Dr Susan Rockloff is a lecturer in the College of Social Work and Community Services, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences.
Susan specialises in Environmental Sociology, with a particular focus on the social dimensions of climate change and natural disasters. She has experience in social impact assessment, stakeholder analysis, social profiling, the development of social and cultural indicators, as well as coastal zone management and environmental policy.
Susan has been a member of the CQU Human Research Ethics Committee. Previously, she was the social science expert on the Independent Science Panel for the Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership, and she has also advised the Queensland Government on zoning plans for conservation. She has undertaken collaborative research projects for a variety of organisations (e.g., Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resource for the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program; Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management; Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology). She was also involved in the Central Queensland Healthy Waterways Survey for the Port Curtis and Fitzroy regions.
Her research background and interests cover climate change and climate change anxiety, community resilience, natural disaster preparedness, awe, coastal zone management, social impact assessment, social and cultural indicators, social resilience, regional governance and ecotourism.
Susan supervises master's and doctoral-level students across a range of discipline areas (environmental science, sociology, health/nursing), topic areas (eco-anxiety, awe, climate change, consumption attitudes & behaviour change, disability), research designs (mixed methods, qualitative) and methodologies (grounded theory, case study, phenomenology, survey research).
Susan holds a PhD in Environmental Science (Social Sciences)(Murdoch University), a Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Impact Assessment (Murdoch University), a B. Science (Biology)(Honours)(Flinders University of South Australia) and a B. Science (Flinders University of South Australia).
Flinders University of South Australia
Murdoch University
Central Queensland University
Murdoch University
University of Western Australia
15 year Service Award (CQU)
20 year Service Award (CQU)
SOCL11055 Self & Society / Sociology of Australian Society
SOCL11059 Introducing Social Change
SOCL19069 Social Research Methods
SOWK13011 Community Practice
NURS20168 Research Methods in Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences
SOWK14004 Reconciliation in the Workplace and Community
SOCL19065 Rural Communities and Health
NURS11062 Inclusive Practice for Nursing
SOCL19057 Environmental Sociology
FAHE13003 Special Topics
SOCL11058 Science, Technology & Society
SOCL19070 Health & Medical Sociology
SOCL19060 Human Ecology
SOCL11056 Australian Identity
International Association for Society & Natural Resources (IASNR)
Research Higher Degree supervision
QSR Nvivo
Survey Monkey
Social Network Analysis
Senior Consultative Investigator (Nov 2003 – May 2004)
Great Barrier Reef Coastal Wetlands Protection Programme.
Consultancy with the Coastal Cooperative Research Centre.
I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:
Environmental Science and Management - Environmental Management
• Governance of coastal zone and marine resources in developing and developed nations
• Food security and agricultural land protection with climate change
• Environmental and social impact assessment in relation to coastal and marine development and management
• Assessing adaptability & resilience of coastal communities to climate change
• Social network analysis in natural resource management
• Conservation and biodiversity governance in coastal areas
• Managing coastal natural resource change after episodic events