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Professor Judith Brown

EdD, MAA, GradDipEd, HonsBMus, LMusA, AMusA
Head of College - The Arts/Director Conservatorium of Music
School of Education and the Arts
Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching & Education (CREATE)
Mackay Ooralea
21 - CQCM Director's Office
About Me

Professor Judith Brown AM is the Director of the Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music within CQUniversity, Australia and is the Head of College - The Arts within the School of Education and the Arts. In 2017, Judith was awarded a Medal in the Order of Australia for significant service to music education as an academic and teacher, to professional organisations and to the community.


In 2010 she received an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Citation for outstanding contributions to student learning. Judith was a consultant editor for the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) for their Series 3 Piano for Leisure publications and has served on the Queensland Advisory Committee of the AMEB. She regularly publishes in the field of music education and is actively involved in research around the scholarship of learning and teaching as it applies to tertiary music education practice.


She teaches undergraduate units in music and theatre history, while also supervising Masters and PhD students in a range of music education and creative arts projects.


A graduate of Elder Conservatorium of Music and CQUniversity, Judith is an accomplished collaborative pianist. She has performed with some of Australia’s leading classical musicians and is also an accomplished performer of music theatre and cabaret genres. She has also adjudicated at eisteddfods and music festivals. Judith is currently a life member and the accompanist for the Mackay Choral Society since 2009.

Universities Studied At

University of Adelaide
University of Queensland
Central Queensland University



Member (AM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division. For significant service to music education as an academic and teacher, to professional organisations, and to the community.





Winner of the Australian Financial Review Higher Education Awards for Community Engagement

Project: Choices Applied Theatre project



Business Higher Education Round Table (B-HERT) Award for Best Community Engagement 2013

Project: Choices Applied Theatre project. B-HERT Award description here.



CQUniversity Opal Award for Engaged Learning and Teaching

Project: The Safety Circus Applied Theatre Project



Second round finalist in the MacJannet Prize (The Talloires Network, Tufts University, Boston USA) for exceptional student community engagement activities

Project: Choices Applied Theatre Project



Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) citation for outstanding contributions to student learning.

Citation: For sustained learning engagement and motivation of performing arts students through the presentation of inspirational lecture recitals that foster independent and lifelong learning.



CQUniversity Australia Opal Award for Engaged Learning and Teaching

Project: Choices Applied Theatre Project



CQUniversity Vice-Chancellor's Teacher of the Year Award



CQUniversity Faculty of Arts, Business, Informatics and Education Award for teaching excellence.


Commendation Queensland Road Safety Awards: Choices Applied Theatre project


Commendation for Vice-Chancellor's Award for Quality Teaching, Central Queensland University


Professional Experience

Judith, Stuart and Friends

Piano concerts in the form of lecture recitals at CQCM Theatre, Mackay. These free concerts commenced in 2001 and there have been 4 lecture recitals per year since then. The concerts feature guest performances from current CQCM staff, senior students and members of the community.

Themes have included:

  • Film music
  • Rhythm in music
  • The roaring 20s
  • The age of Enlightenment
  • The passionate Romantic
  • Brilliant Baroque
  • Rare Broadway
  • Pop goes mainstream
  • A little bit 'folksy'
  • Tin Pan Alley greats
  • Music of our time


Associate artist (collaborative pianist) in recital with the following artists:

  • Nancye Hayes (cabaret performance - music theatre)
  • Peter Saide (cabaret performance - music theatre)
  • Raymond Connell (voice)
  • Gerald English (voice)
  • Geoffrey Collins (flute)
  • Jason Redman (trombone)
  • Kirsten Kerr (violin)
  • Robert Johnson (horn)
  • Daniel Mendelow (trumpet)
  • Hao Zhou (voice)
  • Kim Kirkman (voice)
  • Paul Tabone (voice)
  • Beth Allen (voice)
  • Simone Maurer (flute)
  • Alicia Casey (violin)
  • Garrick Jones (voice)
  • Regis Danillon (two piano works)
  • Mark Gasser (two piano works)


Vocal ensembles

Resident pianist for Formidable, vocal ensemble, 2009 - 2011. Director: Kim Kirkman

CD recording:

Kirkman, K. (Director) (2009), Fully Formed [CD], Mackay: BAKK Studios



1979       Pianist in the South Australian Film Corporation film Breaker Morant, directed by Bruce Beresford.

Professional Memberships

Queensland College of Teachers (Registered teacher continuously since 1982)



Head of College - The Arts

Director, Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music

Head of Course - Bachelor of Arts (CA10)

Head of Course - Diploma of Arts (CF36)


2020 to 2023:

