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Candice Pullen

BBiomedSci (Hons) PhD( Pharmacology)
Lect - Medical Science/DL - Clinical Measurement
School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
Rockhampton North
Rockhampton North Campus - 6 2.37
(07)4923 2088
About Me

Dr Candice Pullen has a PhD in Biomedical Science (2014). She has developed, undertaken and managed research projects under the supervision of Dr Andrew Fenning. She has been employed as a full-time Teaching Scholar at CQUniversity for the past 5.5 years. During this time, she has completed numerous professional development sessions focusing on the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching and how to conduct research in this field. In addition to this, she has also received formal training in the development and management of Supplemental Instruction programs by completing the Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Supervisor Training in 2018. Since then, she has worked closely with Student and Corporate Services Division and the Office of the Deputy Dean of Learning and Teaching for the School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences to facilitate the development and deployment of the numerous student support services at CQUniversity.

Universities Studied At


Universities Worked At



Vice-Chancellor's Award for Exemplary Practice in Learning and Teaching (2021)

Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3901 Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • 3903 Education Systems
  • 3904 Specialist Studies in Education

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
No Supervisions to display.
Research Interests

Curriculum and Pedagogy - Medicine, Nursing and Health Curriculum and Pedagogy
Assessing the effectiveness of curriculum design and student support programs in improving student outcomes

Medical And Health Sciences

Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Basic Pharmacology
Specializing in cardiovascular disease and novel therapeutic agents to prevent cardiovascular damage in diabetes and hypertension.

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