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Dr. Sanath Alahakoon

Ph.D. (KTH - Sweden), B.Sc.Eng (UPDN - Sri Lanka), SFHEA, GCTE
Senior Lecturer/DL - Engineering (Electrical)
School of Engineering and Technology
Centre for Railway Engineering
(07) 4970 7248
+61401851804 Mobile Phone
Gladstone Marina
B 608/G.08 - Gladstone Engineering Centre
CQUniversity, Bryan Jordan Drive, Gl
About Me

I, Dr. Sanath Alahakoon received my B.Sc. Eng (Honours) degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 1994. I received his Ph.D. in Digital Motion Control from the Electrical Machines and Power Electronic Group of The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden in 2000. From 2000 till the middle of 2009, I worked as a senior lecturer and the head of the department in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Currently I am a senior lecturer and the discipline leader in Electrical Engineering in the School of Engineering and Technology (SET) in CQUniversity Gladstone campus. I have been able to achieve a strong track record of quality teaching and my efforts have been internationally benchmarked with the achieving of Senior Fellow – Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), which is in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education in 2020. My broader research interests fall in the areas of electrical machines and drives, digital control, estimation and identification, non-linear control, instrumentation, automation, renewable energy, micro grids, and hybrid electric systems.


As mentioned above, my broader research interests fall in the areas of electrical machines and drives, digital control, estimation and identification, non-linear control, instrumentation, automation, renewable energy, micro grids, and hybrid electric systems.

With my research grant successes and postgraduate supervision, instrumentation leading to conditioning monitoring, renewable energy and micro grids can be highlighted as the thrust areas going forward.

In relation to instrumentation leading to conditioning monitoring, I have been able to attract a major grant (as CI) from Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation (ACRI) on “Moving Vehicle Rail Foot Flaw Detection”. I was also successful in attracting another grant (as PI) titled “Review and Simulation of Crack Detection Methodologies for Industrial Applications” through Joint ACK-CQU Research Grant Scheme. Through the same scheme, I was also successful in getting another grant (as PI) titled “Distributed fault diagnosis for power systems using signature tracking”, which mainly deals with the condition monitoring of grid connected electrical machines. Rail flaw detection, pipe crack detection and the condition monitoring of electrical machines are very significant applied research ensuring undisrupted industrial operations, which could save millions of dollars for the industry by avoiding unplanned down times and costly accidents.

In relation to renewable energy and micro grids, I have been able to attract a major grant (as PI) from Advance Queensland Grant Scheme on “Battery and Micro Grid Management Systems”. My most recent grant (as CI) titled “Network Studies for dSTATCOMs to Support Distributed Solar Generation” from eleXsys Energy Pty Ltd and Whitsunday Regional Council-CQUniversity Elevate Scholarship to support the project titled “Optimized Operation of Solar Powered Water Treatment Plants for Whitsunday Regional Council” are also in the areas of renewable energy and micro grids. My goal for the future research in this area is to put more emphasis on fuel cell-battery hybrid energy systems for future transportation systems such as electric ferries and for energy systems for remote communities. With Australia’s carbon reduction targets and drive toward Hydrogen economy, this research has a strong potential in attracting a lot of external funding in the years to come.

Universities Studied At

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden (PhD)

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (B.Sc. Eng (Honours))

Universities Worked At

CQUniversity, Australia

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


1. Senior Fellow – Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) (2020)

I have been able to achieve a strong track record of quality teaching and my efforts have been internationally benchmarked with the achieving of Senior Fellow – Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), which is in recognition of attainment against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education in 2020.

2. Gledden Visiting Fellowships - The University of Western Australia 27th January to 23rd April 2008.

I was involved in advanced research within the Systems Engineering group of the School of EECE mainly in the area of Sliding Mode Observers. I have shown a lot of dedication and commitment in producing the maximum possible outcome from my stay here and within the period of 12 weeks, I was able to finalize and submit 10 research publications (5 publications for peer reviewed journals and 5 publications for peer reviewed conferences) detailed in my list of publications.

