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Professor Margaret Kettle

Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics, Bachelor of Education, Certificate in Teaching English to Adults (CTEFLA), Diploma of Teaching,
Professor - Education-129894
School of Education and the Arts
Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching & Education (CREATE)
Brisbane - 21.32
About Me

Professor Margaret Kettle is a research-focused academic based in the School of Education and the Arts. Her research and teaching focus on Education for diverse populations in formal and informal settings. Specifically, she is interested in the ways that pedagogy, language and culture intersect in people's lives and can be brought together to promote participation and belonging in schooling, higher education, workplaces, and communities. 

Margaret has led and been a member of a number of research projects including three Australian Research Council (ARC) projects, two Queensland Department of Education Horizon projects and a Scanlon foundation philanthropic project. The Education Horizon projects have focused on migrant- and refugee-background populations in regional areas and the ways that schools and teachers can utilise home languages to connect with families and enhance student engagement. Recent projects have focused on working with communities to promote Aboriginal language revitalisation and education, and informal English language learning for refugee- and migrant-background women. 

Margaret's teaching is at postgraduate and doctoral levels - on the Master of Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - TESOL) and Doctor of Education. She has conducted consultancies with the Queensland Department of Education and Catholic Education designed to enhance teacher and school leader capabilities in pedagogies for culturally and linguistically diverse students across different schooling systems. In 2023-2024 she has led a large Queensland Department of Education project to design and develop support programs for educators of  English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) students in Queensland State Schools. Internationally, Margaret has worked in the area of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) with businesses and universities in Germany, Thailand and Vietnam, and has extensive RHD supervision in projects focusing on TESOL and English use in professional and academic contexts. 


Margaret completed her PhD at The University of Queensland in 2007, with her thesis winning The University of Queensland Varghese Prize for Best Thesis in Comparative Education (2008) and the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) Excellence Award for Research Thesis (2009). She has published a book proposing a model of international student engagement titled International student engagement in higher education: Transforming practices, pedagogies and participation (2017) with leading UK publisher Multilingual Matters.

Universities Studied At

The University of Queensland

Griffith University

Brisbane College of Advanced Education/Griffith University

Universities Worked At

Central Queensland University

Queensland University of Technology

The University of Queensland


Queensland University of Technology Interdisciplinary Publication Award: Sole-authored book: 2017

Queensland University of Technology Faculty of Education HDR Supervision Award (2017)

Queensland University of Technology Research Excellence Award (2015)

Queensland University of Technology Faculty of Education Teaching and learning Excellence Award: Language Education Team (2010)

Queensland University of Technology Faculty of Education Teaching and learning Excellence Award: Early Career Academic (2009)

The International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) Excellence Award for Research Thesis (2009)

The University of Queensland Varghese Prize for Best Thesis in Comparative Education (2008)

Media Citations

2022: Education HQ: How one principal united a culturally and linguistically diverse school community. January 31.

2017: Toowoomba Chronicle: Oakey High teams up with QUT researcher. November 30.

2014: Radio 4EB: What's in a Word? Invited to discuss the implications of the Gold Coast Mayor's decision to replace the work 'tourist' with 'visitor' during the Commonwealth Games. October 16.

Previous teaching

Queensland University of Technology Faculty of Education: Master of Education Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Theory and practice of second language teaching and learning


Doctor of Education (EdD) Research Methods

Professional Memberships

Australian Association of Researchers in Education (AARE)

Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA)

The Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA)

DiscourseNet (DN)

International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA)

Queensland Association of TESOL (QATESOL)

Queensland College of Teachers (QCT)


Editor with Professor Gert Biesta (University of Edinburgh), Dr Stephen Heimans (The University of Queensland) and Professor Keita Takayama (University of South Australia): Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (APJTE).

Consultancy Work

Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI) Faculty of foreign Languages: English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) professional education and consultancy. Working with higher education teachers in seven disciplines: chemical engineering and environmental technology, electrical engineering and electronics, mechanical engineering and automobile technology, tourism and hospitality, information technology, garment and fashion production, and business.

2017: Three-week, five workshop on English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) curriculum design, pedagogy and assessment

2018: Research methods and academic writing program.

Recent Research Projects
Time for a rethink: Assessment policy to enable equity
From: 07/02/2024 to 30/04/2025
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Scheme: National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) Small Grants Program 2023
Total Funding: $49,981.00
Reading My Language, Your Language (CG230164)
From: 01/02/2024 to 31/12/2024
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Scheme: Scanlon Foundation - Annual Community Grants
Total Funding: $29,744.00
English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) support for schools (QED119377)
From: 13/12/2023 to 20/12/2024
Grant: Government Tender (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Scheme: Qld Dept of Education Invitation to Offer DEQ119377 English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) support for schools
Total Funding: $812,370.00
Binung Ma Na Du: Cultural stories and living histories on Wakka Wakka Country
From: 27/07/2023 to 16/02/2024
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 1: Aust Competitive Grant)
Funding Scheme: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) Grants Program through QUT
Total Funding: $4,537.00
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4703 Language Studies
  • 3903 Education Systems
  • 3904 Specialist Studies in Education
  • 3902 Education policy, sociology and philosophy

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Education
Mainstreaming EAL/D Students in High School Classrooms: Investigating Policies, Procedures and Participation
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
The Impact of Culture on Teaching and Learning Science in Rural Fijian Schools: A Case Study of a Secondary School
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Attitudes of Owners, Teachers, Students and Parents of Acehnese Dayah Salafiyah towards English Teaching in the Province of Aceh, Indonesia
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Implementation of 21st Century Skills Integration in Pre-Service English Teacher Education Training: A Multiple Case Study of State Islamic Universities in Indonesia
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Education
Collaboratively designing a multilingual approach to support reading in a superdiverse primary school
Principal Supervisor
Research Interests

Curriculum and Pedagogy - LOTE, ESL and TESOL curriculum and pedagogy


Education Systems - Professional education and training


Specialist Studies in Education - Multicultural education (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Māori and Pacific Peoples)

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