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Associate Professor Surya Bhattarai

BAgrSc (1990) TU Nepal; MScAg (1995) Uni Essex UK; PhD (2005), CQUniversity, Australia
Associate Professor
School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
Institute for Future Farming Systems
(07) 4923 2140
0422 800 518 Mobile Phone
Rockhampton North
Building 361, CQIRP, CQUniversity - Room G.38
Ibis Avenue, Rockhampton, QLD 4702, Australia
About Me

Dr Surya Bhattarai, a senior research fellow (Associate Professor of crop science), in CQU Institute for Future Farming System (IFFS), brings in his position a strong farming, agri- business, research and teaching background. Surya took up CQU research/academic position since 2006 after completing his PhD in 2005 from CQUniversity Australia. His position and program are largely funded through industry collaboration and engaged research with primary industries both in Australia and overseas. He brings valuable experience of participatory research and development. Surya is an experienced crop physiologist with extensive experience on crop abiotic stresses particularly for tropical broad- acre cropping and horticultural crops. His research focus on tropical high value crops for improving crop water productivity through integration of crop drought tolerance (smart genetics), smart irrigation, smart soil and fertilizer techniques. His research engagement for Australian northern cropping brings number of industry funded collaborative projects (e.g. rainfed rice, spices crops, dual purpose tropical legumes) in the northern Australian landscapes. Surya’s interests on interdisciplinary (e.g. bioengineering) and multidisciplinary research (crop water management, soil fertility, soil health, environmental agriculture, health crops), brings research projects and researchers together in the team from CQUniversity, and external collaborators (other universities, govt departments, allied businesses and industries, and growers) for projects and programs focused on developing solutions for complex problems of Northern Australian farming. Spices and condiments, drought tolerant crops such as sesame seeds and dual-purpose tropical food legumes and peanuts, and other high value crops for northern Australian farming systems are currently research active crops. Industry applied research, such as development of drought tolerant Mungbean (e.g. Green Dragon), application of hydrogen peroxide in irrigation has led to large scale adoption of these research creating impacts for Australian farming. Surya and his team is continuously building postgraduate cohorts in these thematic areas, supported by improved collaboration, stakeholders’ engagement and industry participation in R&D consistent to vision and mission of CQU Institute for Future Farming Systems.


Surya has in depth and wide experiences of agriculture research, extension, teaching, and agri-business development for both conventional and low-input sustainable farming operators. His work in different continents and culture bring significant strength for  his research team. Surya brings wealth of practical, academic and industry experience in research and teaching in Agriculture. His down to earth approach for tropical agriculture through inter-disciplinary and multidisciplinary research in crop science makes real difference in the students learning and impacts to the collaborating industries.

Universities Studied At

Ph.D., Agronomy, 2005: Central Queensland University, Australia.

M. Sc., Crop Physiology, 1994: University of Essex, UK.

B. Sc., Agriculture, 1990: Tribhuwon University, Nepal.

Universities Worked At

2006- to date: Central Queensland University, Institute for Future Farming Systems Australia. Research (Crop Science), Teaching (Postgraduate-Agriculture, Undergraduate- Biological Sciences).

2007-2007: World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC), Taiwan. Research on physiology of crop abiotic stress.

1992-1993: Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC), Kasetsart University Thailand, Vegetable breeding for abiotic stress tolerance.

1998-2001: Tribhuwon University Nepal, Department of Horticulture, Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research in Horticulture.

1984-1990: Lumle Agriculture Research Centre (LARC), Nepal, supported by Overseas Development Administration (ODA), of British Government. Horticulture and farming system research.


2012: Vice-Chancellor Award for Excellence in Research -mid career. CQUniversity Australia.

2010: Opal Award for Excellence in Research Innovation and Engagement, CQUniversity Australia.

2007-2008: DEEWR Australia Endeavour Research Fellowship, AVRDC Taiwan.

2001-2004: University Postgraduate Research Award (UPRA) for PhD study at CQU Australia.

1994-1995: British Council fellowship for Masters in Ag Science, University of Essex, United Kingdom.

1992–1993: DFID fellowship for Advanced Vegetable R&D from AVRDC, Kasetsart University, Thailand.

1987–1990: DFID fellowship for undergraduate studies in Ag Science, Tribhuwon University (TU) Nepal.

