status of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) throughout Central Queensland using non-invasive methods
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Assessment on refugial habitats and its impacts in Shoalwater and Corio Bays wetlands
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Associate Supervisor
Graduate Certificate in Research
Comparative analysis of the impact of conservation status on planning and environment regulations in Queensland and Victoria
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests
Biological Sciences

Ecology - Terrestrial Ecology

Environmental Sciences

Environmental Science and Management - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Knowledge

Environmental Sciences

Environmental Science and Management - Environmental Education and Extension

Environmental Sciences

Environmental Science and Management - Wildlife and Habitat Management

History And Archaeology

Historical Studies - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History

History And Archaeology

Historical Studies - Australian History (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History)

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