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Professor Corneel Vandelanotte

- Doctor in Physical Education, Ghent University, Belgium, 2004 - Master in Physical Education, Ghent University, Belgium, 1999- Bachelor in Physical Education, Ghent University, Belgium, 1997
Professorial Research Fellow
Appleton Institute
Appleton Institute
Rockhampton North
Building 07 - Lower Ground room 33
CQUniversity Rockhampton
About Me

I lead the Physical Activity Research Group and the 10,000 Steps program at the Central Queensland University. In 2004, I completed my PhD in Physical Education at the Ghent University in Belgium. In 2005, I started working at the University of Queensland and I moved to the Central Queensland University in 2009.

My research takes a population-based approach to health behaviour change and is focused on the development and evaluation of innovative and web, app, tracker, computer-tailored and machine learning based physical activity interventions.

 I am an author on 286 peer-reviewed journal publications. My work has been cited over 11,000 times according to Scopus (h-index = 49) and over 19,000 times according to Google Scholar (h-index = 68). A bibliometric analysis (Muller et al, JMIR, 2018), shows that I am the most published author and the 3rd most cited author worldwide in the area of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and diet related e- & mHealth research. In 2022 I was named a “Highly Cited Researcher” (top 0.1% of my field) by Clarivate (i.e., Web of Science).

I have been awarded over $16 million of competitive research money and have received 3 prestigious research fellowships from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC, Post-doctoral fellowship), the National Heart Foundation of Australia (NHF, Future Leader Fellowship), and the Australian Research Council (ARC, Future Fellowship). I have also secured 3 NHMRC Project Grants, 1 NHMRC Ideas Grant, 1 MRFF Cardiovascular Health Mission Grant, 2 ARC Discovery Projects and 2 NHF Vanguard Grants.

I lead the world renowned 10,000 Steps Australia program (, which has attracted over 635,000 members, 20,000 organisations and over 375 billion steps logged on our website & app.

I am a Founding Executive Committee member and Chair of the Abstract Committee for the Asia-Pacific Society for Physical Activity. I am the Founding Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviours (hosted by BioMed Central – Springer-Nature). I am the Founding and Past Chair of the e- & mHealth Special Interest Group in the International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) which has over 550 members from more than 40 countries.

I have received awards to recognise research excellence (e.g., NHF Award for most innovative Vanguard Grant, the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research, the ISBNPA Commendation for Research Excellence, Queensland Young Tall Poppy,) and delivered 43 invited presentations (8 keynotes).

(Updated: 16/11/2023)

Universities Studied At





2000- 2004 Doctor in Physical Education

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Movement and Health Science

Ghent University, Belgium


1997 - 1999 Master in Physical Education

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Movement and Health Science

Ghent University, Belgium


1995 - 1997 Bachelor in Physical Education

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Movement and Health Science

Ghent University, Belgium


· In 2021, I received the National Heart Foundation’s Ross Hohnen Award for Research Excellence to recognise the most outstanding and innovative Vanguard Grant application (this award is valued as $10,000).

· In 2021, I was awarded a Future Fellowship by the Australian Research Council.


· In 2020, I received the CQUniversity’s Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Researchers (Category: Excellence in Research for researchers who have had their PhD’s more than 10 years).


· In 2020, I received a ‘High Commendation’ for the Community Engagement Award as part of the 9th annual Association for Tertiary Education Management Conference. We received the Commendation for the conceptualisation and implementation of the 10,000 Steps Billion Steps Challenge in response to the COVID crisis in May 2020.


· In 2020, I received the School of Health, Medical and Applied Science (CQUniversity) Deans’ Award for Outstanding Researchers (Category: Excellence in Research for researchers who have had their PhD’s more than 10 years).


· In 2020, I was part of the team that received the ISBNPA Commendation for Research Excellence for the work accomplished with the Active Team program of research. This award is provided to a specific research project that exemplify ISBNPA values of research excellence and collaboration. Team members were: Carol Maher, Ron Plotnikoff, Corneel Vandelanotte, Tim Olds, Sarah Edney, Celine Northcott, Rachel Curtis, Jillian Ryan, Ilea Sanders, and Svetlana Bogomolova.


· In 2019, I received, as co-author, the award for Best e- & mHealth Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity 4-7 Jun, Prague, Czech Republic, for this oral presentation: Rayward A, RC Plotnikoff, B Murawski, C Vandelanotte, WJ Brown, EG Holliday, MJ Duncan. Efficacy of an m-health physical activity and sleep intervention to improve sleep quality in middle-aged adults: The Refresh Study randomized controlled trial.


· In 2019, I received the award for Most Cited Review Paper by the International Journal for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity for this highly cited systematic review: Schoeppe et al. (2016). Efficacy of interventions that use apps to improve diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour: A systematic review IJBNPA, 13:127.


· In 2019, I was awarded a High Impact Award by the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour for this highly cited article: Vandelanotte C, et al. (2016). Past, present and future of e- & mHealth research to improve physical activity and dietary behaviors. J Nutr Edu Behavior, 48(3):219-228.


· In 2015, I was awarded a Future Leader Fellowship by the National Heart Foundation of Australia


· In 2013, I received the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Researcher – Mid Career, Central Queensland University. The award consisted of $5,000.


· In 2012, I received the CQUniversity OPAL award in the category ‘Engaged Research and Innovation’, through the nomination of the 10,000 Steps Australia project. 


· In 2011, I received a Queensland Young Tall Poppy Science Award from the Australian Institute of Policy and Science for outstanding achievements in the area of scientific research and communication.


· In 2009, I was awarded a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship by both the National Heart Foundation of Australia and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia

· In 2005, I received the Australian Sports Medicine Federation Fellows Award at the 13-16 October Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport in Melbourne for ‘Best Young Investigator – Health Promotion’. 


