I am a Lecturer and Research Scientist at the Central Queensland University (CQU), Sydney, Australia. My research interests span video coding and content streaming, interactive multimedia communications, and applications of AI and machine learning in different domains. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. I have published peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, receiving the Best Demo/Presentation Award at ACM-CoNEXT in 2014, the Best Paper Award at IEEE-ITNAC in 2015, the Best Paper Award at the 14th APRU Doctoral Students Conference in 2015, the Highly Commended Paper Award at IEEE-ITNAC in 2018, the Best Paper Award at IEEE-MICC conference in 2019. I have served as a Discipline Leader of Mobile and Computing Apps discipline at CQUniversity from 2018 to 2021 and received the CQU’s prestigious Student Voice Award of the year in 2021. I have served extensively within the educational and research community, as an IEE member, academic advisor, reviewer, and area chair for conferences.
Software Engineering
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Central Queensland University (CQU)
University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Reviewer of multiple journals and conferences.
Developed Video Streaming player.
Developed real-time foveated video streaming mechanism.
I am currently accredited for supervision at the level Principle Supervisor.
I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:
Computer vision and multimedia computation - Video processing
Human-centred computing - Human-computer interaction
Machine learning - Reinforcement learning