Media Citations

2022-1 Landline planned for Kalonji seeds/nigella (planned for October 2022)

2021-8 ABC, Channel 7, Rural news

2020-6 ABC, Channel 7, Rural news

2019-4 ABC, Channel 7, Rural news

2018: Landline documentary (Black sesame) by ABC television on 19 August 2018:

2014: Paddock to Parliament. Michelle Landry’s presentation to Australian cabinet in Canberra about the rainfed rice opportunities.

2014: Uninews (Minister for Ag Barnaby Joyce).

Previous teaching

Professional Practices in Industry, in CQUniversity Australia (Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science and BSc Ag Science), 2014 –2017. Course coordinator, senior Lecturer.

Plants and Environment, in CQUniversity, Australia (Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science and BSc Ag Science), 2004 –2016. Invited Lecturer, Lecturer

Advanced Plant Physiology, in Tribhuwon University (TU) Nepal, coordinator (BSc Ag Science), 1998-2001. Lecturer

Plant Stress Physiology, in Tribhuwon University (TU) Nepal, coordinator (MSc Ag Science), 1998-2001, Lecturer

Advanced Pomology, in Tribhuwon University (TU) Nepal, coordinator (MSc Ag Science), 1998-2001. Lecturer

Commercial Vegetable Production, Tribhuwon University (TU) Nepal, coordinator (BSc Ag Science), 1998-2001. Lecturer

Scientific Writing & Seminars, Tribhuwon University (TU) Nepal, coordinator (MSc Ag Science), 1998-2001. Lecturer

Professional Experience

Position Year Organizations Research and teaching
Associate Professor/ Senior Research Fellow 2019 January – date Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia Tropical crops, drought tolerance, crop physiology
Senior Lecturer/ Research Fellow 2012 January – 2018 December Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia Farming system, Crop physiology, soil fertility
Lecturer/ Snr Postdoctoral Fellow 2009 January – 2011 December Central Queensland University, (CQU), Australia Irrigation, agronomy, soil fertility, drought tolerance
Postdoctoral Fellow 2006 January - 2008 December Central Queensland University (CQU), Australia Irrigation, agronomy, drought tolerance
Endeavour Fellow 2007 August - 2008 January World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC), Taiwan Tomato drought tolerance, molecular biology, irrigation
Research Officer 2005 January- 2005 December Centre for Railway Engineering CQU, Australia Bioengineering, erosion control, railway revegetation
Research Officer 2004 July – 2004 December Centre for Plant & Water Sci CQU, Australia Phytocapping of landfill sites, Phytoremediation
Teaching Assistant (Part time) 2002 January -2004 December Centre for Plant & Water Sci CQU, Australia Undergraduate course, Plants and Environments
Lecturer Teaching(T), Research(R) 1998 August -2001 September Tribhuwon University (TU) Nepal, Dept of Horticulture T-Crop physiology, Research methods, R-lemon, cucumber
Agriculture expert (Part time) 1997 August- 2000 December Multidimensional Ag for Development (MADE) -Nepal High value Ag for livelihood support (12 districts)
Team Leader- Vegetable Research 1995 November 1997 July Lumle Ag Research Centre (LARC), Nepal Vegetable research for western hills of Nepal
Coordinator- Research Outreach 1990 April - 1994 October Lumle Ag Research Centre (LARC), Nepal Horticulture RDE for the western hills of Nepal
Research Assistant Agriculture 1986 July- 1987 June Lumle Ag Research Centre (LARC), Nepal Coordinate Ag field trials, data collection and reporting.
Field Assistant Socio-economics 1984 July- 1986 June Lumle Ag Research Centre (LARC), Nepal Rural and market appraisal, preference analysis, HH survey, base-line & impact studies.
School Teacher (Middle-high school) 1984 January- 1984 June Sangam Secondary School, Kaski, Nepal Science and math teaching for middle and high school.

Professional Memberships

      Agronomy Society of Australia (ASA)

      Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (AIAST)

      Australian Society of Horticultural Science (ASHS)

      International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS)

      American Society of Agronomy (ASA)

      Nepal Horticulture Society (NHS)

      Nepal Society of Agricultural Scientist (NSAS)


      Project lead: Spicing up Northern Australia, CRCNA and Agriventis project (2019-2022). Evaluation, verification and commercialisation of selected spices crops in northern Australia.

