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Dr. Manjo Oyson

PhD (Auck), LLM Hons (Auck), PG Cert Acad Prac (Auck), PG Cert Education (Massey), EMBA, BA; Solicitor (Queensland)/ Barrister and Solicitor (New Zealand)
Lecturer (Law Discipline)
School of Business and Law
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0468853567 Mobile Phone
About Me

Before joining the CQU Law Discipline as a continuing, full-time Law Lecturer in February 2014, I was a Lecturer (Academic Professional Development) in the CQUniversity Australia Learning and Teaching Services (LTS) providing learning and teaching support to university academic staff.

Although I enjoyed my role supporting fellow academics in learning and teaching, I also wanted a role that involved teaching university students and helping prepare them for future careers. This teaching role was something I had aimed for after completing a PhD at the University of Auckland in 2013, funded by a three-year MSA Charitable Trust PhD Scholarship and an Asia Emerging Researcher Grant from the Asia: New Zealand Foundation. I also worked as a University Tutor, Graduate Teaching Assistant, and Researcher at the University of Auckland for three years in the course of doing my PhD, and as a Lecturer at overseas universities, including the Cornell Institute of Business and Technology in Auckland, for over six years.

I completed a Master of Laws (Second Class First Division Honours) at the University of Auckland Faculty of Law and took courses in Climate Change Law, Comparative Company Law, International Commercial Law: Human Rights Dimension, and World Trade Organisation Dispute Resolution. I also have an Executive Master of Business Administration from the Asian Institute of Management and a PG Certificate in Academic Practice at the University of Auckland. I also have a PG Certificate in Education (specialising in E-Learning) at Massey University where I completed courses on Foundations of E-Learning and Trends in E-Learning.

I am a lawyer in three jurisdictions: Queensland, Australia; New Zealand; and the Philippines where I placed No. 17 among 3,921 Bar Examinees in the 1997 Philippine Bar Examinations whose passing percentage was 18.1%. I studied Law at the University of the Philippines-College of Law and my BA Political Science (Cum Laude/With Honors) at the University of the Philippines.

As part of my job, I also undertake research. At the moment, I am the Principal Investigator of a university funded research project (valued at $13,700) on "The Impact of Knowledge of Foreign Laws on Small Firm Internationalisation" in collaboration with Prof. Hugh Whittaker (University of Oxford) and Prof. Stephen Colbran (CQU Law Discipline Head) as co-investigators.

I have published in the Journal of International Entrepreneurship (a Quartile 1 Journal), The Law Teacher, Small Enterprise Research Journal and Acta Technica Corveniensis, and presented at the following international conferences: 2015 British Academy of Management Conference in Portsmouth, UK, 2016 Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy Conference hosted by the University of Sydney, 13th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, McGill University, Montreal, Canada; 8th Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 3rd International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, University of Novi Sad, Serbia; and 18th Annual High-Technology Small-Firm Conference, University of Twente, The Netherlands, and 2015 Teaching Workshop: Public Law in the Classroom, Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney.

Prior to life in the academe, I founded and managed at various times a number of businesses (magazine publishing, discount cards, furniture manufacturing and exporting, market research, and executive education) overseas for close to twenty years, while also practicing law for over ten years.

For my hobbies, I love to run and have completed marathons and half marathons. I have also completed triathlons and regularly go to the gym for fitness.

I maintain my professional profile at these sites:

Universities Worked At

University of Auckland (2008 - 2013)


2019        Scholarship of Learning and Teaching Grant ($28,367), Central Queensland University

New Staff Research Grant ($29,229), Central Queensland University
Doctoral Publication Award, University of Auckland Business School
2011 Faculty Fellowship in Academic Practice, University of Auckland
2010 Doctoral Fellow, McGill Conference on International Entrepreneurship Doctoral Colloquium
2010 Doctoral Publication Award, University of Auckland Business School
2010 Emerging Researcher Grant, Asia: New Zealand (Asia:NZ) Foundation
2010 MSA Charitable Trust Ph.D. Scholarship ($75,000), University of Auckland

Recent Research Projects
Understanding the Small Business Mindset in Queensland (32311)
From: 04/07/2023 to 15/12/2023
Grant: Government Tender (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Dept of Employment, Small Business and Training Request for Quote- 32311 Understanding the Small Business Mindset in Queensland
Total Funding: N/A
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4801 Commercial law
  • 3503 Business systems in context
  • 3507 Strategy, management and organisational behaviour

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
No Supervisions to display.
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