I obtained my first degree in Civil Engineering from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Bangladesh and a PhD from the University of Western Australia (UWA). Prior to joining CQUniversity, I've worked as a Post-Doctoral research fellow at the National University of Singapore (NUS). My research focuses on various aspects of geotechnical engineering and computational geomechanics. Working at the Centre for Offshore foundation Systems at UWA, I've developed particular skills related to large deformation finite element modelling and analytical-theoretical modelling. In 2018, together with colleagues at NUS and American Bureau of Shipping, Houston, Texas (ABS), I've developed a groundbreaking computational approach that allows pore fluid-soil-structure coupled large strain modelling, in full three dimensions within the finite element framework. The work has been published in Elsevier journal Computers and Geotechnics. My most recent contribution working with industry experts contributed towards developing the nationwide standard on Railway earthworks (AS 7638).
My article discussing how large the test box should be-when testing foundations in the laboratory won the 2018 ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers, UK) Thomas Telford Premium Award, for best journal paper published in the International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (IJPMG). I've also received the CQUniversity Vice Chancellor publication recognition award in 2018 and student voice commendations in 2019, 2020 and 2021 for teaching the undergraduate geotechnical engineering courses.
My research funded by the Australian Research Council focuses on developing new foundation technologies and various soil-structure interaction problems with focus on renewable energy generation. I'm also deeply involved in research related to pavement geotechnics, geosynthetic-soil interaction for railway applications, mine tailings and computational geomechanics focused on large deformation modelling.
At CQU, I teach the undergraduate Geotechnical Engineering Courses (ENEC12008, ENEC14014) in the second and fourth year and Creative Engineering (ENEG12007) in the second year. My teaching scholarship currently focusses on authentic assessments and the use of AI tools to retain and engage students. My unique 'step zero' pedagogical approach, where I blend proven educational strategies with philosophy and psychology in explaining esoteric engineering concepts has been well received by students.
Research higher degree supervision : Yes, please contact me at s.ullah@cqu.edu.au.
• Student Voice Commendation for teaching the undergraduate geotechnical courses, 2019, 2020 and 2021.
• ICE, Thomas Telford Premium award for best journal paper published in the International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2018
· Outreach for engineers scholarship from OOAE (Ocean Offshore and Arctic division of American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME), 2012.
· Received fully funded scholarship from the University of Western Australia for doctoral research, 2011.
· PhD support scholarship from COFS University of Western Australia, 2011.
· DSU scholarship from Politecnico di Milano Italy, 2010.
· Sweden –Bangladesh educational trust award, 2010-2011.
· Engineer Khurshid Anwar memorial award (silver medal and cash prize), 2009 for securing 2nd merit position at the undergraduate level.
· CUET teachers association award (TAA), 2004 for standing first in merit in the first term at CUET.
· Technical board scholarship (8 times) from Bangladesh vocational education board for being in the merit list in each semester at the undergraduate level.
University of Western Australia:
Stamford University Bangladesh:
Engineers Australia
I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:
Geology - Marine Geoscience
Civil Engineering - Civil Geotechnical Engineering
Civil Engineering - Civil Geotechnical Engineering
Civil Engineering - Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering - Transport Engineering
Maritime Engineering - Ocean Engineering
Resources Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy - Geomechanics and Resources Geotechnical Engineering