I am a Lecturer in Criminology with experience teaching in higher education since 2010. My employment history spans the Justice and Human Services sectors of the public service where I have worked in numerous senior roles conducting oversight, regulation, and evaluation activities. I am qualified in Government Investigations and have undertaken reviews into the adult corrections system and disability services in Victoria. I have also worked as a Senior Advisor with Victoria Police informing the development of workforce wide training on gender equity to address workplace sexual harassment and discrimination.
My background in dance led me to develop the first hip-hop dance program for young women detained at the Parkville Youth Justice Centre as part of the 'Healthy body, healthy minds' program with Whitelion Inc. As a custodial role model, I engaged positively with young women in detention who have extensive histories of severe trauma. This trauma-informed framework extends into my teaching role, where I have a keen interest in trauma-informed pedagogy.
As a researcher, I take a critical feminist approach and preference qualitative research methods. My doctoral thesis focused on women's experiences pre, during and post-incarceration and their relationship to desistance from crime (ceasing offending). More recently I have established an international profile within the sub-discipline of Rural Criminology, having authored several publications, including a world-first international edited collection about 'Rural victims of crime' published by Routledge. I am a Research Associate with the University of New England 'Centre for Rural Criminology', an active member of the International Society for the Study of Rural Crime (ISSRC), and on the editorial advisory board for the Bristol University Press 'Research in rural crime' series.
Monash University
Melbourne University
Monash University
Deakin University
La Trobe University
Federation University
Department of Justice & Community Safety Victoria
Victoria Police, Professional Standards Command
Office of the Disability Services Commissioner
Australian Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
International Society for the Study of Rural Crime (ISSRC)
Global Law Enforcement Public Health Association (GLEPHA)
Australian and New Zealand Society for Evidence Based Policing
I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:
Curriculum and Pedagogy - Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. Economics, Business and Management)
Curriculum and Pedagogy - Work integrated learning (incl. internships)
Law in context - Law, gender and sexuality (incl. feminist legal scholarship)
Legal systems - Youth justice
Other Law and Legal Studies - Other law and legal studies not elsewhere classified