Dr. Haylee Fox is a postdoctoral health systems, services and policy researcher in the School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences, Townsville. Haylee has 10 years of experience in research and evaluation in both government and non-government organisations. Her work has predominantly been in maternal health and sexual health. Haylee is passionate about improving access and quality of care for vulnerable population groups. She has previously worked closely alongside industry partners to ensure that her research findings are used to improve care for underserved populations. Her thesis, titled 'Medicalised childbirth: variation in care and drivers of maternal health provision in Queensland Australia' (2021) has been used to inform Queensland Health's 'Normal Birth' clinical guidelines and a recent health services evaluation 'The North Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sexually Transmissible Infections Action Plan 2016-2021: a synthesis of learnings' is being used by Queensland Health to inform policy and practice for Sexually Transmissible Infections prevention and response in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations in North Queensland. In her current role, she is part of a team exploring the experiences of seasonal workers accessing hepatitis B health services in regional Queensland.
Bachelor of Nursing - University of Ballarat, 2009.
Master of Public Health - Monash University, 2016.
Primary Healthcare in Jamkhed, India - University of Melbourne, 2015.
Graduate Certificate of Research Methods - James Cook University, 2017.
Doctor of Philosophy (public health) - James Cook University, 2021.
James Cook University (2016-2018 and 2022).
Griffith University (2018-2019)
Central Queensland University (2022-current)
Call for parental leave changes to ease burden for mums of premmie babies (smh.com.au)
North Queensland Primary Health Network Performance Framework, 2017.
The North Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sexually Transmissible Infections Action Plan: synthesis of learnings, 2022.
The North Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sexually Transmissible Infections Action Plan: Epidemiological report, 2022.
Epidemiology - Social epidemiology
Health services and systems - Health systems
Health services and systems - Rural and remote health services
Public health - Health equity
Public health - Social determinants of health