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Dr. Michael Hewson

Senior Lecturer - Geography
School of Education and the Arts
Creative Arts Research Training Academy (CARTA)
(07) 4930 9329
0408 379 373 Mobile Phone
Rockhampton North
32 - 1.12
zoom 9528315242
About Me


Dr Michael Hewson teaches environmental geography from the Rockhampton North campus of CQUniversity.

Michael's research spans the topics he teaches: (1) environmental policy creative reflection, (2) spatial analysis of the weather, and (3) threatened species habitat health monitoring and mapping using satellite remote sensing.

This is a nexus of nature, nurture and narrative – and geography as strategic story-telling.

After all, Geography is: geo (Earth), graphia (writing) - thus; 'writing the Earth'.


Residing within the Humanities discipline in the CQU College of the Arts, Michael is exploring Environmental Humanities as a public policy voice for concerns of the Anthropocene - biodiversity, climate change and river environmental policy.

Michael's less philosophical research projects involve applying GIS and satellite remote sensing to spatial analysis of Earth systems. Current research includes satellite image analysis of threatened species climate varying habitat health. Previous research projects have included numerical weather modelling of wind and aerosol transport (environment, energy and health impacts), land surface temperature mapping, and land-use change mapping for ecological applications.

Collectively, such research contributes to the Australian Government Field of Research and research strengths of CQUniversity:

- 360299 – Creative writing; and

- 410102 - Environmental monitoring.

The prime motivation for Michael's academic interest is the Earth System Science inter-connectedness imperative. The economic-induced change in one part of the Earth's system affects the other parts. Secondly, Michael is concerned that evidence is vital to public environmental policy debate and decisions.

Universities Studied At


The University of Queensland

Murdoch University

Universities Worked At


The University of Queensland


Student Voice Award For Distance Educator of the Year 2020 (GEOG19021)

Student Voice Award For Distance Educator of the Year 2019 (GEOG19021, GEOG12021 and EVST19008)

Student Voice Award For Distance Educator of the Year 2018 (GEOG19021 and EVST19007)

Student Voice Award For Educator of the Year 2017 (GEOG19021)

Student Voice Award For Distance Educator of the Year 2017 (GEOG19021)

Meritorious Unit Citation, Force Communications Unit Cambodia (2014).

UQ Dean of Science Faculty Commendation for High Achievement (MGIS) 2007.

Conspicuous Service Cross (CSC) - Australia Day honours 1993.

Australian Active Service Medal – United Nations Cambodia 1992.

Professional Experience

Prior to taking up his academic role at CQUniversity, Michael was:

- a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Climate Research Group at The University of Queensland; and

- various information systems management roles in several organisations; and

- a commissioned officer of the Royal Australian Air Force.


Professional Memberships

Member, Environment Institute of Australia New Zealand

Associate, Sydney Environment Institute

Member, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

Member, Earth Observation Australia Inc.

Member, Association for the Study of Literature, Environment and Culture, Australian - New Zealand

Recent Research Projects
Developing and Implementing Koala Surveys for Landholders in the Clarke-Connors Range
From: 09/09/2021 to 30/09/2022
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Clarke-Connors Range Koala Climate Change Refugia Project
Total Funding: N/A
Revegetation of the Fitzroy Basin grazing land: Implementation of monitoring systems - Stage 2
From: 17/07/2020 to 30/06/2022
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Fitzroy Basin Association
Total Funding: N/A
R1-Koala Research CSAR17023- Koala habitat health - remote sensing based, landscape-scale habitat management toolkit, initial climate change scenario assessment & local habitat health checks
From: 04/09/2017 to 31/10/2019
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Koala Research Grant Program
Total Funding: $91,812.72
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3701 Atmospheric Sciences
  • 4407 Policy and Administration
  • 4101 Climate change impacts and adaptation
  • 4104 Environmental management

Current Capacity
I am currently unavailable to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
Enabling environmental change in Australia, a practitioner’s reflective assessment of adaptive management case examples in coastal and catchment regions (1970-2022)
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Assessment on refugial habitats and its impacts in Shoalwater and Corio Bays wetlands
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Assessing the spatial and temporal characteristics of cyclonic tracks along the east coast of Australia.
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests
Creative Arts And Writing

Creative and professional writing - Creative and professional writing not elsewhere classified
Research experience on a Master of Letters (Creative Writing)

Earth Sciences

Atmospheric Sciences - Atmospheric Aerosols
Previous research experience (PhD and postdoctoral projects)

Environmental Sciences

Climate change impacts and adaptation - Ecological impacts of climate change and ecological adaptation
Digital mapping (GIS) of impacts of climate change on threatened species habitat.

Environmental Sciences

Environmental management - Environmental assessment and monitoring
Satellite remote sensing of threatened species habitat.

Environmental Sciences

Environmental management - Environmental rehabilitation and restoration
An Environmental Humanities project on River Policy at the Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximillian University Munich Germany

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