      Project lead: Dual-purpose peanut, PCA-Bega Food and CRCNA project (2022-2024). Evaluation, verification and commercialisation of dual-purpose (fodder and nuts) peanut varieties for northern Australia.

      Project lead: Initial evaluation of high value tropical crops options, Agriventis Technologies and CQU project (2021-2024). Initial evaluation of seed lines for their performance and seed regeneration for field evaluation of elite lines in CQU, Rockhampton, QLD Australia.

      Project lead: Aerobic Thermophilic Digestion Technology for organic wastes, President Biotech Ltd Taiwan and CQU project (2020-2022). Application of ATDT for rapid composting of organic wastes for developing alternative fertilizer options.

      Postgraduate support: Nine PG supervision current in 2022. Search competitive and industry supported postgraduate scholarship, recruitment, supervision, and mention for successful completion.

      Industry engagement: Manage industry relations. Five active industry R&D current in 2022. Search, develop, foster, and deliver successful industry involvement, engagement, and impacts through strong interdisciplinary, industry applied research.

      Manager: Manage and maintain Plant Eco-physiology Laboratory that supports crops, soil and agricultural water analysis facilities for projects and PG students in cropping.

      Manager: Manage and maintain plant growth facilities (garden raised bed, screen house, shed, glasshouse and field facilities) for crop research.

      Teaching: Assist in undergraduate courses teachings, e.g. Plants and Environment (BIOL 13002), residential schools, guest lecture, support summer school and industry placement students, overseas exchange students, school /industry/funding agencies visitors

      Supervision: Supervision of postdoctoral research fellows, research officers, research technicians, and research support casual staffs for the crop science projects

      Collaboration: Engage and foster strategic interdisciplinary research collaboration within and outside the university for projects, program, and postgraduate supervision.

      Funding applications: Seek opportunity for project and program fundings and prepare project funding application engaging team and collaborators

      Publication: Publish project report, technical report, and scientific publications from project, research, and postgraduate data.

      Leadership: Provide leadership to the team to advance and excel cropping research for northern Australia

      Support university policy direction: Offer crop science related expertise and inputs for CQU senior management including IFFS for developing CQU image in Agriculture RDE and teaching.

      Professional Interests

      • Tropical adaptation of high value crops
      • Broad acre and horticulture cropping
      • Crop abiotic stress physiology
      • Farming system and interdisciplinary research in agriculture
      • Industry applied research in agriculture
      • Spices, herbal and aromatic plants
      • Agronomy, crop ecophysiology and environmental agriculture
      • Natural resource management in agriculture for sustainable productivity
      • Soil fertility and soil management
      • Agriculture water management
      • Revegetation and erosion control

      Key Achievements

      Strategic industry engagement: Eg. Agriventis Technologies Ltd, Bega Foods- Peanut company of Australia, Mara Seeds, President Biotech, Agri-Fiber Ltd. for tropical cropping research.

      Collaboration, linkage and network: expansion of intra university, inter-university (UQ, USQ), Department of Agriculture (QDAF, NTDITT, DPIRWA), Specialized services (RDO for Ag equipment, Allenden Seed for seed processing/grading, Agridry for postharvest grain moisture control), international collaboration (TAMU and TTU USA).

      Cropping research infrastructures: Negotiation with industry (Agriventis) for procurement of ~$0.75M equipment for crop research planting, harvesting, spraying, and transport equipment that support CQU cropping research, and CQU university investment in analytical chemistry equipment (e.g. CN analyzer, fiber analyzer, infrared gas analyser).

      Research impacts

      Drought tolerant Mungbean varieties (CQU develops Agriventis Green Dragon covers 30-40% Australian Mungbean area in 2022/23 season.

      Hydrogen peroxide for irrigation (CQU research funded by Evonik results into Netafim recommendation for worldwide use of H2O2 in drip irrigation)

      Sesame research- National leadership through invitation by Australian Sesame Industry Development Association (ASIDA), to act as National secretary for ASIDA

      Oxygation research and development, establish CQU lead for global expansion of this research and innovation adoption

      Spice crop research awareness in Australia – establish CQU research lead in spices for Australia with a vision for developing Australian National Centre for Spices, Herbal, and Aromatic Plants (ANCSHAP) by 2030.