  • I lead the Physical Activity Research Group
  • I lead the 10,000 Steps Australia Project
  • I supervise 7 academic staff, 5 project staff and 6 Research Higher Degree Students

Professional Interests

  • Investigating population health approaches to improving health behaviours (e.g., physical activity, sitting time, diet, sleep)
  • Investigating e- & mHealth-based approaches to improving health (e.g., websites, smartphone apps, trackers, computer-tailoring, machine learning)
  • Improving health in different settings (e.g., online, workplaces, schools)
  • Improving health in special populations (e.g., cancer survivors, depressive symptoms, old age, adolescents, children)
  • Development, evaluation, implementation, adoption and dissemination of behaviour change interventions
  • Alternative uses of innovative information technology to deliver health behaviour change interventions.

Recent Research Projects
Dissemination and update evaluation of the 10,000 Steps program in Queensland
From: 01/07/2021 to 30/06/2025
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Contract Research - Health and Wellbeing Queensland - 10,000 Steps Program 2021-2025
Total Funding: $1,494,000.00
Dissemination and uptake evaluation of the 10,000 Steps program in South Australia (2021-2024)
From: 07/05/2021 to 30/06/2024
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Wellbeing South Australia
Total Funding: $785,371.00
Just right job design: A new model using the Goldilocks paradigm (DP200103570)
From: 01/10/2020 to 01/10/2024
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 1: Aust Competitive Grant)
Funding Schemes: ARC Discovery Projects (DP20) for funding commencing 2020; CQU Contribution
Total Funding: $515,105.00
Sleepy and sitting: a dual curse for the modern workforce? (DP190101130)
From: 01/01/2019 to 30/06/2023
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 1: Aust Competitive Grant)
Funding Schemes: ARC Discovery Projects (DP19) for funding commencing 2019
Total Funding: $626,825.00
Billion Steps Challenge - South Australia
From: 21/08/2020 to 30/06/2021
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Wellbeing South Australia
Total Funding: $63,636.36
10,000 Steps Service Agreement 2020-2021 (2020-21.3427.001)
From: 01/07/2020 to 30/06/2021
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Queensland Health
Total Funding: $280,000.00
Research and Feasibility Study into the redevelopment of Old Blackall Hospital
From: 29/07/2019 to 31/10/2021
Grant: Contract Research (Category 3: Industry and Other)
Funding Schemes: Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (Queensland Section) Limited
Total Funding: $650,000.00
10,000 Steps Program
From: 01/07/2019 to 30/06/2020
Grant: Contract Research (Category 2: Other Public Sector)
Funding Schemes: Queensland Health
Total Funding: $280,000.00
10,000 Steps Program 2016-2019 Service Agreement - Project ID 71487
From: 01/07/2016 to 30/06/2019
Grant: Contract Research (Public)
Funding Schemes: Queensland Health
Total Funding: $840,000.00
GNT1080186 - Active Team-Examining an online social networking intervention to increase physical activity in controlled (RCT) and ecological (ECT) settings
From: 01/08/2015 to 31/07/2019
Grant: Competitive Grant (ACGR)
Funding Schemes: NHMRC Project Grants, for funding commencing in 2015; Sub Contract - Uni of South Australia
Total Funding: $780,673.50
Evaluating innovative web- and smart phone-based interventions to improve health in large populations
From: 01/07/2015 to 30/06/2019
Grant: Competitive Grant (Category 1: Aust Competitive Grant)
Funding Schemes: Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellowship 2015
Total Funding: $640,000.00
10,000 Steps Program
From: 01/10/2013 to 30/06/2016
Grant: Contract Research (Public)
Funding Schemes: Queensland Health
Total Funding: $1,222,500.00
Increasing physical activity at a population level using an innovative web-based intervention-GNT1049369
From: 01/04/2013 to 31/12/2017
Grant: Competitive Grant (ACGR)
Funding Schemes: NHMRC Project Grants, for funding commencing in 2013
Total Funding: $697,086.00
Research Supervision

I am currently accredited for supervision in the following:

  • 4206 Public health

Current Capacity
I am currently unavailable to supervise more research candidates
Current Supervision
Master of Research
Analysis of website usage statistics to assess engagement with and effectiveness of a computer-tailored physical activity intervention in a 3-group RCT
Principal Supervisor
Master of Research
Barriers to salt reduction and attitudes towards online interventions to reduce salt intake in Australian adults with high blood pressure
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
The impact of an exercise program on social cognition, psychosocial wellbeing, and physical health in people with traumatic brain injury
Associate Supervisor
Master of Research
Medication Adherence and its associated factors among people with Type 2 Diabetes in Nepal
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Health Economic Evaluation of Lifestyle Intervention for Type 2 Diabetes Management in Nepal: A Randomised Control Trial
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
The evaluation of technology delivered fall prevention programs for community-dwelling older people
Principal Supervisor
Complete Supervision
Master of Health Science
The effectiveness of the 10,000 Steps Workplace Challenge to increase physical activity
Associate Supervisor
Master of Health Science
Assessing experiences, perceptions and satisfaction of adult patients using smart phone technology to improve Type 1 Diabetes self-management.
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
The Effcetiveness of self-management application for an electronic portable device designed for adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes.
Principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy
Internet Delivered Physical Acitivity Interventions for Primary and Secondary Prevention: Increasing Website Usage and Improving Behaviour Change Outcomes.
Associate Supervisor
Research Interests
Health Sciences

Public health - Health Counselling
e- & mHealth, websites, smartphone apps, computer-tailoring, machine learning

Health Sciences

Public health - Health Promotion
Physical Activity, Sedentary behaviour, diet and health

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