3. Graduate School of life Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan (September 2006)

I was awarded this postdoctoral research fellowship by the Graduate School of life Science and Systems Engineering of Kyushu Institute of Technology in order to initiate research on soft actuators and sensors using ionic polymer-metal composite technology. The visit yielded several recent publications and also active research collaboration between the two institutes.

Media Citations

“Hybrid Power Will Energise the Future”, Gladstone Observer, 14th December, 2010, Page 15

“Industrial Growth Has Gladstone Playing Host”,Gladstone Observer, 09th February, 2011, Page 17

“CQU Arm Trains Workforce”, CQ Industry Bi-Monthly Edition – February 2011, Page 09

“Symposium on Hybrid Electric Systems for Heavy Machinery”, Gladstone News, February 19th, 2011, Page 8

“CQUniversity Gladstone Hosts the Symposium on Hybrid Electric Systems for Heavy Machinery”, Gladstone News, February 26th, 2011, Front Page and Page 8

“Hybrid Tech Opens Eyes”, Gladstone Observer, 01st March, 2011, Page 5

Previous teaching

Teaching at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka:



Postgraduate Program

Postgraduate Teaching


MT 516 Control Theory

M.Sc. in Industrial Mathematics conducted by the Postgraduate Institute of Science


MT 503 Numerical Analysis


EE 621 Automatic Control

Postgraduate Program of the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering


EE 622 Digital Control


EE 623 Electrical Machines & Drives

Undergraduate Teaching


431 Electronics

Old Curriculum


434 Electrical Drives & Controls


333 Electrical Machines & Controls


583 Digital Instrumentation & Control


QE 108 Electricity

New Curriculum


EE 201 Network Analysis


EE 203 Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation


EE 204 Signals & Systems


EE 205 Digital Systems


EE 306 Embedded Systems Design


EE 307 Automatic Control


EE 382 Electronics devices & Circuits


EE 533 Optimal and Multivariable Control


EE 534 Estimation & Identification


EE 535 Nonlinear & Adaptive Control


EE 536 Industrial Robotics


EE 555 Electronic Design Technology


EE 222 Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation


Professional Experience

1.      Currently working as a Senior Lecturer – electrical engineering in the Central Queensland University Gladstone Campus attached to the School of Engineering and Technology of the Division of Higher Education - Since 02nd July 2009.

2.      Worked as Head of Department and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, SRI LANKA

( - Since May 2000 till 28th June 2009.

3.      Worked as a probationary lecturer in the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, SRI LANKA

( - Three & a half years since October 1996.

4.      Worked as a temporary instructor in the Department of Engineering Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, SRI LANKA

( - Four months in 1995.

5.      Industrial training at the Arthur C. Clark Centre for Modern Technologies, Moratuwa, SRI LANKA ( - Six months - 1993

6.      Industrial training in the Buildings Department, Kegalle, SRI LANKA

( - Three months - 1985

Professional Memberships

1.      Member of Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE).

Recent Research Projects
Network Studies for dSTATCOMs to support distributed solar generation
From: 13/11/2020 to 31/12/2021
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: eleXsys Energy Pty Ltd T//A Planet Ark Power
Total Funding: $72,161.41
Battery storage and microgrid management systems
From: 01/01/2017 to 02/12/2019
Grant: Competitive Grant (Public)
Funding Schemes: Advance Queensland Innovation Partnerships - 2016
Total Funding: $333,148.00
CAESIE Priming Grant for Initiating Research Collaboration with Nilar International AB - Sweden
From: 19/11/2014 to 19/05/2015
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 3)
Funding Schemes: Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering - CAESIE Priming Grant
Total Funding: N/A
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 0906 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • 4015 Maritime Engineering
  • 4014 Manufacturing Engineering
  • 4003 Biomedical Engineering

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
No Supervisions to display.
Research Interests

Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Control Systems, Robotics and Automation


Other Engineering - Engineering Instrumentation


Other Engineering - Engineering Instrumentation

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