Head of College - The Arts

Director, Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music

Head of Course - Bachelor of Creative Arts (CH72)


2013 to 2020:

Deputy Dean, Learning and Teaching, School of Education and the Arts

Director, Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music

Head of Course - Bachelor of Music (CG51)

Head of Course - Bachelor of Theatre (CG72)

Head of Course - Diploma of Music (CC41)

Head of Course - Bachelor of Creative Arts (CH72)



2011 - 2013:

Head of Program - Bachelor of Theatre (CG72)

Head of Program - Bachelor of Theatre Honours (CB61)


2007 - 2010  Deputy Head of School, School of Arts and Creative Enterprise


2004 - 2007 Acting Director/Sub-Dean, Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music (CQCM)


2000 - 2004 Program Coordinator, Bachelor of Music Theatre (CQ79)


Key Achievements

Licentiate of Music, Australia (LMusA) in piano, Australian Music Examinations Board

Associate of Music, Australia (AMusA) in piano, Australian Music Examinations Board


Brown, J. E. (Consultant Editor) (2010) Fifth Grade Piano, Series 3, Piano for Leisure. Australian Music Examinations Board: Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia. ISMN 9790720110059


Brown, J. E. (Consultant Editor) (2010) Sixth Grade Piano, Series 3, Piano for Leisure. Australian Music Examinations Board: Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia. ISMN 9790720110066


Brown, J. E. (Consultant Editor) (2010) Seventh Grade Piano, Series 3, Piano for Leisure. Australian Music Examinations Board: Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia. ISMN 9790720110073 

Consultancy Work

2008 - 2011

Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB)

Syllabus consultant for Series 3, Piano for Leisure publications, Grades 5 to Certificate of Completion


Adjudicator, Ingham Festival of Arts


Adjudicator, Ingham Festival of Arts


Adjudicator, Rockhampton Eisteddfod (piano)


Piano workshop for Mackay Branch, Music Teachers' Association of Queensland

1993 - present

Advanced level piano tuition - AMEB higher grades and Diplomas
Advanced level piano accompaniment for instrumental and vocal exams - AMEB higher grades and Diplomas


Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3901 Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • 3604 Performing arts
  • 3603 Music
  • 3904 Specialist Studies in Education

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
A balancing act: The role, purpose and sustainability of tertiary art galleries in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
A creative practice investigation of pedagogical piano repertoire for beginner adolescents
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Investigating the director's role and collaborative practice within the creative team, in regional arts pro-am community musical theatre in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Investigating the role of the minor gesture in painting as a diffractive practice
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Flow vs faux flow: A grounded theory on social media's absorption phenomena
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Exploring place: the role of a lived experience in Papua New Guinea as an influence on creative identity, with reference to my practice as a visual artist, and the narrative-based work of artist Mathias Kauage
Associate Supervisor
Master of Education
Participation in primary school concert bands: Examining the benefits to concert band members, school communities.
Principal Supervisor
Master of Education
Teaching jazz voice performance education in Australian regional secondary schools: Investigating the challenges
Principal Supervisor
Complete Supervision
Master of Education
A mixed methods analysis of constructivism in the teaching materials created for older beginner piano students: An Australian perspective.
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Developing Jazz Communities in Regional Australia: A Multi-Site Qualitative Study on Cairns and Mackay, North Queensland.
Associate Supervisor
Master of Arts
Dramatising a real-life tragedy into a commercially oriented screenplay: An actor's reflection on the screenwriting process.
Principal Supervisor
Master of Communication
Influential factors in the flow experiences of mobile game players.
Associate Supervisor
Master of Arts
The international working travel experiences of Australian DIY musicians. 
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
'A Sharks in the Garden': Adoptee memoir as testimony literature: A creative and exegetical reflection.
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Family secrets and identity issues in writing a memoir of a second generation holocaust survivor raised as a gentile.
Associate Supervisor
Master of Arts
How the use of a Magic Realism literary mode can make a contributions ot the understanding of post-millennium women in contemporary society.
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests

Curriculum and Pedagogy - Creative Arts, Media and Communication Curriculum and Pedagogy
I am interested in all aspects of learning and teaching of the performing arts at the tertiary level, including active learning and work-integrated learning strategies in the performing arts.


Specialist Studies in Education - Specialist Studies in Education not elsewhere classified
I have published extensively in music education and related fields.

Studies In Creative Arts And Writing

Performing Arts and Creative Writing - Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
I have published in the area of applied theatre and its role in tertiary performing arts curriculum.

Studies In Creative Arts And Writing

Performing Arts and Creative Writing - Music Performance
I am interested in all aspects of music performance and collaborative music performance, and the development of strategies to analyse this including autoethnography and narrative inquiry.

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