      Computer Software

      Genstat 22 for Agriculture research data analysis (

      SigmaPlot 14.0.3 for Graphical applications (

      The Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) application for tropical adaption of crops in northern Australia (

      Industry Reports

      Bhattarai S, Midmore, D & Dhungel J 2011, Aeration of irrigation water for improvements in pineapple crop health and yield, research report, Horticulture Australia Ltd., NSW.

      Processing tomato aerated irrigation (oxygation) research report for HAL, 2015

      Irrigation research report for National Program for Sustainable Irrigation (NPSI), 2014

      Aerated irrigation report for cotton research and development cooperation (CRDC), 2011

      Mara seeds compost report, 2015

      PBI ATAD, rapid compost report, 2021

      Caring for country- reef rescue research project report, 2014

      RDA NA – compost innovation and application report, 2020

      Agriventis : High value tropical crop reports, 2021

      Evonik- H2O2 project completion report, 2020

      Innovation connection project completion reports, (2019-2021)

      APAInterns project (tropical rainfed soybean) completion report, 2021

      Rice Research Australia Pty Limited (RRAPL) and AgriFuture- Rainfed tropical rice research report, 2021

      CRCNA spice market reports, 2021

      CRCNA spice crop technical reports, 2021-2022


      Journal Water, Special Issue- Water and Nutrient Management for Spices Production-Guest Editor- 2022-2023

      Journal Water, Special Issue- Water use efficiency in Agriculture -Guest Editor- 2017-2019

      Journal of Agricultural Science, JAS, published from Canada, Member of the Editorial Board- since 2012

      Invited reviewers for Journal of Agricultural Water Management, Irrigation Science, Irrigation and Drainage Science, Soil Sciences, Rice Science, Agronomy

      Consultancy Work

      Bhattarai, S. P. and Subedi, P. P. (1997). Production and marketing constraints for ginger and potato, in income generation sub-project areas of Kaski and Parbat districts of HMG/JICA: Community Development and Forest/Watershed Conservation Project, Pokhara, Nepal. A rapid marketing and production appraisal. Consultancy report prepared for JICA, Nepal

      Bhattarai, S.P, and Midmore, D.J. (2012). Options and challenges for use of hydrogen peroxide in agricultural irrigation. Consultancy report for Evonik industries, Australia

