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Professor Sarah Blunden

MAPS, FCCLP, BA (Hons Psy), MSocSc, PhD
Professor of Clinical Psychology and Head of Peadiatric Sleep Research
School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
Appleton Institute
(08) 8378 4513
0414 700 953 Mobile Phone
Adelaide - 1.04
Sydney - 1.15
About Me

Professor Sarah Blunden (MAPS, BAPsych (Hons), MSocSc, PhD) has a dual role as Head of Paediatric Sleep Research and Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at Central Queensland University, Australia and is a clinical psychologist specialising in the treatment of children’s sleep problems. Sarah is the Founder/Director of the Paediatric Sleep Clinic, Director of the Australian Centre for Education in Sleep© ( (ACES) and member of the Education Committee, Behavioural Sleep Medicine subcommittee and chair of the Indigenous Sleep Health Special Interest group, all of the Australasian Sleep Association. Her research interests include sleep education, indigenous sleep and health, sleep interventions for young children, the impact of poor sleep, on children and families and the causes of poor sleep in children and young people with an emerging interest in multi-disciplinary teaching practices for psychology. Sarah has presented over 70 conference presentations and published over 100 academic papers and books.


Masters of Clinical Psychology (equivalence awarded) 2008

Doctor of Philosophy - University of South Australia 2003

Master of Social Science 1998 - Counselling - University of South Australia

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1996 - Psychology - University of South Australia

Bachelor of Arts 1995 - Psychology Major - University of South Australia and - French Major - Adelaide University

Universities Studied At

University of South Australia

University of Michigan (Post Doctoral Scholarship secondment)

Universities Worked At

Flinders University

University of South Australia

Central Queensland University


Dean’s Merit List

- Academic excellence 1997 (University of South Australia)


- Summer Study Scholarship 1996 (University of South Australia)

- Final year PhD scholarship 2002 (University of South Australia)

- Helen Bearpark Scholarship 2005 (Australasian Sleep Association)

- Supported Researcher Award 2007 (University of South Australia)

Business Awards

- Telstra Business Women of the Year 2006 (South Aust Finalist)

- Westpac Australian Business Innovation of the Year 2006 (South Aust Finalist)

Media Citations


ABC: Four Corners, Radio Australia Wide

Channel 9: Sixty Minutes

Today Show

Channel 7: Morning Show


Channel 10: Sunrise


Scopus TV

Channel 44 community television

Essential media documentary ABC TV Whatever: The Science of Kids


ABC Australia Wide ( e.g 97.2 AM; 89.1 AM; 103.9 FM, 101.66 AM)

NZ Classic hits 96.6

Printed media : The Australian, The Adelaide Advertiser, Sydney Morning Herald, The Chronicle, Herald Sun.; Darwin Times

New Zealand: The Herald; The Press, Southland Times, Sunday Star-Times

Philippines: Philippine Star; Philippines People’s Tonight

Previous teaching

Flinders University

Motivational Interviewing in the context of the Chronic Condition Management: Program: Flinders Model of Chronic Condition Management. Post graduate training.

UniSA Psychology undergraduate:

Personality and Individual Differences

Developmental Psychology

UniSA Post Graduate - Clinical Psychology Masters

Psychological Assessment


Psychology undergraduate:

Professional Ethics

Post Graduate - Clinical Psychology Masters and Masters of Professional Psychology

Health Psychology and Rehabilitation

Ethics for Professional Practice

Research Methods in Clinical Psychology

Thesis and Placement Coordination

Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Disorders

Professional Experience

10 years clinical psychology with specialty in sleep in children
15 years academic experience as a researcher

Professional Memberships

Australian Psychological Society - Member of the Clinical College and the Child Adolescent and Family Special Interest Group (CAFSIG)

Australasian Sleep Association (ASA) – Elected member of Education committee and Behavioural Sleep Medicine sub committee Chair Indigenous Sleep health Committee - Australasian Sleep Association (ASA)

International Pediatric Sleep Association – Invited member of International Scientific Committee of the IPSA

Australian Psychological Society - Member of the Clinical College and the Child Adolescent and Family Special Interest Group (CAFSIG)

Australasian Sleep Association (ASA) – Elected member of Education committee and Behavioural Sleep Medicine sub committee

Chair Indigenous Sleep health Committee - Australasian Sleep Association (ASA)

International Pediatric Sleep Association – Invited member of International Scientific Committee of the IPSA

Healthy Development Adelaide (HDA)

Australian Council for Children on the Media (ACCM)

International Society for Social pediatrics and Child Health

Registered Clinical Psychologist – National Psychology Registration Board

Professional Interests

Sarah Blunden's sleep research interests revolve around the effects of poor sleep on wellbeing (particularly school performance and mental health) in all age groups from baby settling, behavioural sleep interventions, sleep education in schools, the interrelationship between sleep and media usage, dietary intake, and mental health and sleep in indigenous children.

Sleep health care delivery and sleep education are also a large area of interest.

Indigenous sleep health and how this can impact closing the gap in Indigenous health is a strong area of interest

Key Achievements

Since 2006, Sarah is the Founder/Director of the Australian Centre for Education in Sleep, which disseminates sleep education information and the Paediatric Sleep Clinic which operates both individual and group clinics offering diagnosis and treatment of sleep problems in children and their families in South Australia and around Australia.
She has written four comprehensive sleep education packages for schools ( now being used across Australian and internationally.
Her programs were bought by Philips International and made into a worldwide free junior school sleep education program (
She is now commercialising a Healthy Sleep for Healthy Schools, an online teacher training program for senior schools.
In 2019, she published her Gentle Methods of Self Soothing (GeMSS) training package for sleep interventions in young children aimed at psychologists and since then, over 30 paediatricians and psychologists have trained in the program.
She has published over 100 articles and two books

She has been invited to be an official "Scientist in Schools" for the CSIRO STEM school program.
Sarah is a reviewer for:
Child Care, Health and Development
BMC Pediatrics
Archives of Adolescent Health
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
Sleep Medicine
Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Journal of Adolescent Health
Journal of Child Health Care
Journal of Sleep Medicine
Chronobiology International
World Journal of Pediatrics
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Grant reviewer:
Australian Research Council
National Health and Medical Research Council
National Heart Foundation

Computer Software

Healthy Sleep for Healthy Schools  software in development

Industry Reports

1. Blunden, S. (2012). Inclusion of sleep into Australian Health and Physical Education Curricula: Submission to Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting board (ACARA): Draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education

2. Blunden S, Yagoot F, Yiallourou S, Magee C. (2018). Sleep health awareness in Indigenous primary school children and adolescents: Submission to the National Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport inquiry on Sleep Health Awareness in Australia

3. Blunden S, Rigney G. (2018). Sleep education in children and adolescents: Submission to the National Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport inquiry on Sleep Health Awareness in Australia

4. Blunden S, Yagoot F, Yiallourou S, Baddock S. (2019). Sleep health in Indigenous populations: Report submitted to the Australasian Sleep Association on behalf of the Indigenous Sleep Health Working Party. (submitted to Education Committee , Australasian Sleep Association)

Consultancy Work

Workcover SA
South Australian Defence Department
Parenting SA
Raising Children's Network

Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4504 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing
  • 5203 Clinical and health psychology
  • 4203 Health services and systems

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
No Supervisions to display.
Research Interests
Psychology And Cognitive Sciences

Psychology - Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology
Sleep and its impact of neuropsychological and psycho-social functioning

Psychology And Cognitive Sciences

Psychology - Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology
Indigenous health

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