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Associate Professor Huong Le

Associate Professor in Human Resource Management
School of Business and Law
Melbourne - 413
About Me

Associate Professor Huong Le is the HRM Discipline Leader at the School of Business and Law, CQUniversity, Australia (Melbourne campus). Since obtaining the Ph.D. from The University of Sydney with scholarships from AusAID and The University of Sydney, she has developed a broad range of work experience at Deakin University (Research Fellowship and Lectureship), and the NSW Department of Education and Training, Sydney (Policy Officer).

Huong's current research expertise is workforce diversity, diversity and inclusion, employee well-being, turnover and retention, and career management. Her research has been published in leading journals such as Journal of Vocational Behavior, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Human Resource Management Review, the International Journal of Human Resource Management, among others. Huong was awarded Visiting Research Fellowships with Drexel University (US), The University of Sheffield (UK), The University of Sydney, The University of Melbourne, and the University of Wollongong (Australia).

Huong is the recipient of multiple competitive grants from the Department of Health (Victoria), Queensland Resources Council, The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), IMPACT Perpetual grant, Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Program Fostering Integration Grants, and many other internal research grants. She also completed several consultancy projects for the Western Australian and Victorian governments. 

Huong serves as an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Vocational Behavior and as a reviewer for journals such as Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of HRM, HRM Journal, Applied Psychology, International Migration, International of Stress Management, and Personnel Review.

Huong has successfully supervised Ph.D., Master's, and Bachelor (Honors) students to on-time completion.



