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Professor Susan Kinnear

PhD, B Sci (Biol)(Hons), B Environ Science
Dean, School of Graduate Research
School of Graduate Research
Rockhampton North
Building 32 - Room 2.56
CQUniversity Rockhampton
About Me

Professor Susan Kinnear is currently the Dean, School of Graduate Research, as well as an active researcher and research supervisor. Susan's research interests include graduate research training, sustainable regional development and environmental management, with most recent work including work on supply chains and Indigenous studies. 

Universities Studied At

CQUniversity Australia

Universities Worked At

CQUniversity Australia

Media Citations


  • Refer to CQUNinews for articles relating to research and research training. 

Previous teaching

Water Resources and Society
Water Resources and Planning
Holistic Infrastructre Management (water resources)
Innovative thinking and strategies (water resources)
Biological Experimentation
Program development - B Agribusiness and Food Security

Professional Experience


Research Leader, Division of Industry, Vocational Training and Access Education (DIVTAE), CQUniversity Australia

Senior Research officer, Centre for Environmental Management (CEM), CQUniversity Australia
Deputy Director, Centre for Environmental Management (CEM), CQUniversity Australia


Senior Research officer, Centre for Environmental Management (CEM), CQUniversity Australia


Research Officer (Projects), Institute for Sustainable Regional Development (ISRD), CQUniversity Australia


Casual academic positions, Faculty of Arts, Health and Sciences


Casual research assistant, Centre for Enviromnental Management


ITAS Learning Advisor

Professional Memberships

Australian Council of Graduate Research - Executive Member



Susan's current responsibility is as the Dean of Graduate Studies, including membership of the University Management Committee, Academic Board and Curriculum Committee; Deputy Chair of the Research Committee; and Chair of the Research Higher Degree Course Committee as well as several RHD scholarship panels. . 


Past responsibilities at CQUniversity have included:


  • Research Committee of Academic Board - elected representative for researchers (2.5 years)
    Deputy Director and Centre Management Group, Centre for Environmental Management.
  • Leader, Sustainable Regional Development Programme, Centre for Environmental Management.
  • Group Leader for the ERA Discipline 16 - Studies in Human Society.

Key Achievements


  • Nominee, Tall Poppy Awards


  • Nominee, Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Early Career Research


  • Queensland Young Achiever Awards

-Winner, Department of Main Roads Environment Award

-Semi-finalist (top 10), CQU Career Achievement Award

-Semi-finalist (top 10), Sigma Science and Technology Award

  • Best Conference Paper Award, 31st Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Regional Science Association International, for Miles, R. L., Greer L., Kraatz D. and Kinnear S., ‘Measuring Community Wellbeing: A Central Queensland Case Study’.


  • Faculty medallist (Arts, Health and Sciences)
  • Dean’s commendation for academic achievement (environmental science)
  • Stanwell Corporation prize for environmental excellence (B. Environ. Science)
  • Ecoscope environmental prize (aquatic systems)


  • Gladstone Port Authority prize
  • Rockhampton Community Service Club Inc Prize
  • Co-winner Nogoa Pastoral Company bursary

Industry Reports

Reports are prepared for industry research partners on a regular basis. If you see a research project under my listing and would be interested to obtain the accompanying reseach report, please email me for a copy. In most cases these are available (subject to our contract arrangements with particular partners).


Guest Editor, Journal of Economic and Social Policy
- Special Edition on Research in Regional Australia (2013)
- Special Edition on Megatrends in Regional Australia (2014)

Recent Research Projects
Rural Economies Centre for Research Excellence
From: 26/06/2018 to 31/12/2024
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Scheme: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Total Funding: $3,000,000.00
A.1.1718097 - Exporting perishable commodities to Asia: Developing a stakeholder collaboration model
From: 26/03/2018 to 14/04/2021
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
Funding Scheme: CRC Developing Northern Australia
Total Funding: $305,455.00
C25032 - Innovation in stakeholder collaboration to maximise the benefits and acceptance of land packages for post-mining leases
From: 01/03/2016 to 28/08/2018
Grant: Competitive Grant (ACGR)
Funding Scheme: ACARP Research Program 2015
Total Funding: $239,215.00
CQ Indigenous Chronic Disease Research
From: 30/06/2014 to 30/06/2015
Grant: Contract Research (Not Specified )
Funding Scheme: Central Queensland Medicare Local Contract Research
Total Funding: $45,193.64
Best practice bridging: facilitating Indigenous participation through regional dual-sector universities
From: 15/04/2014 to 31/03/2015
Grant: Competitive Grant (Not Specified )
Funding Scheme: National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education - Student Equity in Higher Education Research Grants Program
Total Funding: $57,823.00
Climate change vulnerability in Queenslanders with a disability
From: 01/12/2013 to 30/06/2015
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3)
Funding Scheme: Queensland Centre for Social Science Innovation
Total Funding: $43,393.00
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4406 Human Geography

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
The role of regional universities in regionalisation
Associate Supervisor
PhD (Offshore)
Options for avoiding land-mining conflicts in developing countries: A case study from the Côte dIvoire
Associate Supervisor
Master of Business
Business Impacts of Extreme Weather Events: A Case Study of Central Queensland Fruit Growers.
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
The role of universities in regionalisation
Associate Supervisor
PhD (Offshore)
Options for avoiding land-mining conflicts in developing countries: A case study from the Côte dIvoire
Associate Supervisor
Complete Supervision
Master of Business
Factors affecting the accessibility of Anbessa City bus service in Addis Ababa: A case study of Kolfe-Keraniyo Sub-City.
Principal Supervisor
Master of Business
Defining 'incubation leadership': identifying important behavioural traits in managers of Australian business incubation enviornments.
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
The influence of humic substances on the toxicity of low pH and acid mine drainage to freshwater organisms
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests
Environmental Sciences

Environmental Science and Management - Environmental Science and Management not elsewhere classified
Climate change; Freshwater Ecology, Weeds, Toxicology

Studies In Human Society

Human Geography - Urban and Regional Studies (excl. Planning)
Regional Innovation Systems; Collaboration Platforms; University-industry and university-SME linkages; regional planning and development; Monitoring, Evaluation, Policy, and Analysis. If you are interested in undertaking study for a research masters or PhD, then please feel free to contact me to discuss possible topic areas. (See also the "Expertise" tab for areas of research supervision).

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