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Dr. Abdul Mazid

PhD in Mech Eng (Moscow State Technological University STANKIN, Moscow); MSc in Mech Eng (First Class Honors)- Six years integrated course (Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd)
Senior Lecturer - Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology
Centre for Railway Engineering, Centre for Regional Economies and Supply Chains
(03) 9616 0679
61-0421922440 Mobile Phone
120 Spencer Street - Room 3.09, Level 3
Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
About Me

It was long, long ago, when I was a third-year uni student, I went to visit a bearing manufacturing plant, with my class, under the guidance of Associate Prof Abashkin. At the last section of machining line of inner and outer races of bearings, where quality checking was happening, pointing to the surface roughness measuring set-up, I awfully asked Prof Abashkin what they were doing with these machines. There it started his great story of “surface roughness (Ra)” of machined products. If I summarise, it will sound like “All these surfaces that you see may look as smooth as mirror, you may see your image in it. But (!), but these surfaces are never that smooth as you imagine!” There is my starting, initially it made me to develop a comprehensive mathematical model and a hypothesis for life duration of bearings that are used for high-speed spindles of machine tools, Ra is a major factor in it. It happened, me to analyse and prove that no machine tools (whatever the accuracy it may possess) can produce 100% perfect surfaces by machining and by no other manufacturing processes. That and earlier specialisation in manufacturing led me to super-alloys machining phenomena for sustainability. These also prompted me to develop a third parameter for vibration measurement (Scattered energy of vibration). Later, while teaching Mechatronics Engineering at Monash University, depending on that simple “surface roughness” and “scattered energy of vibration”, I designed and developed an opto-tactile sensor for object recognition and intelligent robotic grasping. All these and others led me to automated machine control, automated manufacturing, and automated production systems in the new era. Currently, I am at the doorstep of IoT augmented manufacturing/production systems leading to Smart Manufacturing for sustainability, and that is my current passion.


Dr Mazid is a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, his specialised areas are Machine Tools Design, Manufacturing, and Industrial Automation. He has beyond 30 year of consistent teaching and research experience in wider areas of Mechanical, Manufacturing, Mechatronics, and Mining Engineering at tertiary levels at CQUniversity Australia, Monash University, Western Sydney University, and Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET).

Sustainable machining processes development for economic machining of superalloys (Ti-, Co-, and Ni-based alloys), high-speed machining, machine tools dynamics and intelligent robotic grasping are within his current research interest. Mazid’s main contribution to science is his hypothesis on vibration-based fatigue damage of high-speed spindle bearings using the method of scattered energy of vibrations. In his works mathematical models for estimation of scattered energy of vibrations of rotating systems has been developed. Total scattered energy of vibration is a proposed third parameter for vibration assessment in parallel to it’s amplitude and frequency. He has published more than 70 conference and journal papers and supervised a number of Masters and PhD students within the scope of his research projects.

Opto-tactile robotic sensor development based on the principle of scattered energy of vibration and applying it in intelligent manipulator design is another remarkable achievement.

Consultancy: During his long academic career Dr Mazid has helped (paid-unpaid) many industries (in Australia and overseas) with their problems, consultancy and providing expert opinion in court cases.

He is a strong believer of reverting machine manufacturing and engineering production industries in Australia again.




Universities Studied At

1985 - 1989:  PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Moscow State Technological University STANKIN, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Research area: Machine Tools Design and Dynamics, Metal Machining and Metal Working Processes.


1976 - 1982:  MSc in Mechanical Engineering (First Class Honours), Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russian Federation. (An integrated 6-year full-time course after HSC).

Specialisation: Manufacturing Technology, Metal-cutting Machine Tools, Jigs-Fixtures, Mechatronics and Automation.


Universities Worked At

  • CQUniversity (2008 - 2013; 2018 - till date), School of Engineering and Technology, College of Engineering and Aviation.  
  • Macquarie University, Deakin University, Federation University (all during 2014 - 2017), School of Engineering, School of Science, Engineering and BE, Gippsland School of Engineering and IT, respectively.
  • Monash University, (2001 - 2008), Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Western Sydney University (1997 - 2001), Mechatronics Engineering, School of Engineering, Design and Built Environment.
  • Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET) (1989 - 1997), Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  • Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Gazipur, Bangladesh (1989 - 1997) as a Casual Lecturer, Machine Tools, Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering System Design. 


  • USSR Govt merit scholarship for higher education (1976 - 1982) for studying MSc in Mechanical Engineering (6 year integrated program).
  • USSR Govt RHD scholarship (1985 - 1989) for studying PhD in Mechanical Engineering.

Media Citations

  • Media: EATP grant ($447k) (2023 - 2025) briefing: IoT and drone based mechatronics system for targeted and precision weed spraying in large farms. Two drones work together: drone 1 takes images of large farm, image processing system identifies the weeds, IoT system creates GPS location of individual weed, drone 2 mounted with mechatronics system, using GPS locations, sprays exactly required volume of herbicide on individual weed precisely.