  • Zhu, X., Lee, J., Le, H. (2024). Presenter symposium titled “How Do You Feel Today? Emotion Regulation and Work Outcomes” (Submission#19762). Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Le, H. (2024) Panelist in a panel symposium titled “Inclusive Change and Voice in Organizations” (Submission#18614). Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Le H. (2024) Professional Development Workshop titled "DEI’s Global Ambassadors Broadening the AOM Experience for Emerging International Members" (Submission#10723), The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Le, H. (2024) Distinguished Speaker at the Caucus titled “Navigating the Strategy and Change Interface: Innovating and Innovative Purposes” (Submission#14492). The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Nauman, S., Zheng, C., Le, H. (2024). Diversity and Inclusion in Project Management: A Bibliometric Analysis. Proceedings of the 24th European Academy of Management (EURAM), The University of Bath, UK. 
  • Azmat, F. and Le H. (2023) Understanding intersectionality challenges and agency of migrant women of color (Submission #12028). Proceedings of the 83rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston MA, USA.
  • Le, H. (2023) – Distinguished Speaker at the Caucus titled “The Strategy and Change Interface: Workers Interacting and Applying Different Discretionary Schemas” (Submission #11534), The 83rd Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston MA, USA.
  • Le, H. (2023) Professional Development Workshop titled “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’s Global Ambassadors Broadening the AOM Experience for Emerging International Members” (Submission #13282). Role: Global Ambassador of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Division, the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston MA, USA.
  • Le, H (2022) Invited Guest Speaker at Wessex University (AACSB School), India in the lecture series on HRM and managing people.
  • Le, H., Lee, J., Gopalan, N., Van der Heijden B., and Jiang Z. (2022) "Proactive skill development and work performance: The effects of career stress and decidedness", (ID # 202223). Proceeding of 2022 Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. (This paper has been selected as the SMA 2022 Best Paper in the Careers/Social Issues/Diversity Issues/Ethics Track (Track 5).
  • Le, H. (2022) "The Strategy and Change Interface: Cross-Disciplinary Implications of Unique Institutional Contexts", Caucus presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  • Lee, J., Le, H., Zheng C. and Gopalan, N. (2022) Prosocial motivation and employee attitudes: Sequential mediating roles of social support and career networking. Proceedings of the 2022 Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2022, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  • Le, H. (2022) Professional Development Workshop (PDW) as a Global Ambassador for Gender and Diversity in Organization (GDO) Division. Global Connections: GDO’s Global Ambassadors Broadening the AOM Experience for Emerging International Members. Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2022, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  • Lee, J. Le, H., Jiang Z., Nielsen I. (2021) How Does Career Success Drive Employees' Work Behaviors? Roles of Career Optimism and Self-perceived Employability. Academy of Management Proceedings 12185. Virtual conference, USA.
  • Le, H., Jiang, Z. and Radford K. (2020) Leader-member exchange and subjective well-being: The moderating role of cultural metacognition, Proceedings of the 2020 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Virtual conference, USA.
  • Le, H. Nielsen, K., Noblet, A., and Nielsen I. (2019) Participation of migrant workers in the stress intervention process (Submission #14239), Proceedings of the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Le, H. (Participant) (2019). The Strategy and Change Interface: Using 'Enabling' Processes and Cognitions to Foster Inclusiveness (Submission #10274). Caucus presented at the 2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Le, H. (Participant) (2018). The relationship between strategy implementation and organizational change (Submission #13054). Caucus presented at the 2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Le, H., and Jiang, Z. (2018) Perceived supervisor support and cultural intelligence: A moderated mediation model (Submission #16346). Proceedings of the 2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinoi, USA.
  • Le, H., Atewologun, D., and Palmer, C. (2018) (PDW Chair). Professional Development Workshop (PDW) - Promoting Inclusion and Wellbeing of AOM Members: Perspectives of International Members (Submission #15447). Presented at the 2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Le, H., Jiang Z., and Karina Nilsen (2018). How does the mental process of building cultural capabilities contribute to employees’ personal wellbeing? A leader-member exchange perspective. Presented at a research seminar at The University of Sheffield, UK, October 2017.
  • Tran, T., Polonsky, M. and Le, H., (2017) “COO and acculturation: Impacts on migrant’s consumption” - Best Paper Award in International Marketing track, ANZMAC conference, Australia (PhD student).
  • Fujimoto, Y. and Le, H. (2017). Organizational justice and voice behavior: A gender comparative study. Proceedings of the 2017 British Academy of Management, University of Warwick, UK.
  • Le, H., Fujimoto, Y., and Nielsen, I. (2017) Inclusion and affective wellbeing: The mediating roles of procedural and distributive justice (Submission #14806). Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Radford, K., Palmer, C and Le, H. (2017) (Chair) Professional Development Workshop (PDW) - Inclusion of International Members at the Interface of AOM Division Interest groups (Submission #14968). Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Le, H. (Participant) (2017). Continuing the conversation: The strategy implementation and organizational change interface (Submission #10289). Caucus presented at the 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Le, H. (Discussant of the paper session) (2017). Working Across Cultures and Thinking about Inclusion (Submission #19171). Paper session at the 2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Le, H. (Paper Session Chair) (2016). Managing effectively in global contexts (Gender and Diversity in Organization Division), the 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA.
  • Le, H. (Participant) (2016). The relationship between strategy implementation and organizational change (Submission #11050). Caucus presented at the 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA.
  • Fujimoto, Y., Le, H., Jiang Z., and Nielsen, I. (2016). Gender comparative organizational justice, voice behavior and wellbeing. Paper presented at the 2nd Symposium “Social Identity in the Workplace and Employee Engagement”, Sydney, Australia.
  • Jiang, Z, and Le, H. (2016) Cultural Intelligence, Leader-Member Exchange, and Voice Behavior: A Study of Migrant Workers (Submission #10734). Proceedings of the 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, US.
  • Le, H. and Zheng, C. (2015). Social inclusion, organisational justice and employee wellbeing. Paper presented at the 1st Symposium “Sustainable HRM and Employee Well-being Research”, Sydney, Australia.
  • Le, H., Noblet, A., and Nielsen, I. (2015) Participation of migrant employees in the stress intervention process. Paper presented at the 11th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference, APS, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Le, H., and Fujimoto, Y., (2011) A participatory model of audience development. Proceedings of the 2011 Annual ANZAM Conference, Wellington, NZ.
  • Le, H., Frederick, H. and Rentschler, R. (2010). Cultural Dimensions of Arts Entrepreneurship: Lessons for Vietnam from Australia. Paper presented at the Global Conference on SME and Entrepreneurship, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Le, H. (2010). Credentialism or work experience: A mutual pathway toward successful arts leaders and entrepreneurs in performing arts organisations? Paper presented at the 4th Australasian Caucus of the Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (ACSCOS), Melbourne, Australia
  • Le, H. (2010). Breaking through the ‘thuy tinh’ ceiling: Capacity building for female arts leaders in Vietnam. Paper presented at the “Engaging with Vietnam” Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.  
  • Le, H. and Fujimoto, Y. (2010) Motivators and Barriers of Ethnic Groups to Engage in Arts Performances. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual ANZAM Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
  • Edwards, D. and Le, H. (2010). Reflections on multicultural artists’ employment and career prospects. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual ANZAM Conference 2010, Adelaide, Australia.  
  • Le, H. and Sargent, J. (2009). Exploratory study into the use of the web as a marketing tool by arts organisations in Vietnam. Proceedings of the 2009 Annual ANZAM Conference, Melbourne, Australia. 
  • Le, H. (2008) Considerations for performing arts organisations in a climate of transition to the open market context in Vietnam. Proceedings of the 2008 Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA), Melbourne, Australia.
  • Le, H. (2006). Restructuring of education and training in Vietnam: A development and application of arts management training in Australia to Vietnam. Refereed paper in proceedings of 2006 ANZCIES conference “Global Governance, Educational Change, and Cultural Ecology, Canberra, December 2006. 
  • Le, H. (2005). Arts Marketing: A New Tool for Development of the Arts Sector in the Market Context in Vietnam. Proceedings of the Second Australasian Nonprofit & Social Marketing Conference “At the Threshold: Challenges and Developments in Social, Sport and Arts Marketing”. Melbourne, Australia. (Best Paper Award 2005)
  • Le, H. (2005). Vietnam humanities and language. Invited speaker at the Country Women’s Association of Australia Conference, the University of New England, Armidale, Australia. 
  • Le, H. (2004) Changes in arts organisations under the Open Market Economy in Vietnam. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, University of Greenwich, London, UK.
  • Le, H. (2003). Performing arts management: Comparisons of findings between Australian and Vietnamese case studies. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Education and Social Work Student Association Forum (PESSA), The University of Sydney, Australia. 
  • Le, H. (2003). Performing arts Management and administration: A comparative study between Vietnam and Australia. Paper presented at the Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society (ANZCIES) – “Education and Social and Cultural Change in the Asia-Pacific Region”, International Conference in Education, University of Wollongong, Australia. 
  • Le, H. (2003). Performing arts administration and management in Vietnam: A comparative study. Paper presented at the 17 IDP Australian International Education Conference “Securing the Future for International Education: Managing Growth and Diversity”, Melbourne, Australia. 
  • Le, H. (2003). Performing arts management and training for arts leaders in Australia and Vietnam. Poster presented at the NSW Institute for Educational Research Inc. 75th Anniversary Research Forum, Sydney, Australia. 

