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Dr. Michelle Thompson

Dip Mgt, B TMgt/B HRMgt, B TMgt (Hons), PhD
Learning Design and Innovation Directorate
Centre for Regional Economies and Supply Chains
Level 3, CQUniversity Cairns Square Building - Room 3.21
cnr Abbott & Shields Streets, Cairns QLD 4870
About Me

Dr Michelle Thompson is a Lecturer in the Learning Design and Innovation Directorate at CQUniversity's Cairns campus. She has a PhD from James Cook University, where her research modelled the drivers and barriers to tourism development in agricultural regions. Michelle’s research interests focus on regional tourism development, including agri-tourism, food and wine tourism, nature-based tourism, rural and remote areas and sustainability. She has worked on a diverse range of projects, including delivering specialist workshops on agri-tourism development, engaging in contract research for industry associations, Local Government Authorities, Regional Development Australia and Indigenous Land Corporation, and working on nationally funded research projects (MTSRF and NERP). Michelle’s research experience reflects her passion for regional areas and applied research that provides industry and community outcomes. As part of the MBA(L) academic team, Michelle also draws on her research experiences and incorporates these into CQU's MBA(Leadership) program.

Universities Studied At

James Cook University

Universities Worked At

Central Queensland University

James Cook University


2019 CQUniversity Student Voice Award for Educators of the Year (TOUR20021)

2019 School of Business and Law Platinum Certificate for Top Rated Unit in Term 2, 2019 (TOUR20021)

2012 CAUTHE PhD Student Bursary $1,500.00

2012 CAUTHE’s Bill Faulkner Memorial Award for Best PhD Paper

Media Citations

Butterworth, K. (2016, July 6). Central Queensland could be in for an agri-tourism boom. Queensland Country Life. Retrieved from

Professional Memberships

Member of the Australian Regional Tourism Network (ARTN) 2017 - current

Member of the Council for Australasian Universities Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) 2017 - current

Industry Reports

Prideaux, B., & Thompson, M. (September, 2019). Visitor views and concerns about the Great Barrier Reef: Preliminary results of a 2019 survey. Report prepared for the Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators Pty Ltd (AMPTO). Centre for Tourism and Regional Opportunities, CQUniversity: Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Prideaux, B., McGrath, J., & Thompson, M. (2018). Feasibility study into the viability of managing the Mon Repos Turtle Centre. Report prepared for Gidarjil and the Indigenous Land Council (ILC), Bundaberg. Centre for Tourism and Regional Opportunities, CQUniversity: Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

Prideaux, B., & Thompson, M. (September, 2017). A report on commission structures in the marine tourism industry in Cairns and the Whitsundays. Report prepared for the Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators Pty Ltd (AMPTO). CQUniversity: Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Prideaux, B., Pabel, A., & Thompson, M. (March, 2016). Whitsunday capacity study. Report prepared for the Association of Marine Park Tourism Operators Pty Ltd (AMPTO). CQUniversity & RRRC: Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Carmody, J., Prideaux, B., & Thompson, M. (2016). Regional Development Australia – Far North Queensland and Torres Strait: Regional roadmap - Regional overview 2016. Report prepared RDA Far North Queensland & Torres Strait (RDA FNQ&TS). CQUniversity, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

Recent Research Projects
Port Douglas and Daintree Visitor Survey (2022-2023)
From: 28/07/2022 to 30/09/2023
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Contract Research - TPDD Visitor Survey (2022-2023)
Total Funding: N/A
Cultural Sector in Cairns - 2022 Survey
From: 14/06/2022 to 31/12/2022
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Contract Research - Cairns Regional Council - Cairns Airport Visitor Study 2022
Total Funding: N/A
Valuing Drive Tourism in Queensland from an Economic and Social Perspective
From: 19/11/2020 to 30/09/2021
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: University of Queensland
Total Funding: N/A
Cairns Airport Visitor Survey 2020
From: 01/08/2020 to 30/12/2020
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Contract Research - Tourism Tropical North Queensland - Cairns Airport Visitor Study - 2020
Total Funding: $5,499.18
Agritourism development in the Whitsundays region
From: 25/06/2020 to 31/07/2020
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Greater Whitsunday Food Network Inc (GWFN)
Total Funding: $3,000.00
Port Douglas and Daintree Visitor Survey 2019-2020
From: 19/12/2019 to 30/09/2020
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Tourism Port Douglas Daintree
Total Funding: $10,382.72
Student Voice Award - Educator of the Year 2019
From: 22/11/2019 to 31/12/2021
Grant: Scholarly activity (Ineligible)
Funding Schemes: CQU internal Learning and Teaching Awards 2019
Total Funding: N/A
Port Douglas and Daintree Visitor Survey (2018-2019)
From: 01/10/2018 to 30/09/2019
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Tourism Port Douglas Daintree
Total Funding: $5,860.00
Feasibility study into the viability of managing the Mon Repos Turtle Centre
From: 13/08/2018 to 30/06/2019
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Indigenous Land Corporation for the benefit of Gidarjil Development Corporation
Total Funding: $49,900.00
Cultural Sector in Cairns - Airport Survey
From: 02/05/2018 to 20/05/2019
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
Funding Schemes: Cairns Regional Council
Total Funding: $3,000.00
Port Douglas and Daintree Visitor Survey (2017-2018)
From: 01/10/2017 to 30/09/2018
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
Funding Schemes: Tourism Port Douglas Daintree
Total Funding: $10,992.00
A study of commission structures in the marine tourism industry
From: 23/01/2017 to 10/04/2017
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
Funding Schemes: Association of Marine Tourism Operators (AMPTO)
Total Funding: $37,000.00
Port Douglas and Daintree Visitor Survey
From: 14/11/2016 to 30/06/2017
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3)
Funding Schemes: Tourism Port Douglas Daintree
Total Funding: $9,885.91
RDA Regional Road Map Review 2016
From: 11/04/2016 to 13/05/2016
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
Funding Schemes: Regional Development Australia Far North Queensland and Torres Strait Inc
Total Funding: $10,000.00
Port Douglas and Daintree Visitor Survey
From: 04/01/2016 to 31/08/2016
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
Funding Schemes: Tourism Port Douglas Daintree
Total Funding: $9,732.08
Research tourism surveys: Visitors' perceptions of crowding in Whitsundays tourism locations
From: 04/01/2016 to 31/03/2016
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
Funding Schemes: Reef and Rainforest Research Centre
Total Funding: $45,415.53
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 3508 Tourism

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Master of Business
"The ‘Not So’ Off Beaten Track”: Film as a medium for positive environmental sustainability in remote destinations in the adventure tourism sector.
Associate Supervisor
Master of Business
Tourism developing in Papua New Guinea, a comparative analysis of sustainable business models to empower developing communities.
Associate Supervisor
Master of Business
Impact of Urban Designs on Behaviour of Local and Visitor Population - A study of Yeppoon, Queensland
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Health Research and Education Ventures In Small Rural Communities
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Knowledge management and transfer as a determinant of the longer term success of regional tourism festivals and events
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests
Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services

Tourism - Impacts of Tourism

Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services

Tourism - Tourism Management

Commerce, Management, Tourism And Services

Tourism - Tourist Behaviour and Visitor Experience

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