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Dr. Darshan Datar

PhD University of Melbourne; LLM European University Institute; LLM Central European University; BALLB O.P Jindal Global University.
Lecturer - Law-612069
School of Business and Law
(03) 9616 0458
About Me

Dr Darshan Datar is a trained comparative and international lawyer. He holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne, where he was a part of the Laureate Project on Comparative Constitutional Law. He also holds a masters in comparative, European and international law from the European University Institute and an LLM in comparative constitutional law from the Central European University. Dr. Datar's research interests currently include comparative and international law with a specific emphasis on freedom of religion and secularism. Dr Datar has published in leading journals in his field including at the International Journal of Constitutional Law (ICON). 

Dr Datar has previously served as an assistant editor of the International Association of Constitutional Law's blog. He has also served as the founding convenor of the Constitutionalism and Politics Working Group at the European University Institute. In addition to his editorial work, Dr Darshan has served as a visiting researcher at the Max Plank Institute of Comparative and International Law and at Humboldt University. He was recently awarded a World Constitutional Law Visiting Scholarship at Humboldt University. 


Universities Studied At

PhD University of Melbourne;

LLM European University Institute;

LLM Central European University;

BA LLB O.P Jindal Global University.

Universities Worked At

Sessional Instructor, University of Melbourne

Teaching Associate, Monash University;

Sessional Tutor, La Trobe University

Sessional Lecturer, Swinburne University



World Constitutional Law visiting scholarship: Humboldt University

Previous teaching

Constitutional Law, Trusts, Evidence - Monash University.

Introduction to Political Ideas - University of Melbourne.

Criminal Law and Procedure - Swinburne University.

Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4807 Public law
  • 4804 Law in context
  • 4805 Legal systems
  • 4803 International and comparative law

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Research Interests
Law And Legal Studies

International and comparative law - European Union law

Law And Legal Studies

International and comparative law - International humanitarian and human rights law

Law And Legal Studies

Public law - Domestic human rights law

Law And Legal Studies

Public law - Migration, asylum and refugee law

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