Universities Studied At

PhD and Graduate Diploma, The University of Sydney

Graduate Certificate of Higher Education, Deakin University

Universities Worked At

Deakin University, Deakin Business School


  • 2023, Emerald Literati Awards - Outstanding Reviewer Award for Personnel Review (A ranked, ABDC)
  • 2022, Best Paper Award, Southern Management Association Annual Meeting for the paper titled "Proactive skill development and work performance: The effects of career stress and decidedness" (ID # 202223), Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. (Best Paper in the Careers/Social Issues/Diversity Issues/Ethics Track (Track 5).
  • 2019, Best Faculty Proposal Award, from Managerial and Organizational Cognition (MOC) Division, 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, M.A. for the paper titled “How does the mental process of building cultural capabilities contribute to employees’ wellbeing? A leader-member exchange perspective”
  • 2018, Emerald Literati Awards - Outstanding Reviewer for Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship
  • 2017, Best Paper Award in ANZMAC conference for the paper titled “COO and acculturation – Impacts on migrant’s consumption” (my PhD student's research)
  • 2008, Team Teaching Award for the unit MMM132, Management, Deakin University
  • 2005, Best Paper Award in the 2nd Australasian Nonprofit and Social Marketing Conference, Australia.
  • 2001-2005, Recipient of the Australian Development Scholarship (AusAID) and The University of Sydney Scholarship for postgraduate studies at The University of Sydney.

Media Citations


My article titled “Inclusion and affective well-being: Roles of justice perceptions" (2018) in Personnel Review ( has a very high Altmetric score (139). This article has received widespread media attention, being cited in at least 16 major news outlets (e.g., Government Executive, Business Insider, MSN). The significant number of citations across publications positions this piece among the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric (2021) - the most widely referenced articles on this topic discussing the death of George Floyd. 

Media release

Huong was interviewed by ABC Tropical North, ABC North Queensland, ABC Capricornia on 9 February 2024 on the new bill the “Right to Disconnect”.

Media release on Queensland Resources Council's Workforce project

1)    Research project makes welcome mat for diversity in mining and energy 

2)    Research project boosts diversity in mining and energy 

3)    Research project boosts diversity in mining and energy 


Previous teaching

Huong taught units/courses in HRM, Organizational Behavior, and Management.

