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Dr. Zhenglin Wang

PhD, MSc, BEng
Lecturer - ICT
School of Engineering and Technology
Institute for Future Farming Systems, Centre for Intelligent Systems
Room 21.23 - 160 Ann Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000
About Me

Dr. Zhenglin Wang is an accomplished academic and industry professional who has made significant contributions to the fields of computer science and engineering. He obtained his Master of Computer Science by Research and PhD degrees from the University of South Australia in 2012 and 2016, respectively.

During his career, Zhenglin has worked as a software engineer at TCL, UTStarcom, and Hitachi Construction Machinery Australia for several years, where he gained extensive experience in developing software solutions for various applications. Following this, he served as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Institute for Future Farming Systems at CQU for over five years. During this time, he conducted pioneering research in the areas of agriculture automation, and his team developed the world’s first mango auto-harvester. In recognition of his research excellence, Zhenglin was awarded the "Advanced Queensland Industry Research Fellowship" in 2019.

Zhenglin currently holds the position of lecturer-ICT with the School of Engineering and Technology at CQUniversity Sydney, where he is actively engaged in teaching and research. Zhenglin is a member of the Australian Computer Society (ACS). His research interests include computer vision, machine learning, unmanned ground vehicle, and precision agriculture.

Universities Studied At

Ph.D. University of South Australia, Adelaide

 M.Sci. University of South Australia, Adelaide

 B.E. Zhejiang University, China


2019: Advanced Queensland Industry Research Fellowship

2016: CQUniversity Early Career Fellowship

2015 December: International Student Entrepreneurship Capital Prize at UniSA ($10,000)

2015 August: National Merit Recipient in Australian iAwards ICT Innovation competition (Postgraduate Student Category)

2012-2015: University of South Australia Postgraduate Award (USAPA)

2011-2012: Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)

Media Citations

World-first mango harvesting robot to take the grunt work out of fruit picking (ABC news 2019)



Mango-picking robot could help worker shortage (ABC TV news 2019)



Automatic mango harvester trialled in Central Queensland (Channel 7, 2019)




CQU Data Tool Eases "Mango Madness" (2018)

Fruit maturity: developing an application to assist with the decision to pick (2017)



Innovative talent honoured at iAwards (UniSA newsletter, 2015)





Professional Memberships

Member of Australian Computer Society (ACS)

Computer Software

Languages & tools: C/C++, Python, Matlab, R, Java, IA-32 assembly, Linux, shell script; Eclipse + CDT, Visual Studio, Android studio, GNU tools, MingW and cygwin;

Website development: Django+python, Shiny+R, JavaScript, Ajax/json, CSS/HTML, XML.

Network development: Ethernet and TCP/IP stacks, Wifi, bluetooth and Zig-Bee.

Embedded OS: embedded linux, minix, VxWorks, Windows Mobile/CE and Android OS internals/applications;

Embedded platform: STM32, Broadcom, Equator BSP, TI, Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

Firmware development: boot loader(U-Boot), smart card (conditional access) driver, RF TV tuner driver, I2C, SCCB camera interface and USB.

Software&applications: OpenCV, CUDA, Caffe+Faster RCNN, YOLO+darknet, MPEG/H.264 video/audio codec algorithms, QT, DVB SI, closed caption, Voice over IP (VoIP), and set-top box.

Debugging & Test: gdb, JTAG, protocol analyzers, code review, black/whitebox testing.

SCM tools: SVN, git, ClearCase and ClearQuest.

Other skills: GIS (Leica & Trimble GPS devices), AutoCAD, laser cutting, 3D printing, mentoring, technical presentations, team working, patent process.

Recent Research Projects
Automating crop estimation and harvest of Calypso mango
From: 01/01/2020 to 14/10/2021
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowships 2019
Total Funding: N/A
Automating crop estimation and harvest: Multiscale monitoring of tree crops (ST19009)
From: 25/10/2019 to 31/01/2023
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 1: Aust Competitive Grant)
Funding Schemes: Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited
Total Funding: N/A
On farm estimation of Calypso fruit quantity and harvest timing
From: 26/07/2019 to 31/08/2022
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Perfection Fresh Australia Pty Ltd
Total Funding: N/A
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3002 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management
  • 4603 Computer vision and multimedia computation
  • 4611 Machine learning
  • 4602 Artificial intelligence

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
New deep learning architectures for mango yield estimation
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests
Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences

Horticultural Production - Horticultural Production not elsewhere classified

Information And Computing Sciences

Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing - Computer Vision

Information And Computing Sciences

Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing - Image Processing

Information And Computing Sciences

Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing - Pattern Recognition and Data Mining

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