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Associate Professor Asit Bhattacharyya

Associate Professor - Accounting
School of Business and Law
About Me

Asit has been an academic for more than 15 years and am currently an Associate Professor of Accounting at Central Queensland University, Sydney. He has previously taught at the University of Newcastle, Monash University (Singapore) and University of New England for over 15 years. His main research interest areas are (i) Corporate social and environmental accounting, reporting and accountability, (ii) Accounting education and learning. He has received 19 competitive research grants totalling AUD 198,507. Asit is the chief investigator of 15 research grants and led 6 group projects. Asit has published 42 peer reviewed publication, including 21 journal articles since 2008. I have published 8A ranked journal articles as the sole author or lead author. Some of his work been published in reputed (A ranked) Journals such as Accounting and Finance, Contemporary research in Accounting and Economics, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management and Cleaner Production. He has successfully supervised four higher degree research candidates to completion and currently guiding three PhD candidates.


Competitive Research Grant Received

I have received 19 research grants totalling AUD 198,507 since 2008. Details of the successfully completed funded research projects from 2016 to current are below

2019: The real effects of mandated CSR activities on social externalities: Evidence from India. Newcastle Business School, $5003 (on going).

2018: Early Career Researcher (ECR) Grant: A competitive grant of $2,000 . Faculty of Business and Law, University of Newcastle.

2017: Does mandated CSR expenditure and financial inclusion improve banking performance?” AFAANZ, $5000.

2017: Early Career Researcher (ECR) HDR Grant: $100,000. University of Newcastle.

2016: Legitimacy Theory and Social and Environmental Disclosure: New Empirical Evidence from India. University of Newcastle Faculty of Business & Law, $4,642.

Universities Studied At

PhD (Accounting and finance), Faculty of Business and Corporate Governance, Macquarie University

Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Higher Education), Faculty of Education and Social Work, University New England

Master of commerce (Accounting major) The University of Calcutta, India.

Bachelor of Commerce (Honours in Accounting) The University of Calcutta, India.

Leadership in research supervision

I am supervising three PhD as principal supervisor, and four of my HDR completed successfully.

1. Amit Kumar [Principal Supervisor]. Thesis titled “A Co-opetition Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility”, Faculty of Business and Law, The University of Newcastle.

2. Hao Yang [Principal Supervisor, up to 22/3/2020]. Thesi“Motivations and Impacts under Mandatory Environmental Reporting in Australia”, Faculty of Business and Law, The University of Newcastle.

3. Sumi Jung [Principal Supervisor]. Thesis titled “Religiosity Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Corporate Financial performance- Evidence from Korean executives”, Faculty of Business and Law, The University of Newcastle.

Universities Worked At

University of Newcastle, Australia: University of New England, Australia and Monash University (Singapore).


· 2019 nominated for AAUT citation Award

· 2018 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence

· Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2018

· AFAANZ Research Grants, 2017

· “Best paper award” in AFAANZ, 2017 conference

· Early Career Researcher (ECR) HDR Grant AUD100,000

Previous teaching

I have taught following subjects in various Universities

Financial Accounting

Advanced Financial Accounting

Company Accounting and Reporting

Accounting and Financial Management

Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility

Professional Memberships

Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CA)

Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ),

Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3501 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
No Supervisions to display.
Research Interests
Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services

Accounting, Auditing and Accountability - Sustainability Accounting and Reporting

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