Simon grew up on mixed crop-livestock farms in New South Wales, Australia. He completed a B. Ag. Sci. at The University of Queensland and a PhD at The University of Adelaide. His research focusses on beef cattle, sheep and goat nutrition and production systems, and ranges from feeding and grazing studies through to the use of molecular techniques to better understand animal metabolism. He is passionate about developing research capacity and improving the livelihoods of smallholder livestock farmers in developing countries, and has been involved in research in Indonesia, Timor Leste, Myanmar, Thailand and Vanuatu.
The University of Adelaide
The University of Queensland
The University of Queensland
Stapeldon Travel Award
Australian Academy of Sciences Travel Award
Australian Association of Animal Sciences
I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:
Other agricultural, veterinary and food sciences - Other agricultural, veterinary and food sciences not elsewhere classified
Ruminant nutrition
Ruminant production systems
Ruminant metabolism
Smallholder livestock production systems