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Professor Amanda Henderson

Rn, RM, BSc, GradDipNurs(Educ), MScSoc, PhD (UNSW)
Professor - Nursing
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences
Health Workforce Academy
About Me

In my numerous current and previous roles including as a Board member, Nursing and Midwifery Board Australia; Member, Registered Nurse Accreditation Standards, Australian Nursing Midwifery Accreditation Council; Queensland Health Research Fellow; Discipline Scholar (Health), Office for Learning and Teaching (formerly Australian Learning and Teaching Council); National Senior Teaching Fellow, Office for Learning and Teaching; Professor, Central Queensland University and Nursing Director, Nursing Practice Development Unit, Princess Alexandra Hospital, I am at the coalface of nursing workforce capability, evidence based practice and contemporary education issues and initiatives.

Universities Studied At

Bachelor of Science (1980-1986) University of Queensland, Australia

Graduate Diploma Nursing (Education) (1987-1988) University of New England, Australia

Master of Science in Society (1989-1990) University of New South Wales, Australia

Doctor of Philosophy (1993-1999) University of New South Wales, Australia

Universities Worked At

Griffith University, Queensland

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Phillip Institute of Technology, Melbourne (now Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)

Armidale College of Advanced Education (now University of New England, Australia)


2016  National Senior Teaching Fellowship $250,000  [Office for Learning and Teaching, Canberra, ACT, AUSTRALIA].

2011-2015  Health Services Research Fellowship $575,000 ($115,000 per annum for 5 years) [Queensland Health]

2009  Discipline Scholar (Health) $220 000 [Australian Learning and Teaching Council, Sydney, AUSTRALIA].

2008  Publication Merit Award [Australian College of Nursing, Australia].

2007  Carrick Associate Fellowship $98 000 [Carrick Institute of Higher Education, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA].

Professional Experience

2018 to present: Professor, School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Social Sciences, Central Queensland University, Queensland.

2009 to present: Nursing Director, Nursing Practice Development Unit, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Metro South Health.

2006 - 2018   Professor, Griffith University, Queensland.

2002 - 2008   Nursing Director (Education), Princess Alexandra Hospital and Health Service, Queensland.

2000 - 2001   Nursing Director (Education and Research), Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital.

Industry Reports

Creedy D. and Henderson A. (2008) FINAL REPORT: Leading engagement of academic and clinical communities for learning, Australian Leanring and Teaching Council, Strawberry Hills, NSW, Australia. Accessible from

Henderson A. and Alexander H. (2011) FINAL REPORT: Developing a model for interprofessional education during clinical placements for medical and nursing undergraduate students, Australian Leanring and Teaching Council, Strawberry Hills, NSW, Australia. Accessible from

O’Keefe, M, Henderson, A & Pitt, R (2011) Learning and teaching academic standards statement for health medicine and veterinary science, Australian Learning and Teaching Council Strawberry Hills, NSW, Australia. Accessible from

Gardner A., Gardner G., Coyer F., Henderson A., Gosby H. and Lenson S. (2014) FINAL REPORT: Educating nurse practitioners: advanced specialty competence, clinical learning and governance, Office for Learning and Teaching, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Accessible from

O’Keefe M., Henderson A., Jolly B., McAllistair L., Remedios L. and Chick R. (2014) FINAL REPORT:

Harmonising higher education and professional quality assurance processes for the assessment of learning outcomes in health, Office for Learning and Teaching, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Accessible from

O’Keefe M., Henderson A., Jolly B., McAllistair L., Remedios L. and Chick R. (2014) Threshold learning outcomes: a framework for incorporating professional accreditation and AQF standards into assessment blueprinting/mapping in healthcare disciplines: A resource developed as part of the Harmonising higher education and professional quality assurance processes for the assessment of learning outcomes in health project, Office for Learning and Teaching, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Accessible from



Editor, Journal of Nursing Management


Billett S. & Henderson A. (Editors) (2011) Promoting Professional Learning: Integrating experiences in university and practice settings. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Winch S., Henderson A. & Shields L. (Editors) (2008) Doing Clinical HealthCare Research Palgrave MacMillan: Hampshire, UK.

Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3999 Other Education
  • 4205 Nursing
  • 4205 Nursing
  • 4204 Midwifery

Current Capacity
I am currently unavailable to supervise more research candidates
No Supervisions to display.
Research Interests

Other Education - Education not elsewhere classified

Medical And Health Sciences

Nursing - Nursing not elsewhere classified

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