Professional Experience

Policy Officer at the NSW Department of Education and Training (2005 - 2007)

Professional Memberships

  • Member, Professional membership (MAHRI), Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI)
  • Member, Academy of Management (AOM), Divisions: Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI); Human Resource Management; Organizational Behavior; and Careers.
  • Member, Australian New Zealand Academy of Management
  • Member, British Academy of Management

Key Achievements

Grants and funded projects

•  2023   A recipient of a grant from the Queensland State Government - the Workforce Connect Fund in partnership with the Queensland Resources Council for a project titled Resources W.I.D.E (Workforce Inclusion & Diversity Engagement). ($103,000). (with Amarakoon, U.)

• 2022 A recipient of a competitive grant - Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Grants Program from the Victorian Government, Department of Health for a project titled Empowering mental health literacy in Vietnamese women through digital inclusion ($128,926) (with Deem, J., Lambropoulos, V., Price L.)

• 2021, A recipient of a competitive grant from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) for a project titled "Women entrepreneurs in Australia and Vietnam: Building capacity, building relationships". ($57,000) (with North-Samardzic A. and Pyman A.)

• 2020, A recipient of a Perpetual Grant, IMPACT for a project titled “Evaluation of an intergenerational program involving Year 10 students and residents in an aged care home in regional Australia”. Mercy Care, Victoria. ($118,700) (with Laging, B., and Radford, K.)

• 2019, A recipient of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Program Fostering Integration Grants, for a project titled "Preparing tertiary students from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) migrant communities for careers in regional areas". ($48,448) (with Alexander Newman, Fara Azmat, Joe Jiang, Siewmee Barton, & Ahmed Ferdous)

• 2012, A recipient of Bowater Trust Grant for a project titled "International student experience in regards to university support services" ($8,100) (with Rodney Arambewela)

• 2011, A recipient of the Central Research Grants Scheme (CRGS), Deakin University, for a project titled "Diversity Justice Management and Social Inclusion" ($14,000) (with Yuka Fujimoto)

• 2010, A recipient of Faculty Research Grant, Deakin University, for a project titled "A participatory model for ethnic audience development for the arts" ($10,000) (with Yuka Fujimoto)

• 2008, A recipient of Faculty of Business and Law research funding, Deakin University for a project titled ‘Social inclusion, diversity management and people with disability’ (Huong Le $7500). 


Selected Journal Articles

  • Le, H., Lee, J., Nielsen, I., and Nguyen, T. (2023) Employee turnover intentions: The roles of job satisfaction and family support. Personnel Review. (A-ranked; ABDC) 
  • Jiang, Z., Newman, A., Schwarz, G., and Le, H. (2022) Perceived red tape and precursors of turnover: The roles of work engagement and career adaptability. Journal of Business and Psychology. (A-ranked; ABDC) 
  • Le, H., Jiang Z., and Radford, K. (2021) Leader-member exchange and subjective well-being: The moderating role of cultural metacognition. Personnel Review, 50 (3), 954-970. (A-ranked; ABDC)
  • Le, H., Nielsen, K.M., and Noblet, A. (2021) The well-being and voice of migrant workers in participatory organizational interventions. International Migration (A-ranked; ABDC)
  • Le, H., Newman. A., Menzies, J., Zheng, C., and Fermelis, J. (2020). Work–life research in Asia: A systematic review. Human Resource Management Review, 30 (4), 100766. (A-ranked; ABDC)
  • Le, H., Palmer, C. and Fujimoto Y. (2020) Organizational justice, voice behavior and inclusion. Personnel Review, 50 (1), 1-20. (A-ranked; ABDC)
  • Newman, A., Le, H., Cohen M., and North-Samardzic A., (2019). Moral disengagement at work: A review and research agenda. Journal of Business Ethics, 167, 535–570. (A-ranked; ABDC)
  • Jiang, Z, Newman A., Le, H., Presbitero, A. and Zheng, C. (2019). Career exploration: A review of empirical evidence and research agenda. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 110, 338-356 (A*-ranked; ABDC)
  • Presbitero, A., Newman A., Le, H., Jiang, Z., and Zheng, C. (2019). Organizational commitment in multinational companies: A critical review and future directions. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30 (1), 188-218 (A-ranked; ABDC)
  • Le, H., Jiang Z., Fujimoto, Y., and Nielsen, I. (2018) Inclusion and affective wellbeing: Roles of justice perceptions. Personnel Review, 47(4), 805-820. (A-ranked; ABDC)
  • Jiang, Z., Le, H., and Gollan P. (2017). Cultural intelligence and voice behavior among migrant workers: The mediating role of leader-member exchange. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(5), 1082-1112 (A-ranked; ABDC)
  • Fujimoto, Y., Rentschler, R., Le, H., and Edwards, D and Hartel C. (2014) Lessons Learned from Community Organizations: Inclusion of People with Disabilities and Others, British Journal of Management, 25(3), 518-537. (A-ranked; ABDC)

