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Dr. Leanne Jack

BA Nursing (ACU), Grad Cert ICU Nurs (QUT), GCAP (QUT), Grad Dip ICU Nurs (QUT), MA ICU Nurs (QUT), PhD (QUT)
Senior Lecturer-700850
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences
Health Workforce Academy
About Me

I am an intensive care nurse whom is passionate about critical care nursing, acute care nursing and dementia care. I believe every person should be encouraged and enabled to reach their dreams, aspirations and personal and professional goals. I am proactively engaged with local, national and international dementia research through consumer representation. My personal motto - Boundaries in life are those we impose on ourselves, believe in yourself and you will achieve.


I have been nursing for more than 30 years, with many years as an intensive care nurse. I have been employed in the roles of Registered Nurse, Clinical Nurse, Acting ICU Nurse Educator, clinical facilitator, Clinical Nurse Consultant of Clinical Trials, research assistant and an academic in both undergraduate and postgraduate nursing education. I have a strong background with online nursing education. Academically, I have supervised both Masters and Doctoral candidates to completion.

Universities Studied At

  • Australian Catholic University
  • Queensland University of Technology

Universities Worked At

  • University of Queensland
  • Queensland University of Technology


Centaur Memorial Fund for Nurses' Fellow.

Previous teaching

I have extensive academic learning and teaching experience with both undergraduate and postgraduate curriculums and I have taught patient assessment in a nurse practitioner curriculum. 

I have been teaching online postgraduate acute care, intensive care and emergency nursing since 2015.

Professional Experience

My professional experience as a Registered Nurse includes upper gastrointestinal tract, breast and endocrine surgical nursing, general medical nursing, dementia and aged care, and extensive intensive care nursing. My academic experience is founded upon current and past extensive clinical nursing. My academic career started in 2007 as a sessional undergraduate facilitator and progressed to a continuing appointment as a full-time academic in 2011. I have continued to work as a full-time academic since 2011.

Professional Memberships

  • Australian Health Care Practitioner Regulation Agency
  • Australian College of Critical Care Nurses
  • Australian College of Nursing
  • Centaur Memorial Fund for Nurses
  • National Teacher's Education Industry Union
  • Queensland Nursing and Midwifery Union


My Senior Lecturer responsibilities within the SONM include curriculum design and implementation, and strong industry partner relationships.

Professional Interests

  • Acute care (medical and surgical) nursing
  • Critical care nursing
  • intestinal health in critical care
  • Dementia and ageing care
  • Survivorship through dementia

Key Achievements

Professionally as a Registered Nurse, working within a tertiary referral metropolitan teaching and research trauma centre delivering evidence-informed clinical practice to enhance patient outcomes and effective teamwork.

As an academic, I support my students to successful attainment of qualifications and dreams, and provide professional leadership through positive mentoring.

Personally, I am a 1) board member of the eCQ dementia and ageing committee at the University of Queensland, 2) an invited speaker at national dementia forums through my lived experience, 3) an AI on local dementia research, and 4) an advisor to translation of the World Health Organisation's iSUPPORT program into English, Indonesian and Vietnamese languages.


I have previously co-authored a clinical nursing skills textbook: Rebeiro, G., Wilson, D., Scully, N., & Jack, L. (2013, 2017). Fundamentals of Nursing: Clinical Skills Workbook (1st, 2nd and 3rd Eds.). Elsevier.

Recent Research Projects
No research projects to display.
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4504 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing
  • 4409 Social Work
  • 4205 Nursing
  • 4206 Public health

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
No Supervisions to display.
Research Interests
Health Sciences

Other health sciences - Other health sciences not elsewhere classified
Nursing, acute care nursing, medical-surgical nursing, critical care nursing, ICU nursing, dementia and ageing, clinical workforce

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