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Dr. Karena Menzie-Ballantyne

School of Education and the Arts
Senior Lecturer - Education
School of Education and the Arts
Centre for Research in Equity & Advancement of Teaching & Education (CREATE)
Building 5 -
About Me

I am a Senior Lecturer and teacher-educator based at the Bundaberg campus. I co-lead Empower, a research cluster of academics, PhD and Masters students from Australia, Indonesia, Pakistan and Malaysia, specialising in practically-oriented, evidence-based research into education for global citizenship/global competence and sustainable development at system, school and classroom levels.  

My recent research includes working with: the Drafting Committee for an Asia-Pacific Road Map to implementing UNESCO’s Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development; University of Hull on an international Delphi study into how teacher-educators contextualise global education; the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER) on Monitoring Global Citizenship Education in the Asia-Pacific Region; and the Queensland Department of Education on their Global Competence Framework.

Universities Studied At

Bachelor of Arts - University of Tasmania
Bachelor of Education - University of Queensland
Masters of Educational Studies - University of Queensland
Doctorate of Education - CQUniversity
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment - CQUniversity

Universities Worked At


  • Australian Catholic University (ACU),
  • Queensland University of Technology (QUT),
  • University of Queensland (UQ),
  • University of Tasmania (UTas).


2022 Vice Chancellor's Award for Research (Early Career Researcher)

Media Citations
Previous teaching












Professional Memberships

UNESCO Asia Pacific Global Citizenship Education (GCED) Network
Academic Network of Global Education and Learning (ANGEL)
Asialink Leaders Program Alumni -  graduate 2014 cohort
Social and Citizenship Education Association of Australia (SCEAA) 
Social Citizenship Educators Association of Queensland (SCEAQ) 


International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning

Consultancy Work

Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) Education for International Understanding/Global Citizenship Education Pacific World Heritage Teachers Guide.

Recent Research Projects
Monitoring Global Citizenship Education in the Asia-Pacific Region – Phase II (Critical Friend for ACER Being and Becoming Global Citizens Project)
From: 01/04/2024 to 28/06/2024
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) Through Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Total Funding: N/A
Global Competence Framework - implementation and measures of success
From: 06/03/2023 to 25/01/2024
Grant: Government Tender (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Education Queensland International - DEi Strategy, Global Engagement funding
Total Funding: N/A
Awards for Outstanding Researchers - Dean's Award & VC Research Award
From: 18/11/2022 to 31/12/2023
Grant: Award - Internal (Internal Grant)
Funding Schemes: 2022 Awards for Outstanding Researchers - Vice-Chancellor's Awards
Total Funding: N/A
Global Competence Pilot Program (GCPP) - Phase 3 (2022)
From: 27/04/2022 to 15/12/2023
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Education Queensland International - DEi Strategy, Global Engagement funding
Total Funding: N/A
Global Competence Pilot Program (GCPP) - Addition to Phase 2
From: 27/08/2021 to 16/12/2022
Grant: Government Tender (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Education Queensland International - DEi Strategy, Global Engagement funding
Total Funding: N/A
Global Citizen Education - A Passport to Social Cohesion: including the Global Leaders Development Program
From: 25/01/2021 to 30/11/2021
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Global Learning Centre
Total Funding: N/A
Global Competence Pilot Program (GCPP) - Phase 2
From: 25/01/2021 to 16/12/2022
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Education Queensland International - DEi Strategy, Global Engagement funding
Total Funding: N/A
Global Competence Pilot Program (Phase 1)
From: 12/05/2020 to 17/12/2021
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Education Queensland International - DEi Strategy, Global Engagement funding
Total Funding: N/A
A maker approach using craft and wearables to engage girls in digital technologies and coding
From: 25/07/2016 to 31/03/2017
Grant: Competitive Grant (Not Specified )
Funding Schemes: DET - 2016 Education Horizon Research Grants
Total Funding: N/A
Global Citizenship for Sustainability (GCS) Marine Project 1600
From: 01/04/2015 to 31/03/2016
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
Funding Schemes: Centre for Environment Education Australia Incorporated
Total Funding: $10,909.09
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3901 Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • 3903 Education Systems
  • 3904 Specialist Studies in Education

Current Capacity
I am currently unavailable to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy
<p>What do the lived experiences and perceptions of Australian secondary school teachers regarding Virtual Exchange (VE) reveal about VE’s potential to support global competence?</p>
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Education
Conceptualising and implementing education for global competence: a study of graduating teachers’ perceptions, beliefs and understandings.
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
What global education policy or curriculum directives, teaching resources or other related initiatives can be identified in the Asia Pacific region and how do they align with the objectives of the revised 1974 Recommendation?
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
An unconsidered relationship: exploring the effect of regionality on teacher educators’ influence of their pre-service teachers’ global competence
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
How do secondary school teachers develop critical thinking skills among students by using digital technology?
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
A Study on How Teachers Incorporate the 4Cs Skills to Meet Student Learning Needs
Associate Supervisor
Master of Research
The Perceived Readiness of First Year Teachers Teaching Literacy
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Developing global competence in classrooms and exploration of the teachers’ approaches in primary schools of Punjab, Pakistan
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests

Curriculum and Pedagogy - Curriculum and Pedagogy Theory and Development
Education for global competence, active and global citizenship, sustainable development, student agency and student voice

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