      Recent Research Projects
      Adapting grain crop seed threshing and cleaning equipment for sesame and emerging spices (PRO-015763)
      From: 08/04/2022 to 06/02/2023
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 1: Aust Competitive Grant)
      Funding Schemes: AgriFutures Emerging Industries Program Grant 2021 THROUGH Agriventis Technologies
      Total Funding: $55,000.00
      Grain and Graze: Dual purpose peanuts for Northern Australia (A.2.2021083)
      From: 18/02/2022 to 18/02/2025
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
      Funding Schemes: CRC Developing Northern Australia 2020/21 Funding Call
      Total Funding: $916,719.00
      Central Queensland regional agricultural supply chain baseline study (A.1.2021029)
      From: 13/12/2021 to 13/12/2022
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
      Funding Schemes: CRCNA Research Program 1 Grant
      Total Funding: $160,000.00
      Developing Northern Australian Pulse Crop Opportunities Through Assessing the Physiological Traits of Lentils and Black Beans and Impact of Moisture and Heat Stress on Crop Quality and Quantity.
      From: 15/02/2021 to 14/02/2023
      Grant: Scholarship (Not Specified )
      Funding Schemes: Elevate Scholarship 2020 - Agriventis/CQUniversity
      Total Funding: N/A
      RTP Scholarship, commencing 2019
      From: 01/11/2019 to 31/03/2025
      Grant: Scholarship (Not Specified )
      Funding Schemes: RTP Stipend Scholarship, commencing 2019
      Total Funding: N/A
      Optimisation of biochar feed additives for cage layers and production of dicalcium phosphate. (ICG001053)
      From: 23/08/2019 to 15/10/2022
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
      Funding Schemes: Department of Innovation, Industry & Science - Innovation Connections
      Total Funding: $28,300.00
      Accelerated Thermophillic Aerobic digestion (ATAD) of Poultry Wastes for Rapid composting and Development of Value Added Compost Products
      From: 01/08/2019 to 31/07/2022
      Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
      Funding Schemes: President Biotech Pty Ltd
      Total Funding: $138,328.00
      Spicing up Northern Australia with high value condiment crops (Project A.2.1819045)
      From: 30/06/2019 to 30/06/2022
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
      Funding Schemes: CRC Developing Northern Australia
      Total Funding: $300,000.00
      Drought tolerance on tropical food legumes
      From: 25/06/2018 to 30/06/2022
      Grant: Scholarship (Category 3: Industry and Other)
      Funding Schemes: AgriVentis Technologies Pty Ltd Scholarship
      Total Funding: $90,000.00
      Spice crops varietal selection and agronomy
      From: 25/06/2018 to 23/10/2021
      Grant: Scholarship (Category 3: Industry and Other)
      Funding Schemes: AgriVentis Technologies Pty Ltd Scholarship
      Total Funding: $90,000.00
      Identification of heat tolerance traits and their control of inheritance on rice in a tropical rainfed aerobic system
      From: 10/06/2018 to 16/06/2021
      Grant: Scholarship (Category 3)
      Funding Schemes: Rice Research Australia Pty Ltd
      Total Funding: $42,000.00
      Scoping study for drought tolerance of soybean and chickpea genotypes in QLD, Australia
      From: 15/10/2017 to 31/12/2022
      Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
      Funding Schemes: Agriventis Technologies Scoping Study Funding 2017
      Total Funding: $294,534.63
      PRJ-010705 - RIRDC Postgraduate Research Scholarship
      From: 01/02/2017 to 16/02/2022
      Grant: Scholarship (Category 1: Aust Competitive Grant)
      Funding Schemes: RIRDC Postgraduate Research Agreement
      Total Funding: $60,000.00
      Sesame Agronomy
      From: 31/03/2020 to 31/12/2020
      Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
      Funding Schemes: Savannah Ag Consulting
      Total Funding: $39,905.00
      Accelerating Innovation to application of compost and compost technologies in the Great Barrier Reef Catchments
      From: 17/06/2019 to 30/04/2020
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
      Funding Schemes: Regional Development Australia Far North Queensland and Torres Strait Inc
      Total Funding: $227,273.00
      Travel Support: Visit to Kansas State University, Kansas, United States
      From: 14/06/2019 to 31/12/2019
      Grant: Award - Internal (Internal)
      Funding Schemes: 2019 CQUniversity International Research Collaboration Award Scheme (CIRCAS)
      Total Funding: $5,000.00
      ICG000521 - Performance evaluation of biochar feed additive for cage layers in tropical environments (North Qld)
      From: 07/05/2018 to 06/06/2019
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
      Funding Schemes: Department of Innovation,Industry and Science (DIIS)
      Total Funding: N/A
      A.1.1718097 - Exporting perishable commodities to Asia: Developing a stakeholder collaboration model
      From: 26/03/2018 to 14/04/2021
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 4: CRC)
      Funding Schemes: CRC Developing Northern Australia
      Total Funding: $305,454.55
      AAT Rice varietal trial at 201 Water Park Road Byfield
      From: 01/05/2017 to 31/01/2018
      Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
      Funding Schemes: Contract Research - Australian Agricultural Technologies Limited
      Total Funding: $11,473.89
      RC51951 - The optimisation of continuous dosing of Hydrogen Peroxide in surface, drip and subsurface-drip irrigation systems
      From: 15/07/2016 to 14/07/2017
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Public)
      Funding Schemes: Innovation Connections - Discretionary Grants - prev Research Connect & Enterprise Connect
      Total Funding: $49,140.00
      The optimisation of continuous dosing of Hydrogen Peroxide (HP) in surface, drip and subsurface-drip irrigation systems
      From: 14/01/2016 to 30/12/2019
      Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
      Funding Schemes: Contract Research - Evonik
      Total Funding: $200,000.00
      Developing a carbon smart fertilizer from biochar amended chicken manure
      From: 17/07/2014 to 17/05/2015
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Public)
      Funding Schemes: Entrepeneur's Infrastructure Programme - Researchers in Business
      Total Funding: N/A
      Nano-bubbles application for aerated water irrigation in agriculture DP140103648
      From: 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2016
      Grant: Competitive Grant (ACGR)
      Funding Schemes: ARC Discovery Projects, for funding commencing in 2014
      Total Funding: N/A
      Developing agronomic options for optimization of yield, grain quality and blast disease management for dry land rice in QLD Australia
      From: 01/09/2013 to 28/02/2015
      Grant: Scholarship (Not Specified )
      Funding Schemes: Co-funded Industry Scholarship
      Total Funding: $30,000.00
      Evaluating grain quality and marketing opportunities for Australian dry land rice
      From: 01/09/2013 to 28/02/2015
      Grant: Scholarship (Not Specified )
      Funding Schemes: Co-funded Industry Scholarship
      Total Funding: $30,000.00
      Carbon smart biofertilizer from chicken manure for sustainable soil management
      From: 01/07/2013 to 30/06/2016
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Public)
      Funding Schemes: Carbon Farming Futures - Filling the Research Gap - Round 2
      Total Funding: N/A
      Evaluating usefulness of Hydrogen Peroxide (HP) for optimising performance of drip irrigation system
      From: 01/07/2013 to 30/07/2015
      Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
      Funding Schemes: Contract Research - Evonik
      Total Funding: $68,115.00
      Oxygation to reduce nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from sugarcane & cotton farming
      From: 01/07/2013 to 30/06/2016
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Public)
      Funding Schemes: Carbon Farming Futures - Filling the Research Gap - Round 2
      Total Funding: N/A
      Dryland Rice Variety Development
      From: 15/10/2012 to 01/02/2015
      Grant: Contract Research (Category 3)
      Funding Schemes: Contract Research - Australian Agricultural Technologies Limited
      Total Funding: N/A
      Innovative biowaste management for sustainable vegetable production and improved livelihoods in Nepal
      From: 15/01/2012 to 30/06/2016
      Grant: Competitive Grant (Not Specified )
      Funding Schemes: Public Sector Linkages Program
      Total Funding: N/A
      Research Supervision