Industry Reports

  • Deem, J., Le, H., Price. L, and Lambropoulos, V. (2024). Empowering Vietnamese Victorians through Online Guided Pathways - Final Report. Central Queensland University and Australian Vietnamese Women's Association (Victoria Department of Health funded grant)
  • Le, H., Amarakoon, U., McKay J. and Veres, J. (2023) Literature Review: Diversity and Inclusion in the Resources Sector (Report) Central Queensland University (Queensland Resources Council funded grant)
  • Le, H., Amarakoon, U., Veres, J. and McKay J. (2023). Research Report:  Diversity and Inclusion in the Queensland Resources Sector. Central Queensland University (Queensland Resources Council funded grant)
  • Deem, J., Le, H., Price. L, Lambropoulos, V. (2023). Empowering Vietnamese Victorians through Online Guided Pathways - Preliminary Report. Central Queensland University and Australian Vietnamese Women's Association (Victoria Department of Health funded grant)
  • North-Samardzic A., Le, H., and Pyman A. (2022) Women entrepreneurs in Australia and Vietnam: Building capacity, building relationships. A Report for the Department of Foreign Affairs, Australia (DFAT funded grant).
  • Rentschler, R., Edwards, D., Osborne, A., Fujimoto, Y., Shilbury, D., Crosby, J., Le, H. and Hede, A. (2008) Inclusive Arts, Tourism, Sport and Recreation for People with a Disability: Ways Forward Report, pp. 1-117, Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria. (Victorian Government funded grant)
  • Rentschler, R., Le, H. and Osborne, A. (2008) Western Australia Intercultural Arts Research Project: An Investigation into Issues Faced by Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Artists in Western Australia, pp. 1-74, Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria. (WA Government funded grant)

Consultancy Work

  • 2008, Research consultancy for Victorian Government: Rentschler, R., Edwards, D., Osborne, A., Fujimoto, Y., Shilbury, D., Crosby, J., Le, H. and Hede, A.  Inclusive Arts, Tourism, Sport and Recreation for People with a Disability: Ways Forward Report. 
  • 2008, Research consultancy for Western Australia Government: Rentschler, R., Le, H. and Osborne, A. Western Australia Intercultural Arts Research Project: An Investigation into Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Art and Artists in Western Australia. 


Recent Research Projects
Resources W.I.D.E – Workforce Inclusion and Diversity Engagement
From: 10/04/2023 to 09/04/2024
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Dept of Employment, Small Business and Training Workforce Connect Fund THROUGH Queensland Resources Council
Total Funding: N/A
Empowering mental health literacy in Vietnamese women through digital inclusion
From: 15/01/2023 to 15/12/2023
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Victoria Health Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Grants 2022-23 THROUGH Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association (AVWA)
Total Funding: N/A
What is the role of leadership in ensuring psychological safety in a culturally divergent workforce in the public healthcare sector in Australia?
From: 10/06/2022 to 09/06/2025
Grant: Scholarship (Internal Grant)
Funding Schemes: Elevate Scholarship 2021 - SBL/CQU
Total Funding: N/A
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3505 Human resources and industrial relations
  • 3507 Strategy, management and organisational behaviour

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
Examining the Influences Leadership Communication in the Public Healthcare Sector in Australia
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy (Industry)
Closing the Tap - A study to investigate the factors affecting attraction and retention of skilled workers in regional Queensland’s water industry
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests
Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services

Human resources and industrial relations - Employment equity and diversity

Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services

Human resources and industrial relations - Occupational and workplace health and safety

Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services

Human resources and industrial relations - Workplace wellbeing and quality of working life

Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services

Strategy, management and organisational behaviour - Leadership
LMX, social exchange

Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services

Strategy, management and organisational behaviour - Strategy, management and organisational behaviour not elsewhere classified

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