Previous teaching

  • Monash University (2001 - 2008): Taught and developed 13 different units in Mechatronics Engineering, Design and Advanced Manufacturing Engineering. 
  • Western Sydney University (1997 - 2001): Taught Introduction to Mechatronics, Mechanical Design 1, and Mechanical Design 2.
  • Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET) (1989 - 1997): Taught Machine Tools Design 1 and 2, Manufacturing Processes, Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering System Design, Engineering Drawing, Materials Handling and Metrology.

Professional Experience

  • Bangladesh Machine Tools Factory, Gazipur, Bangladesh (1983 - 1984) as Mechanical Design Engineer (Product design and manufacturing processes design) 

Professional Memberships

  • Fellow (M1163750), Engineers Australia (EA)
  • Member (M2010010), Industrial Engineers Australia (IEA)
  • Member (M90468216), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Member, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES)
  • Ex-Member, ASME and Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)


  1. Member, Higher Education Academic Board (HEAB), Chisholm Higher Education Institution, Melbourne (Since March 2021 - till date)
  2. Elected Member, CQU Curriculum Committee (Feb 2023 - Jan 2025);
  3. Elected Member, CQU Education Strategy and Innovation Committee (ESICS) (Jan 2021 - Jan 2023)
  4. Federal Committee Councilor, Director and Education Committee Member, Industrial Engineers Australia (IEA) (Jan 2023 - Dec 2025)
  5. Mechatronics Team Leader, EATP Grant (2023 - 2025).

Unit Coordinator and Lead Lecturer of the following undergraduate and postgraduate units:

  • ENEM13018 Material and Manufacturing;
  • ENTM12006 Industrial Fluid Power;
  • ENEM28003 Fluid Power Engineering and Control;
  • ENEM13018 Maintenance Engineering.

Initiator and team leader of the following research groups at CQU:

  • IoT and drone based precision herbicide spraying intelligent mechatronics system;
  • Sustainable machining of super-alloys (Ti, Co, Ni-alloys);
  • Tactile sensors and Intelligent robotic grasping;
  • Biogas production & H2 extraction.

Supervision of RHD students: Currently supervising two research based Masters student and one Industry PhD; interested to supervise more PhD and Masters scholars.

Professional Interests

  • Industry consultancy in areas of Mining, Manufacturing, Design and Automation.
  • Interested in analysing and resolving industry court cases relevant to my expertise.
  • Interested in board membership of industrial companies and enterprises. 

Key Achievements

  1. A hypothesis on vibration based fatigue damage of rotational machine elements using own developed scattered energy of vibration.
  2. Proposed mathematical model of "Scattered Energy of Vibration" as a third parameter for vibration assessment along with Amplitude and Frequency of rotating bodies.
  3. Design and functional prototype of an opto-tactile sensor capable of slip detection in intelligent robotic grasping.
  4. Machining parameter optimisation method for sustainable machining.
  5. Model and a comprehensive equation for production cost calculation for machined parts.  
  6. Homebuilt PLC integrated pneumatic lab setup (for Fluid Power units) capable of running 7 different experiments simulating industrial automation processes. 

Computer Software

  • Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD CAM) - advanced manufacturing. 
  • SolidWorks for multi-spindle machine tools.
  • Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programming for CNC and multi-spindle machine tools.
  • CX-programmer for PLCs programming in industrial automation.
  • MATLAB, Simulink, Simscape, FluidSim.

Industry Reports

  • Technical report: Investigation and testing of friction parameters of dry and wet coal samples with the AFC (armoured face conveyor) top deck material (tempered cast steel plate, 450HB) using Jenike shear cell testing method for Joy Global Australia & Xstrata Coal (2013).
  • Design: Pit Ponies Pty Ltd - 2023: Mining equipment pin design (2013).
  • Research report: Performance testing and fatigue damage analysis of belt conveyor idler rollers of several manufacturers (Fenner Dunlop, Nepean, Sandvik, and Eu-Roller for GPC Gladstone (2010 -2012).
  • Research report: Belt conveyor idler roller condition monitoring and damage analysis for Gladstone Port Corporation (2012). 


  • Section Editor (since 2016), International Journal of Engineering Materials and Manufacture; Link:
  • Section Editor, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Science journal (Taylor Francis); Link:

Consultancy Work

· Joy Global Australia & Xstrata Coal: Investigation and testing of friction parameters of dry and wet coal samples with the AFC (armoured face conveyor) top deck material (tempered cast steel plate, 450HB) using Jenike shear cell testing method.

· Pit Ponies Pty Ltd.: Mining equipment pin design.