      I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

      • 3001 Agricultural Biotechnology
      • 3004 Crop and Pasture Production
      • 3002 Agriculture, Land and Farm Management

      Current Capacity
      I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
      Current Supervision
      Master of Research
      Principal Supervisor
      Master of Research
      Evaluation of Grain and Graze Traits in Cowpea Genotypes
      Principal Supervisor
      Master of Research
      Morphological characterisation and structural analysis of the northern Australian-grown black sesame nutritional oil content and fatty acid composition for breeding programs
      Associate Supervisor
      Master of Applied Science
      Accelerated Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD) of Poultry Wastes for Rapid Composting and Development of Value-added Compost Products (RSH/5232)
      Principal Supervisor
      Doctor of Philosophy
      Characterisation of morphological, physiological and biochemical traits for drought tolerance and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in common rainfed legumes of QLD, Australia.
      Principal Supervisor
      Master of Applied Science
      Biochar Production Process Optimisation and Product Characterisation
      Principal Supervisor
      Master of Applied Science
      Ecophysiological adaptation of black sesame in tropical Australia
      Principal Supervisor
      Doctor of Philosophy
      Characterisation of morphological, physiological and biochemical traits for heat tolerance in aerobic rice.
      Principal Supervisor
      Complete Supervision
      Master of Applied Science
      Comparative analysis of physiological and phenological traits of rice (Oryza sativa) under aerobic production systems in dry and wet tropics of Queensland, Australia.
      Principal Supervisor
      Master of Engineering
      Bioengineering Solution to Erosion Control on Railway Batters Using Various Grass Species
      Associate Supervisor
      Master of Applied Science
      The effect of plant density and photoperiod on flowering time, yield and quality of subtropical industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
      Principal Supervisor
      Doctor of Philosophy
      Optimising oxygen delivery in subsurface drip irrigation
      Associate Supervisor
      Research Interests
      Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences

      Crop and Pasture Production - Agronomy

      Agricultural And Veterinary Sciences

      Horticultural Production - Horticultural Crop Growth and Development

      Agricultural,Veterinary And Food Sciences

      Other agricultural, veterinary and food sciences - Other agricultural, veterinary and food sciences not elsewhere classified

      Biological Sciences

      Plant Biology - Plant Physiology

      Loading Publications
      Loading Teaching