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Professor Jan Pascal

B.Ed, BSW (Hons), Ph.D
Professor of Social Work
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences
First Nations Academy
About Me

I am the Professor of Social Work, within the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences.  I am committed to social justice, improving rural and remote psychosocial and health outcomes, and developing curriculum and research projects that reflect my commitments to ethical practice. 


I am an experienced academic, both an active researcher and lecturer in social work and public health, and have worked in Australia and the UK universities for approximately 17 years. My background includes teaching, research, publications, and postgraduate supervision. For my full research and publication profile please see my Google Scholar account.

Universities Studied At

University of Melbourne (then Melbourne State College): B.Ed

La Trobe University, Bendigo campus: BSW (Hons), Ph.D

Universities Worked At

La Trobe University ( Bendigo, Australia)

Bishop Grosseteste University (Lincoln, UK)

Keele University (Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK)

Central Queensland University (Rockhampton, Australia)

Previous teaching

Postgraduate research methods, undergraduate research methods, statistics, epidemiology, individual and social determinants of health, communication and counselling skills, casework, social policy, integrating theory and social work practice, Field Education, and postgraduate supervision.

Professional Experience

Generalist counsellor in health care settings; Drug and Alcohol counsellor in health care settings. 

Professional Memberships

Across my career as I have been a member of the following professional associations:

AASW: Australian Association of Social Workers  (eligible)

OSWA: Oncology Social Work Australia

RSWAG: Rural Social Work Action Group

HCPC: Registered social worker in the UK (now Social Work England: eligible)

BOSW: British Oncology Social Work


As Professor of Social Work, I am primarily responsible for ensuring that undergraduate and postgraduate students experience a high quality learning environment.  Equally, I am responsible for the ethical and innovative conduct of research; developing research capacity and income generation; community partnerships; as well as supervision of Master's and Ph.D candidates. 

Professional Interests

Oncology social work; psychosocial health and wellbeing; cross-cultural practice; working with First Nations communities; rural and regional health care systems; social inequities; social work practice in multidisciplinary settings; health policy.

Key Achievements

Completion of Ph.D whilst raising a family

Leadership of Social Work, and Health and Social Care programs, in the UK and Australia

International publications and collaborations

Mentoring Ph.D students and ECRs

Nomination for teaching awards

Attending graduation ceremonies for the next generation of social work and public health practitioners and researchers

Recent Research Projects
RTP-Indigenous Scholarship, commencing 2021
From: 15/09/2021 to 20/09/2024
Grant: Scholarship (Not Specified )
Funding Schemes: RTP-Indigenous Award (living allowance/stipend), Commencing 2021
Total Funding: N/A
Destination Australia Scholarship, commencing 2021
From: 07/05/2021 to 06/05/2024
Grant: Scholarship (Not Specified )
Funding Schemes: Destination Australia Scholarship - Commonwealth/CQU Funded, Commencing 2021
Total Funding: N/A
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4409 Social Work
  • 4203 Health services and systems
  • 4505 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, society and community
  • 4206 Public health

Current Capacity
I am currently available to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Doctor of Philosophy (Industry)
An exploration of the Lived Experiences of Domestic and Family Violence, Trauma and Cultural Healing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Working together with Torres Strait Islander People: Understanding the practice of professional helping in Torres Strait culture.
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Wounded Hearts - Healing Hands: The relationality of grief and loss counselling by Social Workers with Aboriginal healing practices in the communities of Woorabinda and Palm Island
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
How do young adults in Australia experience a recent diagnosis of epilepsy and navigate its influence on various areas of their lives, including identity, relationships, employment and education?
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests
Human Society

Development studies - Poverty, inclusivity and wellbeing

Indigenous Studies

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health promotion

Medical And Health Sciences

Public Health and Health Services - Health and Community Services
Psycho social cancer care

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