· Gladstone Port Corporation (GPC), in collaboration with GPC engineers I performed the following projects for the benefit of GPC during the period October 2010 – December 2012:

(a) Performance testing and fatigue damage analysis of idler rollers of various manufacturers such as Fenner Dunlop, Nepean, Sandvik, Eu-Roller;

(b) Belt conveyor idler roller condition monitoring and damage analysis;

· DEPCO Drilling: During the period 2008-2013, I helped with design improvement of deep drilling (mining) relevant devices, damage analysis of deep drilling equipment, product drawing certification and production processes for these devices for building relationship of CQU with local industries.

· Tropical Pineapple - automation of pineapple sorting and packaging processes.

· TURNA Bulk Solid Handling, Newcastle University: project - Belt conveyor idler roller damage analysis, fatigue testing;

· NRG Gladstone Power Station: In 2012, I initiated a project on Design & performances improvement of coal grinder, improvement of life durability of grinding hammers.

· Casalare Pasta Factory, Gippsland area: Automated pasta tray handling

· Levy Engineering, Gippsland area: (a) Elimination of butts left on one side of collars produced in a CNC parting off operation, (b) Automation of a slot milling process of spring installation tools (different sizes) to increase productivity.

· Overseas I performed the following consultancy works during my service at Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET):

(a) Tensile testing of bolts, studs, rods, eye-joints and other products for Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board (BREB) and construction steels for The Jamuna Bridge Project, Bangladesh (1992-1996).

(b) Galvanising-coating testing for the abovementioned BREB products (1992-1996).


Recent Research Projects
Australia-Bangladesh Collaboration in Bangladesh Energy and Power Sector's Infrastructure and Connectivity Development
From: 05/06/2023 to 29/11/2023
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Scheme: Dept of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) Australia Awards Fellowships 2023
Total Funding: $395,014.00
Artificial Intelligence driven internet of Drones for targeted weed spraying (EATP 038)
From: 28/11/2022 to 30/04/2025
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Scheme: Emerging Aviation Technology Partnerships Program: Round One
Total Funding: $447,607.00
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4017 Mechanical Engineering
  • 4014 Manufacturing Engineering
  • 4007 Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy (Industry)
Optimal machining processes development for Co-alloy Stellite 6 to enhance wear resistance
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
Sustainable machining parameters development for Ti-alloys using carbide cutting tools and chip morphology study
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
An Innovative Design of a Cost-effective Wearable Exoskeleton Limb
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
Analysis of Domestic Energy Management in Victoria
Associate Supervisor
Master of Research
Sustainable machining parameters development for Ti-alloys using carbide cutting tools and chip morphology study
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
An Innovative Design of a Cost-effective Wearable Exoskeleton Limb
Principal Supervisor
Master of Engineering
A Comparative Study on Biogas Production from Food Waste using Aspen Plus and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Associate Supervisor
Master of Research
An Innovative Design of a Cost-effective Wearable Exoskeleton Limb
Principal Supervisor
Master of Engineering
A Comparative Study on Biogas Production from Food Waste using Aspen Plus and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Associate Supervisor
Complete Supervision
Master of Engineering
A Comparative Study on Biogas Production from Food Waste using Aspen Plus and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Associate Supervisor
Master of Engineering
Optimisation of Machining Processes Design for Stellite 6, a Wear Resistant and Difficult-to-Machine Material
Principal Supervisor
Master of Engineering
Use of Single Impact to Understand Attrition of Alumina Particles
Principal Supervisor
Research Interests

Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics - Automation engineering
Mechatronic system design for targeted herbicide spraying. This project involves image capturing of weeds in large farms using cameras mounted on flying drone, then GPS location creation by processing imagery data. Spraying drone/s equipped with intelligent spraying system will spray estimated amount of herbicide only on detected weeds accurately and precisely.


Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics - Autonomous vehicle systems
Drone navigation, use GPS location coding to switch on a mechatronics machine


Manufacturing Engineering - Machine Tools
High-speed spindle design for machine tools. Vibration based fatigue damage: Developed a hypothesis that, the fatigue damage of machine tools spindle bearings is initiated by the effect of scattered energy of spindle vibration.


Manufacturing Engineering - Machining
Sustainable machining of difficult-to-machine materials, high-speed metal machining: Optimal machining regime development for Ti-alloys and Cobalt and Nickel base alloys for biomedical and aerospace applications and other machine building purposes.


Manufacturing Engineering - Manufacturing Robotics and Mechatronics (excl. Automotive Mechatronics)
Mechatronics - Unknown object recognition and intelligent robotic grasping: grasping force estimation for robotic grippers by slip detection using tactile sensors / opto-tactile sensor, applicable for mobile robots, robots for intelligent tasks, age-care and domestic robots, robot-miners, and for horticulture applications.

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