I am an Associate Professor at CQUniversity’s Appleton Institute. My mission is to help Australia’s workers get better sleep by collaborating with researchers and industry to create healthier and safer workplaces. This mission is supported by a vibrant and cohesive research team I continue to grow, with shared values of scientific integrity, compassion, mentoring, and collaboration.
My research program focuses on three key areas: improving sleep and health in workplace settings, understanding how physical activity and diet influence sleep, and developing behavioural interventions to promote better sleep health.
Since I was awarded my PhD from Deakin University in 2016, I have published >100 publications and secured >$4 million in research funding - including an ARC-DECRA, 2xARC-DP's and an MRFF. I have received >25 research awards. I am a South Australian Tall Poppy (https://bit.ly/38UAbwv), winner of the Rob Pierce Grant in Aid and Nick Antic Career Development Award, winner of the National 5-Minute Research Pitch Competition (https://bit.ly/3DwLdW5) and have received the CQUniversity Vice Chancellor’s Award for both Outstanding Early Career and Mid-Career Research. I have supervised programs of research for 12 PhD students, 25 Honours students and 13 summer scholars.
My work has shaped international policy, contributing to the European Union's labour rights framework and the World Health Organisation's International Agency for Research on Cancer report. I’ve also authored Australian Government guidelines on fatigue and sleep management for the National Mental Health Commission and the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance. Over my career, I’ve collaborated with 179 unique researchers across 49 institutions in 15 countries and served as a consultant for organisations like Fatigue Management International and British Columbia Wildfire.
I've built strong partnerships with world-class institutions including the University of Pittsburgh, Washington State University, Swansea University, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm University, Massey University, and the University of Auckland.
CQUniversity Profile: https://staff-profiles.cqu.edu.au/home/view/1883
X and Bluesky: @PhDSleepy
Research Outputs: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Grace-Vincent
Appleton Institute: https://www.cqu.edu.au/research/organisations/appleton-institute
Research Supervision Philosophy
One of the most important and enjoyable aspects of my academic role is student supervision. My supervision philosophy is to build and sustain student-centered learning environments that drive problem-solving within a supportive community. This approach strongly aligns with CQUniversity’s goal of delivering student-centered education.
My approach empowers students to align their career goals with approaches to publication, presentations, and casual work opportunities throughout their candidature. I manage project milestones via weekly or fortnightly meetings, with progress regularly evaluated. Believing in team supervision, I co-supervise most students with colleagues from CQUniversity or other universities, using supervision teams to build early career researchers' skills and foster collaborations.
I have supervised programs of research for 12 PhD students. Of these, 4 students have completed on-time (1 principal; 3 associate) and I have 8 current students (5 principal; 3 associate). My PhD students have written 25 journal articles, secured 6 scholarships (totalling >$1 million), won 17 prestigious awards (e.g., 4× winner of student presentation awards at national and international conferences, 2× winner/placed in 3-min thesis or visualise your thesis competitions), and presented at 13 national and 20 international conferences. They have also been a chief investigator on a successful grant (Carers Australia), engaged significantly with the media (>20 engagements) and been accepted into nationally competitive Clinical Masters of Psychology programs.
If you are interested in Honours, Masters or PhD study please feel free to reach out - we would love to hear your ideas.
I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:
Cardiovascular Medicine and Haematology - Cardiology (incl. Cardiovascular Diseases)
Human Movement and Sports Science - Exercise Physiology
Psychology - Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology)